
Life 8: Killing The Devil?!

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After our passionate kiss was over, the host of the party had come out, the person was called Lucifer.

Lucifer had hair reminiscent of Goku's though his was symmetrical on each end, he had light blue skin.

With red pupils and he was so handsome he looked like a bishounen.

Lucifer was dressed rather formally, complete with a bowtie and a large golden necklace.

Overall he was a lady killer, and he appeared in front of me suddenly and with one hit to my acupuncture's I had fainted, and as my eyes had slowly closed I saw that he had taken Bulma captive and tied her up on the living chair:

"No... Bulma!!"


I snapped my eyes open as I remembered seeing Bulma being taken captive annoying me immensely and causing me to try and break out of whatever thing I was trapped in.

"Yamcha you're finally awake, we were getting bored here by ourselves.

I mean we even started playing Rock Paper Scissors but somehow Goku wins me all the time, no matter how precise I am!"

"Hah, Krillin don't worry one day you will reach my height!"

"You mean it Goku, really I'll be able to counter you subconsciously!"

"Not a bit, but you can try Mr Pachinko Ball!"

"Argh, damn you Goku, I will get you for this most certainly!"

"For the love of Kami can you all just be quiet, it's getting annoying!"

"But Yamcha we got nothing better to do other than this as we can only watch them from afar!"

Hearing this I looked forward and I saw that Bulma was on a chair tied up while Lucifer was using some computer fixing up an energy beam thing.

"Maybe you need the Sun, but to us, it's just a nuisance.

You see dear, we love darkness, and you are here because for several millennia we haven't drunk a chaste teenagers blood!"

Said Lucifer suavely, as he gave out a grin that could topple nations.

And after that he opened up the roof fully, causing us all to see a full moon.

"You see the sleeping princess that everyone keeps talking about especially them humans, is not in a literal sense rather a metaphor.

The princess is merely a jewel capable of storing infinite energy that I have been filling with energy nonstop for the last 5 million years.

And every thousand years we gather the energy when the full moon descends its light into the jewel.

Which we power up by putting into a ray machine.

You see we are doing this as to rule the darkness so that my monsters can rule the world again!"

"This ray has been charged so much that it can destroy the entire solar system due to the amount of energy contained within it!

Now do you understand my plan, I wish for eternal darkness.

And this jewel will destroy the sun causing all creatures to die as there are no greenhouse gases within the atmosphere.

Then we will hit another ice age though my own demon race will thrive in this desolate and dark world, Muhahahaha!!"


"That's it the full moon, Goku turn your head up at the roof it's open and I can see a flying ramen bowl, from the roof.

Damn it's so amazing the noodles are so luscious while the broth looks creamy, especially that egg that's oozing out yolk it looks beautiful!"

Goku hearing of the "flying ramen bowl" looked up but he saw something else, he saw a pure white ball of cheese up in the sky leaking out some light or rather Zeno Radiation.

Then his body had noticed this as slowly his face began to elongate as his eyes turned red while his body began growing until he became an Oozaru with a six-pack-

Honestly, it was a majestic moment for me to witness, and it was the second time I saw Goku transforming.

Truly this world was amazing but back to the story, once he had begun to change into his alter ego Goku broke us out of the wall and because he consumed the 'Scarlet Fruit Of Serenity' he was in full control.

"Yamcha, Krillin hop onto my shoulders, it's about time we knock out the fool who thought he could kill us-

Hmph, the little flower boy thinks he's all it by putting laxatives in our food eh, well I'll show him!"

After this Goku ran full speed into the main room where Bulma was locked up where the demons wanted to drink her blood.

The damn bloodsuckers were going to have a taste of their own medicine soon.

You see because Goku had more human interaction and people who cared for him he matured more than cannon and was clever and perceptive-

He didn't just go from dumb to clever he was clever.

And what Goku wanted to do right now was Eat-

Yes, he wanted to burn these little savages and eat them all up as he was hungry and was in need of devouring something.


