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- This is illegal, Amelia! - Dumbledore said loudly, adding more authority to his voice. - I haven't been charged with anything, I haven't received any notices, but a trial is already starting? So you want to seek justice? - He circled his hand around the room, drawing the attention of everyone present. - And this is the woman you want to make your Minister?

His question caused more murmurs in the hall, where most of those seated were clearly taking his side.

- I would agree with your arguments, Albus," Bones replied just as loudly, silencing everyone, "if they had any weight. However, I am reminded of the trial that Harry Potter went through not too long ago. As I recall, he didn't get any notice either. He was also given no opportunity to defend himself. He was simply sentenced to execution based on what you said. So how is this situation any worse? Unlike him, you will have a chance to answer the charges.

The mages murmured again, this time agreeing with Amelia's reasoning. A veritable herd, going where they were told. Many of them were staring at me, but I tried to keep as detached as possible, not making eye contact with Black, Dumbledore, or anyone else. Occasionally I would look up and glance to the end of the hall, where I could get a glimpse of Fleur. She smiled lightly, giving me a silent expression of support, and that was enough.

Amelia had chosen the right tactic, deciding to initially press the point that Albus had sentenced the one who had saved everyone from the Dark Lord to a Dementor's kiss. It was a bit of a stretch, as Dumbledore wasn't the only one making decisions at the time, but it was enough to ensure that no one questioned the correctness of the proceedings that had been started. At a wave of Bones' hand, the two Aurors approached Dumbledore, pulled his wand from his pocket and searched him thoroughly for any other artefacts before leading him to the same chair in the centre.

Realising that he wasn't going to get away with it that easily, the Headmaster was quite calm, and didn't even seem perturbed when the familiar dark blue wand was slipped into the Auror's pocket. Albus was sure that all this was just to give young Harry a little ego boost, and that he would be able to respond with dignity later on. However, I wasn't going to let that happen, and as far as I could tell, Amelia had put it all on that judgement as well.

- Do you wish to have a Truth Serum or Legilimensional applied to you? - Amelia asked the standard question. I was about to suggest that they put the Serum in his mouth regardless of how he felt about it, but then I realised that perhaps Albus, as someone well versed in mental magic, would know a way to defend himself against it, and then the trial would turn into a disaster.

- I don't think that's necessary. Let's get this over with quickly, after which I'd like to question the boy. I don't think you would deny me such an opportunity, given the way you deal with the head of the Wizengamot.

Dumbledore wanted to demonstrate his status and remind everyone present that they were making a big mistake, but he didn't take into account one fact - during the last few days the British wizards' opinion about my person had changed a lot again, and now many of them didn't like such a dismissive attitude to the newfound hero of the magical world.

Amelia did not respond to this statement, giving another sign to the aurors. They waved their wands and levitated about a dozen strange large plates into the hall, in which I was surprised to recognise the memory pools. As far as I knew, these were extremely rare artefacts, and it was not at all clear where Amelia had managed to get so many at once, but it was very wise of her: why describe events when you can show them.

- As you can see," she turned to the audience, "these are the so-called memory pools. I think you all know how they work. Each of the ten pools contains a memory, courtesy of Mr Potter. We've duplicated them so you can all view them at the same time. The Head of the Auror's Office, Mr Scrimgeour, and the Head of St Mungo's, Mr Smethwick, have personally verified the authenticity of these memories.

The men sitting nearby nodded, confirming that everything the mages would see was real. I realised that absolutely all of these people would be going through my memories now, reviewing and discussing the not-so-pleasant parts of young Harry's life. Would I be willing to take such a step to end Dumbledore? Out of the corner of my eye, I noted that Amelia was looking at me with some guilt, as if she understood my heartache. The answer came immediately - ready. The only thing in there is that what was happening to me was the Headmaster's fault, and he will have to answer for it all.

Dumbledore, too, realised that the situation was far worse than he had first thought. He tried to convince everyone that he had to personally verify the authenticity of my memories, as a great expert in this field, but the intrigued mages were already standing at each pool in groups of four and diving into my memory. Realising that things were getting out of hand, Albus stared at me.

- What's in these memories, Harry? - He asked demandingly.

- Harry again. - I glared back at him. - Everything they need to know is in there. Including our fun times at Flamel's house. What are you up to again, Albus? I can't believe you didn't do something stupid when you learnt of Riddle's death.

- You can't remember that,' whispered the stunned Headmaster. - You're dead, we both made sure of that.

