
Chapter 121 Counter Killing a Soul King Level Expert_1

Translator: 549690339

Two Thirty Thousand Year Thousand Catties Ants!

Upon hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran also felt the pressure.

"No, this isn't right. Such powerful soul beasts shouldn't be active in this area."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice was filled with confusion.

"Indeed, they shouldn't. The more powerful the soul beast, the closer they usually are to the heart of the Aquipeia Forest."

"But what if they were lured here by someone? Then everything would make sense."

Zhao Wuji's voice sounded, "I won't hide it from you; ever since we left Blue Tyrant Academy, I've had the feeling we were being watched. I've been trying to draw the watcher out, but I haven't been able to spot them. It seems they can't hold back anymore and are ready to make their move."

"That's right, if they don't act now, we'll soon leave the Aquipeia Forest, and they'll have even fewer chances."

Zhao Wuji's brows furrowed; could it be one of Old Zhao's enemies?

No matter what, anyone brave enough to make a move against him was certainly not weak, and he had to be fully alert.

Zhu Zhuqing asked in a serious voice, "Teacher Zhao, what do we do now?"

"I alone would have some difficulty handling these two creatures. You and Meng Yiran should leave first. It's very possible they are targeting me. If the person hiding in the dark appears at the right moment, I might not be able to look after you."

Zhao Wuji made a quick decision.


At Zhao Wuji's words, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran nodded in agreement.

Both were well aware that although their abilities couldn't be judged by normal standards, they were still not qualified to intervene in a combat of Soul Saint level.

Staying here, they might become a burden and constrain Zhao Wuji.

"Stay close to me, I'll break through our path back!"

"Martial Soul True Body!"

Zhao Wuji's last words were almost a roar.

In the view of Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, a strong earthy yellow light shone from Zhao Wuji's body. Immediately after, a Great Strength King Kong Bear, over three meters tall, charged towards the Thousand Catties Ant behind them.

The Thousand Catties Ant, not to be outdone, roared and charged at Zhao Wuji.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Thousand Catties Ant and Zhao Wuji quickly clashed, and one after another, trees thick enough for two to embrace were broken in an instant.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

On the other side, another Thousand Catties Ant roared and sprang into action.

Its intention was clear – it wanted to join the battle.


Zhao Wuji's shout echoed in the field.

In reality, Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran were much faster than Zhao Wuji.

As he cried out, the two had already broken free from the circle of combat.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wuji couldn't help but mutter to himself, "I thought they would insist on staying."


After a long time,

Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran raced towards the edge of the forest, now several miles away from where Zhao Wuji's battle was taking place.

"Zhu Qing, we should be safe now."

Meng Yiran said, still shaken, "Let's get out of the forest first and wait on the outskirts. I believe in Teacher Zhao's strength. Even if he doesn't defeat the two Thirty Thousand Year Thousand Catties Ants, escaping shouldn't be difficult."

On Zhu Zhuqing's face, however, there was no sign of relief, "It's just, we don't know who the person Teacher Zhao mentioned, hiding in the dark, is."

"Hahaha, heaven has a path that you didn't take; hell has no door yet you barged in."

Suddenly, a somewhat shrill laughter echoed through the forest.

"Who is skulking around?"

Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran's pretty faces immediately turned tense with anxiety.

The voice was somewhat familiar, but also somewhat foreign.

"Zhu Zhuqing, how long has it been since we last met that you no longer recognize me?"

"It's me, your fiancé, Dai Mubai!"

A teasing voice rang out again, and a figure stepped out from behind a huge tree not far in front of the two girls.

Both women's gaze instantly sharpened – if not Dai Mubai, then who could it be?

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful face was shrouded in frost as she spoke coldly, "Dai Mubai, you really are pervasive. I let you go last time, and you still dare to show up before me?"

"Haha, what don't I dare? I am a prince of the Time-Star Luo Empire; who can do anything to me?"

Dai Mubai laughed heartily, "Zhao Wuji is no longer with you; now, no one can protect you."

He was very pleased with himself.

"So, the abnormal feeling Teacher Zhao sensed, the feeling that someone was tracking us, it was your arrangement?"

Meng Yiran's eyes flashed with an epiphany.


Dai Mubai nodded in satisfaction, "Of course, it wasn't possible to pull off such a big move alone; I owe a lot to the help of my good brothers. Brothers, come on out."

Following his words, two more figures stepped out from the shadow.

One of them couldn't stop ogling Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran, "Heh heh, no wonder Dai Shao can't stop thinking about these two chicks, they really are quite attractive."

"Yeah, just looking at them gets me excited,"

The other one licked his lips eagerly.

Murder flashed in the eyes of Zhu Zhuqing and Meng Yiran.

Meanwhile, Dai Mubai's face showed an eager look, "Brothers, we had an agreement before, you get the money, and I get the girls."

"Hahaha, Dai Shao, don't worry, we brothers are just talking to sate our cravings,"

The two laughed together.

Dai Mubai's face turned an unpleasant shade, resembling a liver.

"Big brother, let's just make our move and capture them first,"