
King Lecter Parcely

The Capital,  Empire of Terique.


"My king... Queen Mother ..... He survived."

Answered a 40 something year old man, who was kneeling to the annoying young king before him.

King Lecter Parcely III (the third)

Lecter was the 13th son of his 'father', Former King Michael Parcely.

Even though Lecter was the 13th Prince, his oldest brother the 1st prince was just 19 years old.... while he on the other hand, was  17 years old.

His father had 7 wives, 4 concubines and 9 love-making vessels in his haram.

Lecter's mother Queen Kamara, who was the 6th wife I'm the harem....  had schemed her way into giving him the position of King.

She had poisoned her husband, and had forced him to agree to all her wishes.

She had gotten one of the renowned apothecaries from the continent of Morgany... to concoct this toxin for her.

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