- You were wrong," I said, not about to tell him the truth. - I still had vague memories of captivity. So, what's your plan? You found out I was alive and fulfilled the prophecy. Were you really just going to let me go after everything that happened between us?

I kept asking questions, realising that apart from the two aurors flanking him, no one could hear us. He relaxed a little, believing that I didn't remember how it had ended that time.

- I'm going to get to you a little later. - He tried to pull himself together, but it wasn't working very well. - You've ruined enough of my plans, so I'll be better prepared this time.

Apparently, time flows a little differently in the abysses, because after about twenty minutes the wizards surfaced, looking dumbfounded. Their place was immediately taken by the next people who wanted to look at Harry Potter's life.

- If you have time. - I ended our conversation, realising that my proactive play had paid off a hundred percent. If I'd delayed a few more days, I didn't know what the cunning old man would have done.

- It's monstrous.

- They tortured him, did you see that?

- I've never seen such huge basilisks in books.

- I thought he was growing up in a good place, and all this time he's been scrubbing Muggle floors and living in a cupboard!

- The Dark Lord tried to come back as early as ninety-one, and Dumbledore, knowing this, did nothing....

The stunned mages discussed what they had seen, returning to their seats. Many of them cast glances at me and Dumbledore, and these glances were radically opposite. After waiting for everyone to watch the memories, Amelia ordered the clouding to be removed. I noticed Skitter walking up to her, after which one of the vials ended up in the journalist's hands.

As I looked around the room, trying to get a sense of their mood, I noticed a small group I hadn't noticed before - Lupin, Molly, Tonks, Kingsley, McGonagall and a few others were discussing what they'd seen, with occasional glances in the direction of their leader.

- Well, gentlemen and ladies," Amelia decided to continue the meeting. - Now that you are clear on the nature of the claims, I suggest we proceed with the hearing. Firstly, since the accused has not seen the memories in question, I will ask a few follow-up questions. Tell me, did you know who it was that turned students at your school to stone three years ago? As far as I could find out from the archives, you were present at the school when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened fifty years ago. Why did you take no action to prevent the attacks? I hasten to remind you that many in this room have children attending Hogwarts.

- I only found out about the Basilisk at the end of the year when Mr Potter told me this information. I was unable to take any action as the board of trustees had removed me from my position as Headmaster. - I could sense Albus' discomfort at having to justify himself. He decided to play dumb, but I doubted that tactic would pay off.

- I ask the judges to point out the fact that the Gryffindor sophomore guessed who exactly was the Slytherin monster much earlier than the Headmaster, whose primary duty is to protect the students. - Amelia continued: - well, perhaps this was one big misunderstanding. Then I will ask you to explain the presence of a cerberus and a troll in the school, which only miraculously did not cause the deaths of the students.

- The Cerberus was guarding an important magical artefact, and all students were repeatedly told not to visit that part of the castle. As for the troll, it was brought in by one of the teachers, I did my best to save the children. - Dumbledore felt quite confident - he had answers to all these questions ready for a long time.

- Well, since you brought it up, I'd like to ask you about the teachers. I'm not talking about Professor Snape, who was here before you, and who used to abuse students from three faculties every year. The court is interested in the teachers who held the position of Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts. There was a werewolf," the hall sighed loudly, but Amelia hurried to continue, realising that now she could also mend relations with that race a little. - I have no prejudice against werewolves, and I'm glad they hold such honourable positions if their qualifications allow it, but is it normal for a teacher to regularly miss her classes because of the full moon? I don't think it's conducive to learning the material. Especially when the substitute professor is the same Snape.

Even though she didn't give away that she knew Lupin, many of the people in the room looked in his direction, which made him tense. Amelia, meanwhile, continued.

- I'm also not referring to the professor torturing children with a bloody feather," another sigh, "though I don't understand why you would allow it. In any case, Professor Umbridge is missing and seems to have fled the country. That's a question we'll ask Fudge, since it was his idea to send her to Hogwarts. Now I'm talking about the professor whose body was taken over by the Dark Lord, the professor who was a Death Eaters and hid all year under the guise of the late Alastor Moody, and the professor who not only knew nothing about this very defence, but tried to wipe the memories of two students. How do you explain that not only did you allow them to work, but you didn't notice their strange behaviour all year. As I recall, Alastor was a good friend of yours, so in a year you never noticed any oddity in his behaviour?