When he was almost done and ready to destroy the sun.

Lucifer noticed that a gigantic 80-metre tall six-packed Gorilla was in his way and was looking at his demons as if they were snacks.

Scaring him but nonetheless, he carried out his work as alongside success there were sacrifices.

And so he focused his attention on the machine.

With the jewel in the centre, everything was going according to plan.

But just as he was about to press the obviously dangerous red button Yamcha leapt down from Goku's shoulders as he first rescued Bulma before telling her to help Krillin and Goku defeat the demonic weaklings.

"Hmm so your Lucifer, I've heard a lot about you supposedly your alternative name is Satan, and that you are immensely strong, well I'd like to test that claim-..."



But before I could even finish my words he let out multiple red scintillating orbs of destruction causing whatever it touched to burn in an eternal scarlet fire.

Seeing how dangerous this was I augmented my body with my Ki.

Rushing towards him I launched out my own custom martial arts that I had created through inspiration from my Wolf Style mixed with the essence of the Turtle Style, I called it the Wolf Fang Flurry Fist.

The Wolf Fang Flurry Fist increased the flexibility of my arms to be fast and accurate.

Smashing the opponent's acupuncture to gain the upper hand.

This technique allowed me to learn of acupoints that can stop one in battle.

And I used this against the Devil himself, "Hiyah!!" I said as I launched a palm with the essence of my own style towards Lucifer.

Causing shockwaves to occur within the process.

This palm had my Wolf heart essence behind it as I launched it straight at the Devil.




Lucifer tried to block it and he did but I controlled it to swerve around him.

This lead to him getting hit on the back pushing him towards me and when he landed towards me he leapt from his area and headbutted me causing me to fly up and when he saw this he grinned another smile that could topple down kingdoms.

He then used the Zanzoken and appeared behind my back and with one fell swoop.

After this, he used the Haikyū-Ken on me before I was smashed to the ground.

I knew at that moment I had broken a few ribs- it seems my constitution really needs to be improved.

But instead of being a loser about it I fought the urge of staying down and got up feeling this immense pain.

As soon as I had got up Lucifer came down at me with a flying kick- seeing no alternatives I ducked avoiding it before I grabbed his outstretched-leg and began to slam him on each side like I was the bloody Incredible H*lk.



I roared out as I laid the beatdown on Luci.

Was the sound of blood coming out from Lucifers mouth as I let him smash into the ground similar to him I was also spitting out blood due to my broken ribs.

I felt a pain that I'd never before experienced within my life at this moment as my muscles were all torn up as my bones were all a cracked mess.

At this point, I knew me and he weren't suitable to fight anymore so I walked over slowly to him.

Before putting down my hand to him as to help him up-

He also knew that his plan was a failure and before he could try anything dodgy I let out my custom special move I had created called the

"Decade Burst Unleash!!"

And in that area, my strength was timed by ten before exploding outwards completely destroying the machine.

All the energy he had collected for 5 million years had gone back to the moon.

This pissed him off with fury x10 but I said to him.

"What are you going to do, you're not in a state ready for battle and you can thank me for being kind enough letting you leave ALIVE, Lucifer-san!"

"Well, I thank you for leaving me alive though I must ask, Why?

Is it because you took pity on me for being so injured for defeating me seeing no purpose to fight me anymore is that it, huh tell me then!"

"First of all my names Yamcha, secondly I left you alive as I know you'll be a great asset and person once you hang with us for a while I'll even use the Legendary 'Talk-No-Jutsu' to accomplish my task.

Thirdly I never took pity on you I just feel it'll be a waste if you die so early on considering we're equal in strength!"

"Hmm, Yamcha is it calling yourself Dimsum, but whatever your an interesting person, and I feel we'll be the best of friends!"

After this Lucifer gave out his hand for a handshake and so did I.

But it seems he wanted to attack and kill me at this point and without further ado.

I killed him by using some laser beams from my eyes burning a hole through his heart and brain- killing him instantly.

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