
Gathering The Team

After discussing and finalizing everything, everyone passed through security again and left the lower region.

Landon and Lucius first dropped Mark back in the police headquarters before heading towards the Baymardian barracks.

Even though it was 4:26 P.M, their day was nowhere near over.

Today, several Baymardian and Caronian soldiers had gathered within one of the halls in the barracks.

A week ago, they had all received mysterious letters requesting them to gather here.

The letter only said that they were selected for an important mission.

And if they choose to accept it, then they have to gather here.

So here they were.

Again, they were to bring the letter with them if they wanted to attend this meeting

Typically, most of the courses that had nothing to do with guns and advanced technology were also taught in the Baymardian barracks.

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