
Forces Unite


Jimila was going crazy. 

Was Yanji saying she was lying?


She knew that she lied about Lucy saying she would kill them all. 

But everything else was true! So how dare they doubt her?

When has she ever lied to them before? Okay... Maybe on occasion. 

But the lies wouldn't hurt anyone. And she did it all for the sisterhood (her position.)

So what was all this?

Everyone calmed down, brooding over Yanji's words. 

Yanji wasn't saying that all their Head witch said was a lie. 


A good lie has more truth than lies in it. 

So a majority of what Jimila said should be accurate. But what part in the story was there to stimulate them?

What parts have been left out of the story for the leader's benefit?

They didn't mind this much since it was natural for those in higher positions to do so, provided they didn't go overboard.

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