43 It was all a dream?!

"Amy! AMY!" A voice is calling out to me as I lie with my eyes closed.

"Five more minutes, mom…" I find myself saying. Huh? Mom?

I wake up with a shock, looking around. WHAT IS THIS? My… room?


I pinch myself, because I'm really not feeling for playing around with whatever this is. Yup, no pain. So THIS is the dream. My heart hurts a bit. I guess I somehow wished to get back to my own world, after all… Emotions are confusing.

I didn't know I was able to lucid dream, though. In all my 18 years of life, this has never happened before. As I look around, all of this seems so real. Like if I stretch my arm just enough, I'll be able to go back…

But the fear of it not happening keeps me from trying. My mom comes into my room and looks at me with her usual displeased look.

"Amy, you should have been ready by now. School is starting soon. You'll be late" The stern tone of her voice makes me feel both relieved at the familiarity, but also a sense of the usual anxiety that went with this kind of situation.

Wait, school? I hurry over to a mirror as a sudden weird feeling rush over me. I see! This is from when I was still in school! So this is more of a memory than an actual dream, maybe?

"AMY! What have I told you about that daydreaming of yours. Dreams are reserved for sleep, and reaching goals are reserved for hard workers, so go. To school. NOW!" How many times have I heard that, I wonder? Somehow the initial relieve I got from seeing her again shrinks a bit as I automatically hurry up and get ready.

I go out into the kitchen after getting dressed, walking into the once usual morning scene.

"She should walk to build up character and endurance! It has never hurt anyone to walk to school!" My dad yells as my mom cooks breakfast.

"But it's shameful to have my own daughter be late almost every day because you won't let her take the bus!" My mom yells back, over the boiling pot of whatever is in it.

"It's shameful to have a daughter who can't get out of bed without help from her mommy!" My dad's voice yells back. Oh… Now being in it like this… I realize… How I didn't miss this… I actually seem to prefer the awkward silence from my novel family…

"AMY! Just run along to the bus, we can't have you be late again" My mom looks at me with a glare.

"AMY! Just run along to the school directly! If you had trained properly you wouldn't be late to start off with!" My dad yells at me, sending an even worse death glare.

Can I please wake up now? It seems like I didn't quite remember how bad it was at home… Or did I somehow suppress it?

Oh Author, didn't I write to you about this?

I don't say anything and go out in silence. Did I just meekly go along with whatever they used to yell at me? It feels like another life… Well, in fact, it WAS another life.

As I go out I see how the dream slowly expands on the scenery of things. Everything is exactly as I remember it, or more like, it is as I remember it, because it is being build on said memories.

For some reason I don't question going to school, and just go along with where the memories take me.

In the classroom I sit at the back of the classroom, looking around. All of my classmates are here.

"Aaaaaamyyyyy, do you have any ideas for our next project?" A girl I don't remember the name of comes over to me. From the way she walks, being surrounded by a few other people, I feel like a little memory is shining clearer through.

Oh no… I don't want to live through this again…

"I've told you to do your own projects…" I say, not controlling my mouth.

"And I'VE told you I don't care what you think" The girl says in an uncomfortable manner, with the people around her snickering. Please, no. Not this again.

"I'm busy with my own homework…" I try, hearing myself panicking.

"And I'm busy with my social life. You being busy isn't much of an excuse, now is it?" She asks, mocking me. I logically know Prince Chaker is much worse than this person, but my body feels like it reacts exactly as it did when it happened in reality.

"I'm sorry, I can't" My voice trembles. Ah, damn this. Don't do it! Wake up!

"Oh… You can't you say? In that case, I guess I'll have to find someone else. Which means you are no longer of use to us. Let's go girls" The girl turns around and walks away.

I sit back alone, giving a sigh of relief, except, I KNOW this isn't anything to be relieved about. Past Amy, I'm so sorry…

Time goes by, feeling a bit fuzzy as it seems I don't remember the particulars.

I go away from my seat. Oh no, here goes…

"Amy, I'm sorry about this morning" The girl comes after me with a sugary smile. Past me should have known something was up… Or was it less obvious in reality? I don't know anymore.

"Nono, it's fine" I assure her, smiling back.

"I want to apologize for my behavior, could you follow me for a bit?" She asks, and I nod, though every inch of my body is shaking my head.

No! NO! I don't want to experience this again!

"NOOOOOOOOO!" My voice screams out, as I wake up in tears and sweat with a surprised Prince Horus looking at me in obvious horror.

"Lady Amy….? Are you okay?" He asks, not bothering to mask any of his emotions. I look at him through my tears and feel myself smiling a bit.

"Yea… I'm okay…" I say, taking a real sigh of relief

"I just finally woke up from a long nightmare that felt so real for the longest time… A nightmare I had told myself I missed…" I say, giving him a smile. Yea… This is my reality now… This wasn't a dream all along. My old reality was just a nightmare disguising itself as something it was not…

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