
Huh? Guilty? About what?

The rest of the travel feels slow. Prince Horus feels like he is annoyed at me. I'm annoyed at me. My current situation is less than ordeal, and it honestly feels like I keep getting more questions than answers.

It's also hard to figure out the answers, when I don't even notice the questions unless they are pointed out, as was the case with the language. At least I now know that I should be able to communicate in Visersadie without much trouble.

We stop the carriage to stretch our legs a few times, with Prince Horus and Sir Windsor going somewhere each time, which meant I wasn't able to talk much with any of them. If I had to guess, they went to the prisoner. My cute big man, that I somehow feel very attached to. In the way I would feel attached to, like, a teddy bear or something.

Seriously, what is up with all of these weird feelings, that doesn't seem to make much normal sense? If magic was still a thing in this world, I would think I was under the control of a spell or something. I feel like I react opposite of how I should to most things, ever since I got poisoned. I should maybe just say it's a defense mechanism, and leave it at that, but that feels somehow wrong as well.

Also, what's up with Prince Horus getting mad at me so easily? Didn't we deepen our bond and grow closer lately? So why is he suddenly putting distance between us? And don't get me started on Sir Windsor, who is a completely other person when he works! I mean, I did hear about that, but it's something else to see it for myself.

In other words, I feel more alone than usual… Not just alone, lonely. Isolated. Like I really don't belong in this world. Oh Author! Couldn't you write in a friend for me or something? Well, I suppose this is a part of this world, and not the novel, so never mind. But at least it feels good to complain to you a bit again.

"Lady Amy, we have to depart now" Prince Horus' voice comes up from behind, where I'm apparently standing and staring out into nothing.

"Comiiiiing" I say, automatically putting on a smile. Hah. Natural liar indeed. Prince Horus looks at me for a second, frowns, but then turns around. What did I do NOW? Even if he knows I'm lying, he shouldn't be frowning at it! He usually compliments me for it!

"Lady Amy, are you feeling unwell?" Prince Horus breaks the comfortable silence once we have been in the carriage for a while.

"Unwell?" I ask, a bit surprised to hear the little tint of worry he usually tries so hard to hide.

"You seem like you are in a rather gloomy mood, as well as trying too hard to put on a smile…" Prince Horus says. Wow, see who's talking! But somehow… It makes all of my worries come forward… Reaching my eyes, coming out as tears. How many times do I have to cry in front of this person?

"I'm just… Everything is just… I just…" My rambling doesn't make much sense, but he just nods, as if he understands. Wow, look who has gotten better at comforting.

"And then you, YOU! You all of a sudden get mad and irritated at me, and I didn't do anything!" I say, almost yelling a bit, blaming everything on him. This takes him by surprise, and he looks at me with an apologetic look after thinking a bit.

"I suppose… you are right…" He says, while chewing a bit on my words. I AM?

"I suppose, I have been feeling guilty…" He says. Huh? Guilty? About what? And why are you taking it out on me, then?

"I dragged you in to all of this, and not only have you already had death threats, and been poisoned, you also constantly seem to be struggling living up to the expectations I, as well as others, have been holding over you. Not that you are struggling with fulfilling the expectations themselves, but rather, you struggle with your confidence in being able to live up to them" He says. Huh? HUH? What's this now? I mean, you're not wrong… But… But what? Am I mad, right now? Why?

"But I feel like I noticed this after it was too late to change anything. So I suddenly didn't quite know how to approach you…" What's with him being so honest out of nowhere? But I guess it kinda explains things… He wasn't mad at me, he was mad at himself, and just ended up letting it out on me, as I was the root of it. I think. Actually, is he a person that would get mad at himself in that way? Huh.

"I am not used to losing control over a situation, Lady Amy. But with you, I do not only lose control, I do not have it in the first place" He ends it all. Haha, should have thought about that before we got this far, my dear prince. I don't have any control either!

"I don't feel like I have control over anything either. Not even my feelings, lately" I say with a silent voice. This seems to spark a bit of interest in the before-gloomy face of Prince Horus.

"Feelings?" He asks, going directly into deep thought mode.

"You do not feel like you can control your feelings?" He once again asks, but more like he is concluding it to himself. Whatever got him interested in this particular part? I just nod when he is waiting for confirmation, and leave it at that. Sigh, what NOW?

"Lady Amy, let me confirm something. When you refer to your feelings, does this include your intuition?" He asks, now very interested in the matter at hand.

"Well… Isn't intuition a feeling?" I ask back, but he seems to take it as a yes, and goes back to his thought world. I have never seen him this interested in something.

Somehow this talk brings me back to the one-eyed man. I wonder how he is doing? AND WHY DO I CARE?

"What are you thinking about?" I ask, letting curiosity take over for a while, as there isn't much else to do anyway, and this seems to make even Prince Horus smile a bit.

"I am not quite sure, Lady Amy. What you said just reminded me of an old story I once read" He says. Oh no! Not more stories!

"What kind of story?" I ask, a bit carefully. Please, don't let it be something like The Sun and The Flower, as I can't handle more lore in my little brain, based on ONE FREAKING BOOK!

"A children's book my mother read for me" He says. NOOOO, NOT ANOTHER CHILDREN'S BOOK! Never have I ever been so afraid of children's books, I DON'T WANNA!

"What is it about…?" I want to ask, but I also don't. Somehow my voice ends up asking anyway, as I'm clearly not in control of anything in my life.

"I do not remember much… We must look for it upon our return, but one thing it is about is magic" He says… Smiling…? WHAT? A smiling Horus and MAGIC? Is this story going to be okay? OH AUTHOR WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?!

Magic? Books? A SMILING HORUS??

What's next? O:

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