
Curious Visitors

In a blink of an eye, 2 more weeks had gone by swiftly with the entire Baymard getting busy as usual.

It was now the 2nd week of August, and everyone was preparing for some major occasion.


--Shanks Road, Baymard--


The air was hot, the trees were vibrant, the flowers were bright and the atmosphere was cheerful.

It was indeed a wonderful sunny day.

'Din! Din! Din!'

'Tucup! Tucup! Tucup!'

On Shanks road, several streams of carriages, horses and people could be seen on all road lanes and sidewalks.

Some were leaving while others were heading towards Baymard's Capital city instead.


"My goodness Kalu, these roads really make one comfortable.

Ever since we left Riverdale city, we haven't even encountered any bump on the road.

It's like magic!"


It's more like a heavenly creation!

Just look at how organized the roads are now?

Next chapter