The people sighed a lot less this time, as they had seen it all in flashbacks. That said, after talking to Snape on Tees Street, I was able to get the moment when Barty Crouch Junior's identity is revealed out of my memory, omitting the fact that Snape saved my life.

- As many of you know, the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is cursed. No faculty member holds it for more than a year. You can deduce that there aren't a lot of people who want it. I didn't have a choice about who to appoint.

- That doesn't explain why you didn't notice their strange behaviour. Professor Quirrell tried to kill a fresher during a Quidditch match in front of the whole school. What did you do to make sense of the incident?

- I believe I have answered all the questions regarding the faculty. If you have nothing more to ask, it's time to let me go. I don't think I have to answer to you for my actions in a position I've held for over forty years.

Many clearly didn't like the fact that Dumbledore was avoiding answers, but Bones decided not to insist.

- Very well. I would like it entered into the record that the accused has recanted his testimony. We will now turn to your relationship with Mr Potter. Everyone here has seen how many times you put his life in danger. Everyone has seen how he was treated by the relatives he lived with until he was eleven years old. You knew exactly how he was living, considering that his letter from Hogwarts had a closet as his address, which is where he lived. In case anyone here didn't get it, I'll clarify - Albus Dumbledore took a hero of the magical world, a year-old boy who had just saved us all, and sent him to a non-wizarding family as a house elf. I honestly don't understand how Mr Potter had the courage and nobility to save us all again, considering what the wizards did to him.

Amelia had achieved exactly the effect she had expected - Dumbledore was being looked at with obvious negativity. Without giving him a chance to speak, she continued:

- Everyone has seen how he's been in danger every year because of you. I'm not going to ask why this happened. I'm sure you already have a decent answer prepared. However, I will ask you to tell me about a recent episode. You abducted Mr Potter and held him in a room with Nicholas Flamel. Can you tell the court what that was for and how it ended?

I realised the case was coming to a head and I tensed up. Dumbledore is not a man who will accept his own punishment so easily. I wonder how it was explained to everyone that I was to be executed, but here I am, walking down the street, giving away my memories, killing Dark Lords. Or are these mages so used to the illogic of what's going on that they don't ask questions anymore?

- After seeing Tom Riddle's revival memories, I realised that only Harry could have provided them. After doing a little investigating, I found out that he had escaped from Azkaban, where he was supposed to be. Strange that you don't prosecute him for escaping. However, I was able to find out that Harry... Has some knowledge," he began to choose his words carefully, realising he was treading on dangerous ground, "that he didn't have before. In case you've forgotten, the Ministry and the Prophet assured us six months ago that Mr Potter was the new Dark Lord. I decided to conduct my own investigation and save the magical world of Britain from a possible threat. However, instead of the expected gratitude, I am being tried as some sort of criminal.

- Strange. Just a fortnight ago, you claimed Minister Fudge was lying, and now you're saying you believed him. Mr Potter was acquitted on all counts a month ago, so we won't judge him. But go on with what happened next.

- I noticed a strong block in Mr Potter's memories and realised I needed to open it up to find out the truth.

- I ask that we put on record the fact that Albus Dumbledore himself admitted to the illegal use of Legilimenship.

- How do you not realise that this was necessary! - Dumbledore exclaimed, his whole demeanour showing that he was deeply offended. - I acted solely for the common good! To save my country, I hid Potter in a secluded place and, with the help of my friend and mentor, tried to find out what was hidden in his memories. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful. The block is so strong that I can't imagine the power of the wizard who placed it. I strongly advise you to pursue this matter before it's too late. When we realised we were making Mr Potter uncomfortable by our actions, we sent him home. This situation is not worth the attention of such honourable wizards.

Loud whispers went up in the hall, but Albus didn't realise what it was about yet, deciding that this was the end of questions for him.

- 'You do realise that we know you're lying, don't you, Dumbledore? We've just watched Mr Potter's memories and it wasn't like that at all. - This question was asked by Scrimgeour, as the others stared at the Headmaster in astonishment.

Albus was beginning to realise that I had lied to him and remembered everything perfectly well, but the words had already been said.

- You tortured Mr Potter, fed him potions, held him captive for over a week, starved him, your friend and mentor released the Cruciatus curse on him, and then you threw Harry unconscious into the dump! - Amelia was enraged and practically screaming. Albus turned white.

- Mr Green, given all the circumstances, what punishment can the accused be subjected to?

I looked at the man Bones was addressing and remembered that he could have been one of the Dark Lord's primary victims.

