
1 Angry Commander

Miller is going to apply as a military at the British camp but the commander of the British army is very rude and mean and rejected Miller in his resume even though he already had an experience"Why?Why is that commander so rude?!"Miller said to himself as he walk down the street to the airport"well its almost time for my flight back to America"He said to himself then he reach the airport and said"yes I made it"as he walk down to the airplane door and scanned the baggage he is holding then he goes inside back to America..when he was back at America he joined the United Nations Army then he got accepted...Miller was excited for his first training in the military so he warm up before he go training...

"ATTENTION!!" Commander said as he check every training soldier if their stance is correct or not everyone's stance is correct so the commander does not need to be angry but then when they were trained to hold a gun Miller was scolded because his gun fell down then Miller realized "the commander here is also mean but that's OK" after 2 years of training Miller finally succeeded and become UN army...

Meanwhile at the British army the commander said "the UN is our enemy we got to team up with russia"then they approached russia and russia agreed so this is going to be a big war the British commander was very angry...