
Mitchen's Revenge

"Mr. Marlo, last time, it appears that I went easy on you.

For that, I'm truly sorry as I didn't give you a satisfactory battle.

So this time, don't expect any courtesy from me."

"Don't worry; I wasn't."


Then let's begin, shall we?"

With that, Mitchen rushed forward and sent for a very domineering punch towards Marlo.

Marlo sneered and raised his fierce leg to block the punch, listening to kick Mitchen's hand away.

But what happened next left him in a daze.


He fell to the ground in shock.

What the hell was going on?

During their last battle, he was somewhat evened out with this guy and blocked a punch with his legs back then.

So why was it so different now?


Did this guy hold back in the fight earlier on?

Black lines appeared on his forehead when he thought of the matter again.


He had to escape.

This guy was too damn dangerous!


Next chapter