1 Angel

"Liam wake up it's time for school!" She picked me up and started shaking me around. All I can feel is my brain moving back and forth hitting my skull.

"Ughhh... I'm up!!" I shouted. Luna then dropped me on my bed and I got up dizzy. Luna opened the curtains and the light illuminated my whole room. It was so bright. It was also a Monday. The worst day of the week for anybody. I got my uniform and got dressed.

"Liam don't forget your breakfast! I made blueberry pancakes and waffles for you!!" Luna said holding a spatula and powder all over her.

I don't really eat in the mornings because I'll be late for school but when I do I kinda don't regret it since Luna has amazing cooking skills. I mean she IS a guardian angel... My guardian angel... "No thanks Luna you can eat it, I'm gonna go so I don't be late. Bye!" I opened the door.

"But I made all this for you...!" Luna pouted.

"No one told you to." I then left and closed the door behind me.

I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think this day is going to be a good one...

(At school)

I opened my locker and started getting my stuff for 1st period. I hate having Algebra first thing in the morning. After closing my locker I hear my best friend Selena calling out to me.

"Liam!!" Selena catches up to me. "So have you studied for that test 1st period?" Selena asked.

Thinking about what I said a while ago, I change my mind. I think this day is going to be a bad one. I didn't study at all and math tests are annoying. "Oh my- No... I forgot to study..." I replied.

"Well don't worry. If you fail, we both fail 'cuz I forgot to study too." Selena smiled at me. I was kinda shocked because Selena always studies for her tests.

Ding! Dong! The bell rung. Me and Selena started walking to our class together.

(After school)

"I knew I was going to fail that test. I got a 0 percent!" I was so frustrated. Selena was by my side and she patted my back.

"Hey at least we failed together." Selena said.

"Yeah but you got a 55 percent..." There was an awkward silence between us.

"Well I gotta catch me bus, see you tomorrow!" Selena ran off.

I then walked to the exit of the campus and took out my headphones. I plugged them in my phone and played my music until she shows up.

A couple minutes pass by and then I get shoved out of no where. It must be him again. I turned around and I was write. It was Joey. "Joey what do you want now...?"

He snickered and grabbed my collar and held me up to him. "I'm just here to remind you what a garbage piece of human you are that's all." Joey pushed to the concrete pillar and walked away.

I lightly dusted my clothes and put my headphones back on and kept waiting. More minutes passed and Luna finally came.

"Wow took you long enough." I said to her.

"Sorry I kinda forgot the time to pick you up. Well anyways let's go." She held out her hand and I grabbed it. We both began to float and after that we were in the air flying towards my house. I don't think there's a better feeling than flying home from school...

When we were halfway to home all of a sudden Luna started to fly even faster. "Luna what's wrong? Why did you pick up the pace all of a sudden...?" I asked.

Luna didn't look at me. "No... Not now... One of them are here. I have to... HURRY!" She sped up too fast and I couldn't hold on to her hand any longer. "Luna... Luna... LUNA! I'm slipping-" my hand slipped away from hers. I plummeted down. Adrenaline rushed through my body I was gonna die...!

Then someone caught me and we landed safely on grass. "What's wrong with you Luna- Luna...?" It wasn't Luna. It was someone else. She looked scary.

"You're welcome... Now give me that heart of yours!" She placed her palm on my chest and I started feeling a sharp and painful feeling. I started losing my energy. I looked down at her hand and I could see an orb of light slowly getting pulled out my chest. My vision started to go blurry and everything felt cold.

"Krystal!! Get away from him!!!" Just in time Luna swept in and snatched me away from that woman. The light automatically went back in my chest and I started gasping for air. It's like I was going to die.

"Oh my God Liam are you okay. I'm so sorry that happened. I almost let you get killed!" Luna was apologizing to me.

I didn't know what in the world was happening so I really didn't think much of it, but I did have questions. "It's fine Luna... But who is she and what just happened?!"

"She's one of the great demons of the underworld. The demons have been after the heart of pure light for ages. If they get it they can fulfil any wish and they want to use it to rule Heaven. That's why I have to protect you." Luna explained. There were some missing pieces, but I didn't ask because that demon Krystal was still after me.

Luna put me down and she summoned her staff.

"Stay here. Don't worry I'll keep you safe..." She moved forward toward Krystal.

"What is a one guardian angel going to do? I'll tear you up till there's nothing left!" Krystal said.

"You haven't seen what I'm capable of yet...!"
