

after talking with Dawn, flora started getting ready for work. she took a quick shower and get dressed into black pants with white high neck body fit T-shirt and black blazer. paired it with red heels of three inches which made her look even taller then she already is. she tied her long hair into a high ponytail.

her naturally beautiful face doesn't need any makeup and she too doesn't like applying anything on her face except lipstick and eye liner. so she just applied a red shade lipstick and a thin eye liner. for accessories she chose a single diamond pendent matching it with small diamond earrings and lastly a few sprays of her usual floral perfume and she's done.

she stand in front of the mirror and took a last look at herself and nodded with satisfaction. she turned around to see heaven looking at her so she raise her brows asking her if she's looking ok. She smiled when heaven give her double thumbs up.

" sweetie I have some important work at restaurant so I have to go. Its sunday so nanny Ella won't be coming today. and i can't leave you here alone so you have to come with me okey?." She asked picking her up.

"ok mommy"

" good girl!.. now let's go " She said kissing her cheek.she picked her car keys, cell phone and hand bag and walked towards the entrance. the guards standing outside bowed their head when they saw her coming out of the villa. she smiled at them and moved towards the parking area. she decided to take out her favourite Black Lamborghini Veneno. It was the first car she purchased with her own hard earned money.

" Good morning your highness and young miss. " said the driver who was standing beside the car.

" Good morning John.. but please don't call me your highness...either call me boss or madam alright?. "

" alright madam. as you wish. " he replied bowing his head again. He sat on the driver seat and flora carefully place heaven on the back seat and sit beside her. Than she tell the driver to drive the car.

Heaven was enjoying the view through the car's window. Her curious eyes observing everything that's happening around her.


after twenty minutes of drive they reached their destination. In front of them is a huge seven storey building made of glass and white marble surrounded by the large garden with beautiful trees, flowers, floral vines . small plants and fountains. there's also swings and slides for kids on the right side of the garden. this is flora' multi cuisine restaurant " heaven's Menu" named after her daughter heaven.

It has seven floors. first floor is designed as a cafe where people can sit and enjoy coffee, snacks and other beverages. second floor is the dining area where people can eat their meals while enjoying the nature inspired artistic interior decor. third floor is the private area for the people who wants to dine in private or those who are on dates with their partners. fourth floor is a bit different from the rest of the floors and holds a special place in flora's heart. This place is a home of 12 puppies, 10 kittens , 6 dogs and 8 cats all rescued by flora. flora really loves the animals and often felt bad whenever she saw stray animals. so she created this place for the kids and people who likes animals and named it " sunshine zone" here they can play with them, feed them, and even adopt them if they deemed worthy of raising a pet.

at night all the pets were sent to the little paws NGO who takes care of homeless animals. and they were brought back in the morning.

fifth floor is VIP/VVIP section for the "Richy-Rich" kind of the people and the other celebrities and important persons.

Sixth floor is banquet Hall/party hall designed to hold parties and big Functions.

and on the seventh floor is her private office and penthouse.

it has reasonable prices and variety of cuisines and best quality food made by the most talented chefs. with rates suitable for everyone from rich to poor. and that is one of the biggest reason of the success of this place.

Afterparking the car in the parking area, john get down from the car and opened the door for flora to come out. flora thanked John and helped heaven to get out. she picked her up in her arms and started walking towards the private elevator. she entered and pressed the button to the seventh floor.

after exiting the elevator she walked her way towards the office. she pushed the door open and entered her cabin when she saw Dawn already present there waiting for her.

dawn stood up and greet her boss as soon as she saw her entering. then her eyes landed on the cute little human beside her boss." good afternoon young miss... glad to see you again " she said giving her a bright smile.

" good afternoon aunt Dawn... heaven missed you too" heaven replied sounding as sweet as she herself is.

" Dawn have you did what I told you to do? " flora asked taking her place on her chair.

" yes boss! I've arranged all the important files and documents on your desk and also called in blossom foundation and informed them about the change in meeting timings and apologized for the sudden change and thankfully they agreed to do a meeting with us 9:00 am tomorrow morning. and also!... I've booked two tickets of the flight to country A. window seat, business class, just like you prefer. and your flight will take off tomorrow night 11:00pm... here are the tickets boss. "

" good job Dawn... we have a long day ahead but before that can you please take heaven to the forth floor (sunshine zone) . I'm sure she is excited to meet her animal friends. " she said taking a look at heaven's face which lit up upon the mention of pets.

" sure boss.. shall we young miss?. " she asked holding out her hand which the little girl gladly hold it with her little hands.

" have fun honey... but be careful and don't wander around okey... I'll see you at lunch time. "

" okey mommy I won't " she said waving her goodbye.

Dawn took her to forth floor and after making sure that she is ok she returned back to the office. she knocked on the door and entered after getting a permission and saw her boss talking with the restaurant staff and chefs. soon after dismissing the staff they begin working on some other important things and immersed themselves completely into their work.

TIME SKIP... ( 8:30pm)

Dawn sighed!!.. closing a file and look at her boss who's still busy reading a document. they are working nonstop since 12:00am and only took a little lunch break which she was sure her boss would have skipped if not for young miss. after eating their lunch and and feeding heaven they quickly resumed their work.

" Hahh!!!....finally we have completed most of the important work. rest we'll do tomorrow. let's wrap this up"

" alright boss!" dawn replied arranging the file in order.

" Dawn.. you've worked with me for almost three years, I've seen your growth and capability. I believe you can manage this place in my absence. I'm placing my trust in you. it might take me a month or two to return back... so I want a responsible person to take charge of this place... I hope you know how important this place is for me... so take good care of it and send me a weekly report on my phone. its time for you to show me your true strength and dedication. now think carefully and answer me... can I place my trust in you? "

dawn get overwhelmed by the amount of trust her boss placed in her capabilities. she had worked day and night tirelessly to be where she is now, all thanks to flora's guidance and training. she will forever be grateful of her for accepting a rookie like her and helping her in every step. she took a deep breath and composed herself before answering..

" thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself boss.. I promise I won't let you down. " she said with confidence in her voice and determination in her eyes... exactly what flora wanted to see in her.

" good! I'll believe your words for now because I liked your confidence.... now wrap this up while I'll bring heaven.. she's sleeping inside. "

flora opened the secret door attached to her office and entered into the penthouse. she moved towards the bedroom and slowly opened the door and saw heaven sleeping on the bed holding her favourite bunny plushie. she sat beside her and gently kissed on her forehead while caressing her head.

she felt bad for not giving heaven enough of her time but she could not do anything about it. thankfully her baby is so smart and mature than the other children of her age. she never throws tantrums or complains about little things like other kids. sometimes she wish for her baby to act more childish!... to be more free and happy.

What is her fault?, why would she bear the consequences of her cursed destiny?. It's her cursed luck that she couldn't gave her a complete family... she sometimes thinks that she failed as a mother. " my sweet baby I promise I'll try my best to not let you feel the need of a father figure and will always protect you even with the cost of my life. I'll never let you go through all that pain which I've been through. " she took a deep breath and tried to shake those negative thoughts off her mind... but her rebellious mind is not ready to listen no matter how hard she tried. her hands turned sweaty and started shaking and the waterfall of tears started flowing from her eyes as the memories of that dreadful night started swarming around her eyes engulfing her into the darkness of her past.

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