- Illegal mental influence, captivity, torture, and systematic neglect of his own duties as Headmaster of Hogwarts. - Green listed off a list of offences. - I'm sure this is only a fraction of what we've learnt.

- You're probably right, Mr Green," Amelia nodded, "we can do a more thorough investigation in the future.

- For now, I would suggest that the accused be dismissed from all his posts, and imprisoned in Azkaban for two years. If new circumstances are discovered, the term can be reconsidered.

- Well," said Bones, who had clearly hoped for more. - Do you have anything to add to that, Mr Potter?

Everyone looked at me again, as if oblivious to my presence. After thinking about it, I decided not to mention things like my first year in the Forbidden Forest, or the meeting at Gringotts. Two years is enough for someone with a cursed arm that shouldn't even make it to summer. Deciding to add a little more drama, I rose from my seat:

- The honourable court has mentioned almost all the issues of interest to me, but one point remained unclear to me: why did you do this to me, Professor Dumbledore? - The sad voice only added to the effect. I knew the answer, and I was being mean, but I needed to break even the most stubborn of fanatics. - I was only a year old, my parents had just been murdered, and you abandoned me to the common people and forgot about me for ten years. Before I went to Hogwarts, I didn't even know magic existed. I was punished for any misdemeanour, forced to work and starved. I was convinced that my parents had died in a car accident. And even when I told all this, they still kept sending me there every summer. Why? Why did you deprive me of my childhood and put me in constant danger? I know you put your spy Mrs Figg in the house next door and she regularly reported everything that was happening to me. So why didn't you intervene? - I was silent for a few seconds, as if unable to cope with my emotions, inwardly applauding myself for my excellent acting. Two elderly ladies in the front row furtively wiped away tears.

Exhaling loudly, I shook my head and sat back down, saying I had nothing to add.

- So you also had a spy? - Amelia was the first to deal with her emotions, realising I was faking it. - However, I call for a vote. Those in favour of Mr Green's verdict, please raise your hand.

The hands of almost everyone present were raised in the air. With some hesitation, Tonks raised her hand, followed by Lupin, Brustover, and McGonagall. Molly continued to sit motionless, glaring disapprovingly at her fellow Order members.

After waiting for the votes to be counted, Amelia asked for a vote from those who thought Dumbledore was innocent. Three hands went up in the air, including Mother Weasley's.

I realised that I had achieved exactly the result I wanted, but I didn't relax, instead I became even more focused. My wand slid into my hand, I was sure Albus was going to pull something off, and he wasn't wrong.

Realising that he had lost, and was about to go to prison for this farce called a trial, Dumbledore visibly calmed down, looking around calculatingly.

- 'Well, I confess I did not expect such gratitude from you for all that I have done for the good of society during my lifetime.'

He moved his hand sharply, using some kind of wandless spell, and immediately the restraints fell away from him, throwing his arms up, ready to enlist the help of his phoenix while the aurors just pointed their wands at him, but I was ready.

Aiming above his head, I released the Stupefai as soon as I saw the first burst of fire.

Appearing exactly at that spot, Fawkes was immediately hit by my paralyser, and was thrown aside. Letting out a loud claw, the bird demonstrated that the spell hadn't worked to its full potential, but still couldn't get up off the floor. The Aurors took advantage of the time I had gained and fired several spells at Albus, packing him full for further transport to the prison. Seeing several people pointing their wands at the phoenix lying there, I jumped up from my seat, running over to them and covering the bird's body.

- Don't touch it! - I exclaimed, turning to Fawkes, who had saved my life at the end of my second year.

- Forgive me, Fawkes, but it had to be done. Your master is not as kind as he pretends to be. He tortures and kills people, gets rid of them as soon as he doesn't need them. - I was close to the lying bird, which had stopped making any sound and was trying to get to its feet. Nobody could hear me but him. - You noticed it yourself. I don't think the phoenix likes his master's behaviour. You don't do the nicest things on his orders either, mate. You binned me a while ago, in case you've forgotten. But I'm not angry, I know you can't disobey. Unfortunately, I have no other option at the moment. Dumbledore will be sitting where you can't get to him. Think about all this, Fawkes.

I felt I was doing the right thing. I've seen a lot in the magical world already, but this is still the only phoenix I've ever seen with my own eyes. I don't know how they got together with Albus, but if even some of the information I know about immortal birds is true, then Fawkes just can't be bad. I'm sure Dumbledore's influence is to blame, and when he dies, the phoenix can find a new, more suitable host. After all, he saved my life once.

