
I'm The Only One With Cancer

Earth, 22nd Century The incurable cancer that served as a nightmare for people one century ago is now just a rare but curable disease. With the world’s development, there are now cures for all types of cancer. The Earth is now a planet with no more people suffering from cancer. Except for Zen. Diagnosed with a mutated cancer that was the only one of its kind at an early age, he sank in despair. That was until an opportunity which turned his curse into a blessing presented itself. What power would Zen gain from the disease that plagued him since his childhood? *** The art is not mine, all credits to the original artist.

CheekyForehead · Games
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139 Chs

Reason Behind the War’s Sudden End

Zen and Sera continued listening quietly as Ren narrated what happened in the past with Rina and Margareth's help.

It turned out that a few days after Rina stole one of the meteorite pieces of the United States, Ren and his team escaped from the government.

This enraged the United States, but they made sure that this news wasn't made public. It was at this time that the People Power Union became really active in intervening with the war.

The United States only knew that the Twilight Task Force escaped, but didn't know that it joined their enemy.

Nonetheless, they also focused some of their attention to the People Power Union, attempting to take back the meteorite piece.

The People Power Union sabotaged the countries' plans through many ways. Ambushing their army, hacking their intelligence network, and many more.

"I have to admit that your dad was really amazing in strategizing." Rina said with an amazed voice.

Sera confusedly asked, "Why is that, Mom?"

"It's because he knew what the next moves of the countries were. As if he has some superpowers. It was also the reason why the People Power Union became threatening enough to get the attention of the countries. The title of Clairvoyant Tactician really suited him really well." Rina explained with a giggle.

"Why are you giggling? Commander's title was really cool!" Margareth interjected from the side.

Ren sighed in embarrassment and said, "Stop it you two."

Zen and Sera were both amazed by the achievements of their father. After all, he even had a title!

Continuing on, this also made them a common enemy for the countries. Near the end of the second year of the war, the countries went all in and planned to use their nuclear weapons and make the war into a nuclear war.

"It was at this time that the People Power Union lost all hope. After all, we were only an organization of people who wanted to stop the war. Sure, there were many wealthy people who each had their own elites that could help us intervene with the countries' plans. But in the end, we don't have the weapons and resources that the military of each country has." Ren said as he sighed.

Sera listened at the side while Zen asked, "Then what happened?"

"Your father said at that time that he will negotiate with the United States." It was Margareth who spoke.

Rina thought for a moment before saying, "Yep, I remember that time…"


In a dark room located in the basement of a dilapidated building in a ruined city…

There were a few individuals sitting at a long table.

"What do we do? The countries announced that they will use their nuclear weapons! In the end, we're just a bunch of ordinary people. We can't go against the military!" A fat man with expensive accessories shouted.

"Mr. Johnson, please step outside for a bit and calm yourself down." A woman with black hair and red eyes said.

"Thorned Rose, you ungrateful bitch! I gave all my money and people to you to ensure our safety! You can't just kick me out! I have the right to participate in this meeting!" The fat man angrily shouted. It was clear that he had lost reason because of the situation.


The woman slammed her hand at the table, destroying it directly.

"Except for the executives, may I request all the people in this room to step outside for a bit?"

This action of hers silenced everyone in the room. Everyone didn't dare to disobey the woman as they left in a rush.

Soon enough, there were only 6 people left in the room.

The woman sighed and said, "What now?"

Although the fat man called Mr. Johnson had lost reason earlier, all the remaining people in the room knew that what he said was the truth.

At this moment, a man with white hair and golden eyes stood up, "Rina, I have an idea."

The black-haired woman, Sabrina, frowned but didn't do anything. Instead, she just asked, "What is it, Ren?"

Garren smiled and said, "I'll go and negotiate with the United States."

"What!? Commander! Please reconsider this!" A woman with a head full of pink hair stood up as she asked in shock.

A 2-meter tall man also stood up and said, "Commander, please don't leave us!"

Garren smiled as his golden eyes squinted, "Margareth, Hassan, don't worry. I have a plan."

"But Commander, even if you have a plan, is it necessary for you to go personally?" It was a bespectacled man who spoke at this time.

"Ethan is right, Commander! Can't you just send one of us?" A woman wearing a doctor's coat added on.

"Wow, looks like you're quite popular with the chicks, huh~" Sabrina whistled and said while twirling her black hair with her index finger.

Garren didn't pay her any attention. He just laughed and said, "Thank you, Ethan and Veronica. But I really need to do this."

At this moment, Sabrina curiously asked, "But Ren, how are you going to negotiate with the United States? Surely, you must have something that can entice them, right?"

Garren nodded and explained, "When we retrieved the meteorite pieces, the news of the other task forces who we met falling sick were received by us. However, everyone in our team was fine. Instead, we seemed to have gained benefits through it. You must've felt it too since you've been exposed to the energy of the meteorite pieces without falling sick, right?"

Sabrina's eyes flashed with an unknown emotion, "So you mean that…"

Garren nodded as his golden eyes gleamed with determination, "Yes, I'll offer myself to them. It's a gamble, but it's worth a shot…"

His handsome face became filled with confidence, something that stunned every woman in the room.

"C-Commander… I'm straight but I think I can adjust for you…" The 2-meter tall, burly Hassan said with a shy expression on his face.

Garren's eyes darkened as laughs echoed in the room.


Back in the vip room…

Zen and Sera were still enthralled by the story.

"What happened next?" Sera asked as she caressed the sleeping Nana's hand.

Rina sighed and said, "Your dad went to the United States and was miraculously successful."

Ren nodded, somewhat proud of his achievement and said, "I betted everything on the fact that they needed the perfect lab rat. Someone who was willing to be experimented on."

Rina and Margareth's eyes glistened, as if remembering those times. Zen and Sera also felt touched and amazed by their dad's sacrifice.

Ren continued, "Of course, I won't be foolish enough to sell myself to them without conditions. Two of the conditions was that they would stop the war and let me have a normal life."

"They agreed to that???" Zen was confused since it felt stupid to do all that just for a lab rat.

Ren nodded and said, "Yes. After all, the door to immortality was right in front of them. They were desperate to make progress in their research. Also, the researchers of the U.S. government decided that it would be better if I was healthy as their lab rat. Of course, just to be sure, I prepared a poison pill in my mouth and threatened them with my life to increase my chances of success."

Zen was shocked, and at the same time, awestruck by his dad's ruthlessness.

I apologize if the chapters lately were boring, but it’s needed to keep the story moving.

Though it may be my inexperience in writing that made it boring…

Also, some feedbacks regarding the story will be a great help to me, thank you!

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