
Curing Adrian

3:15 P.M

'Tap! Tap!' Tap!'

2 people could be seen walking side-by-side, as they hurriedly made way through the busy hallway.


"Nurse Paul...has the patient arrived yet?" 

"Not yet Doctor Landon!" Said the 21 year old male nurse.

"What about the theater and equipments?..... have they been prepped?"

"They are on it right now as we speak Doctor."

"Good!.... please call in Doctor Lincoln right away, and bring me the patient's lab reports immediately."

"Yes Doctor Landon!"



Landon was currently at the hospital, prepping for Adrian's surgery.

And how did he drag the old man there?


On the same day that the treaty had been finalized, and his missions dished out..... Landon had requested for Santa's entire gang to go for checkup.

He couldn't just tell Adrian that he had predicted the dude to have Appendicitis... hence he could only come up with this checkup excuse.


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