Fawkes managed to get up, looked around, saw Dumbledore's bound hands and feet about to be carried out of the hall, but didn't react. Then he stared intently into my eyes, and I didn't look away, though I found it surprisingly hard. With another clawing sound, the phoenix disappeared in a flash. Alone.

Rising to my feet, I looked around the hall and realised I had everything under control. Dumbledore's body levitated past me, giving me a hateful glare, and then Fleur ran down from the bleachers and hugged me tightly.

- It worked, Harry! - She pressed her lips to mine, ignoring the fact that everyone was immediately staring in our direction.

- Um... Harry... Could you give us a moment, please.

Breaking away from the tantalising lips of my future wife, I turned around unhappily, recognising that voice. A group of Ordinarians approached us, with Sirius standing behind them, looking anywhere but at me. Lupin, who had torn me away from the important business at hand, decided to continue, realising he had captured my attention.

- Harry... We congratulate you on your victory.

I stood hugging Fleur and saw Molly open her mouth to say something. Interrupting the werewolf, I pointed my finger accusingly at her.

- If you say one word in Fleur's direction, I'll curse you, Molly, I promise.

She shut her mouth in shock, and the others pretended nothing had happened. When Lupin started to speak again, I interrupted him again.

- Look, let me save you and me some time. You all need to realise one simple thing. You. You disgust me. Disgusting. - They flinched at the hatred in my words. - Some I dislike less, like Kingsley and Tonks. I don't know you, and I can't judge your actions, I don't care what your motives are, so I'm just going to ask you to leave me alone. There are some people I hate more than others. Like you, Molly, and your whole family. I thought of you as my family, and you betrayed me. What's more, even today, when you found out all about your pet Dumbledore, you still sided with him, so stay out of my sight and I'll try to forget you ever existed. I hate you too, Minerva. In all the time I spent at Hogwarts, you did nothing to protect the students of your faculty. You also knew how I was living with the Dursleys and did nothing about it either. I hope this situation teaches you something. Maybe you'll start paying a little attention to Gryffindors.

I saw a few reporters eavesdropping on our conversation, but I was getting carried away. The sight of those faces alone was enough to bring back the darkest memories in me.

- And you, Lupin, are the one I hate the most. Your best friends were murdered, and in ten years you never once wondered what happened to their son. Where were you, feeling sorry for yourself? And when you had the chance, you betrayed me again. Please don't pretend to care right now. Just walk away.

After waiting until they had all stepped aside, without answering anything, I looked at Black.

- Sirius," I fell silent, not knowing what to say. As a result, I walked over to him and held out my hand. - I'm sorry I cursed you the other day, I didn't know how else to get through to you.

He looked at me in surprise, thinking he was about to get his dose of hate, but I waited patiently. When he realised that this wasn't a joke, Sirius shook my hand gently in return and smiled softly.

- I understand.

- I understand, too, Sirius. I'm going away from this madhouse for a while, but when I get back, I'll text you to meet up. Is that okay with you?

He smiled wider, and shook his head.

- I'll wait as long as it takes, Harry. Thank you.

- No problem, Tramp, I'll see you around. - I clapped him on the shoulder, and left him to realise what had happened, walking over to Amelia.

- 'Well, that went pretty well,' she said once I was next to her.

- More than well. Two years without Dumbledore, and Britain is almost saved!

She smiled, and once again I noted that she needed to rest.

- Amelia, I understand, but if you don't go home now and go to bed for at least twelve hours, I'm going to turn into the new Dark Lord.

- Don't, Harry, it's going to take a long time to clean up the past," Bones laughed, accepting my joking threat. - I promise I'll go home right now. Luckily, the bedroom had already been restored. Thank you for your concern. And for helping me get through today. I feel like we're on the right track.

- No problem. I'll be away for the next few weeks, but your elf can find me. I got you into this, so I'll help you.

- It's a deal. I'll see you then?

- See you later.

We hugged goodbye, after which she also said goodbye to Fleur, and the Frenchwoman and I left the courtroom, which by then was almost empty.

I took Fleur in my arms and began to twirl her round and round, which made her shriek. It's all behind me now. Someday I might make it to Flamel, but that didn't seem to matter now. I felt free for the first time, I felt that I could go wherever I wanted and do whatever I wanted without worrying that someone might attack me.

Once on the ground again, Fleur kissed me gently, knowing exactly how I felt and enjoying it just as much.

- So, Harry, home?

- Home.

Next chapter