
I'm The Only One With Cancer

Earth, 22nd Century The incurable cancer that served as a nightmare for people one century ago is now just a rare but curable disease. With the world’s development, there are now cures for all types of cancer. The Earth is now a planet with no more people suffering from cancer. Except for Zen. Diagnosed with a mutated cancer that was the only one of its kind at an early age, he sank in despair. That was until an opportunity which turned his curse into a blessing presented itself. What power would Zen gain from the disease that plagued him since his childhood? *** The art is not mine, all credits to the original artist.

CheekyForehead · Games
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139 Chs

Take Off III

"What!? You couldn't even stop them from taking off!?" The middle-aged man angrily shouted.

[I-Im sorry sir! There were people who stopped us from taking over the control tower.] The man on the other side of the phone said in shame.

"People!? Whose people are they!? To my knowledge, although powerful and wealthy, the Alcantra Family doesn't seem to have people under them so how could they… wait…"

"Unless there's someone helping them…"

The middle-aged man pondered as he sat on his office chair.

Since the fact that there were suspicious movements that happened in a certain airport was reported to him, he didn't hesitate to focus all the manpower he had on the said airport.

But despite all this, the prey that he thought was sure to be caught, escaped from his trap. As such, he couldn't help but be angry.

After a while, he said, "You said that they already took off, right?"

[Y-Yes sir…] the voice from the phone stuttered nervously.

"Contact the military and have them lock onto that aircraft."


"Then order them to launch a missile."

[B-but sir, this might cause a backlash with the other countries, it's inevitable that they will question our actions and may even use this as a reason to attack us!]

"Leave them to me, just do what I said."

"Oh, and did you already take over the control tower?"

[It took a while but yes sir, we have it already taken care off.]

"How about the people that intervened?"

[We arrested them for the time being.]

"Good. Lock them up and interrogate them, use any means to get answers from their mouth then contact me immediately if they say something noteworthy. Also, cease any contact with that airplane."

[Understood, sir.]

"Oh, don't forget to pass my order to all the control towers within the country. An airplane without the guidance of a control tower is like a bird blindly flying through a fog, unaware of the dangers that lurk on its route and uncertain of its destination." Continued the middle-aged man with a smirk before hanging up on the phone.

"Now, now, let's see if you're still able to deal with this…" whispered the middle-aged man to himself.


In the meantime, inside the airplane.

"Woah~" Zen exclaimed in amazement as he looked outside the window.

He watched as they went higher and higher, not stopping even when they were way past the clouds!

He saw a flock of birds of different kinds, as well as the buildings that looked tiny from above.

Since this was his first time riding an airplane, it was only reasonable for him to be so excited even in the smallest of things.

As such, Zen could not help but exclaim in amazement, his smile not leaving his face since the plane took off.

"Ugh… you're so childish." Sera said in disdain. However, it could be seen that her face was also glued on the window of the plane too, fully focused on the view outside.

Clearly, she was also excited about her first time riding an airplane. It's just that she wanted to ridicule her brother.

Ren and Rina watched their children on the side with amused expressions on their faces.


However, this peaceful scene was distrubed by the curse that came out of the speakers.

"Is that Sophie's voice?" Rina asked with a frown.

"I think so… Let's go over and check." Ren got up to take a look.

"Oh! Can we go too?" Sera asked curiously.

Zen also looked at them, clearly eager to look at the flight deck of the airplane.

Receiving a nod from their parents, the siblings excitedly got up and followed them.


In the cockpit…


Noticing that she wasn't receiving any kind of response from her earpiece, Sophie unknowingly cursed in distress.

This could only mean one thing; her colleagues had been caught.

However, despite this, her hands were still calm and steady in pulling the levers that were required to maneuver the airplane.

"Ms. Sophie, is everything okay?"

Hearing Rina's voice behind her, Sophie turned her head to look at them, her hands still stably controlling the airplane through the levers.

"W-why are you here?" Sophie couldn't help but stutter in confusion.

"Well… we heard you over the speaker so we were worried that something happened…"

After Sophie heard her words, she looked at the mic and noticed the light which indicated that it was still on and immediately became embarrassed.

"O-oh. Umm. Ehem, I'm sorry you heard that."

Then, she turned her head back to the windshield of the airplane. Whether she did this because of embarrassment or because she wanted to focus on flying the airplane or both… was unknown.

"Nevermind that. Still, did something happen?" Rina asked in a worried voice.

Sophie, who was still facing the front, replied with anger audible to the tone of her voice, "I lost contact with my colleagues who were at the airport. I assume that those government bastards had already caught them."

"What!? Will they be alright?" Rina became even more worried.

"I hope so…" Sophie replied, a tone of worry could be heard in her voice.

"Sorry for the disturbance, we'll go back to our seats now. Also, please inform us if we can help in any way." Ren, who had been silent since earlier, interjected from the side.

"But dad…."

"Can we stay for a little bit longer, please…"

Faced with the cute whines of his children, Ren signalled with his eyes to which Zen and Sera could only follow reluctantly.

It was only a few minutes since they arrived at the cockpit. As such, the siblings who had just started to curiously look around the cockpit with interest, felt a little unsatisfied.

After bidding farewell to Sophie, Rina also followed behind her family.

"Why do you look worried?" Rina asked her husband. She noticed the worry on his face when he interjected earlier.

As soon as the siblings heard this, they also looked at their father. Although he looked strict, he was always caring to them. As such, from his reaction earlier, they could infer that there must be something going on.