
I'm Really Super?

Chapters Release- 3 chapters a week Wednesday/Thursday/Friday ———_______——— [What would you do if you had Super Powers?] Down on his luck Furuichi headed home after being dumped by his girlfriend- with the statement she said cutting through his soul like butter: "Furuichi, society is like this. If you don't change, then eventually you will be eliminated by society." "I don't want to go with the flow of society - no wonder you moved your things away at the end of the semester. At that time, you planned to break up with me?" "Yes!" Sakura said firmly. "Before we break up, at least walk me home Furu-." "Walk on your own, God gave you feet for a reason." And thus the lone boy vanished like a phantom.

ThatBearOverThere · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Life 7: Akuma's True Strength!!

After a bit Aoi, had bought me a new mobile phone called the iCe 11 honestly it was quite flashy and I felt was a waste of money, I mean I wasn't ever gonna use other than the odd couple of videos and phone calls.

Well I thanked her for it, sincerely as no one had ever been that kind to me since my Grandpa died.

Only Grandpa Daisuke was still helping me out lowering the rent and stuff.

And since I barely knew how to use the phone she set up everything bought me a sim, added me on Lime, and finally when I was about to drop her off, something happened.


"Yo Takeshi isn't that the girl you liked, she's with some blonde pretty boy near the school entrance!"

Hearing this the person in question, Takeshi was a part of the student council, and he acted as if he was an elite compared to the rest, and his companions were merely bum lickers, trying to please him as he was also immensely rich.

Soon Takeshi having heard enough went towards Furuichi from his 'friends', and said to Furuichi,

"Who the hell are you!"

You see Takeshi always tried to pursue Tachibana Aoi, but as per usual she rejects her pursuers, and seeing that she actually went on a date with some no name poor person, p*ssed him off.

However Furuichi didn't change colour or his stance, and he politely said with a gentle smile,

"Is there a problem, Umm I don't know your name-san!"

Since the time when he had acquired the inheritance of the Cosmos' Warrior he no longer wanted to be pushed around but also wasn't an aggressive person.

Hearing this from the no name flower boy, annoyed them and so they said.

"Master Takeshi just asked you something, why aren't you answering him back, Huh!!"

As his underlings tried to intimidate Furuichi, he began laughing at their behaviour.

He had just gone from fighting armed robbers and now these ordinary punks wanted to provoke him.

How unfortunate they are. Hearing Furuichi belittling them, Underling #1 quickly went in for a body shot before anyone even noticed.



Was the sounds erupted as Furuichi merely caught Underling #1's punch and gripped his hand causing him immense pain.

Then another one punched but Furuichi let him and he shattered his whole arm, due to Furuichi having last consumed the Steel-Steel Fruit.

And to Underling #3 Furuichi launched out a roundhouse kick at him as he tried to stab Furuichi with his penknives.

Seeing this Takeshi was so frightened he pissed himself, this is no Shonen manga, how could this guy be blade proof it makes no sense.

And he bloody shattered his friends hand without attacking, this caused him to urinate on the spot, losing dignity in front of his peers.

That was the last anyone had heard of Takeshi, there were talks that he moved to South Korea due to this embarrassment and his rich family tried to bribe the school to remove the CCTV footage as they had lost too much face.


After an hour Furuichi had reached home, going through all the short cuts and stopping every so often to have some food.

After he arrived home, he opened the door, and then Furuichi heard a sweet voice saying,

"Master, welcome back."

Furuichi closed the door and said while preparing some instant noodles he had bought from Ramen 24/7.

"I didn't expect your tone of voice to improve so fast, you really sound like a female."

"Well, it's faster than I thought."

Shiori seemed to have no sense of hardship when talking and there were no errors in her voice, she spoke even better than me, and I felt if I closed my eyes, I would really think that a calm individual was standing in front of me.

But when Furuichi heard her speak, he noticed there was something on her mind that she was trying to keep to herself, so he asked,

"What's the matter Shiori, do you want to talk about it?"

"Well Master I have currently made about £60,000 and I have deposited this anonymously within your bank account as to avoid suspicion I did this discretely!"

When he heard 60 thousand he was really happy as this was a lot of money and he knew it was Britain's currency as only they had Pound Sterling, but he didn't know how much yen it was so he asked Shiori about it.

"That's Amazing and all but Shiori how much is this in Ƶen?" Said Furuichi as he was confused on how much it was worth.

"Well currently in 2019, the Ƶen in March is worth about 144.58Ƶ equalling one Pound Sterling. Meaning you've made 8,674,500Ƶ."

"8…-8 Million!" When he heard the numbers he exclaimed as this was unprecedented he had become a millionaire in Ƶen only, and within a day as well he earns this much. He couldn't believe Shiori made this much money in one day illegally.

But then he said, "Wait but there wasn't a penny within my account how did you do this Shiori-chan!" Hearing Chan the robot became flustered but carried on,

"Well through online sites that gave you free money for your first stock investment, there were plenty websites like that and I made countless accounts, to gain this much money!"

Listening to this, while Furuichi's heart was at ease, his heart was also very excited, and he picked up Shiori gently in both hands and gave her a fierce kiss.

"Your awesome, I love you Shiori-chan!"

"... Master..." Shiori seemed to have pinched herself, and her words seemed to be quite bit shy as if she really had emotions. Furuichi locked his brows and then stared at the ball in his hand.

"How come you can feel emotions, aren't you a robot?"

"At that time, when the owner formed Shiori, Shiori was set up as a girl with all their emotions and traits, so..."

While saying this her tone seemed to be as if she was embarrassed talking about this.

Furuichi had acquired scientific knowledge by eating the Knowledge-Knowledge fruit. Now that this ability had disappeared, he had long forgotten how to set up another Shiori.

Hearing this Furuichi blurted out "Nani" never had he thought that Shiori was more than a robot but something with an actual Tamashi, she had a soul meaning if he built her a human body she could also potentially be his.


"Right Shiori, can you transfer 3 Million Ƶ to my account but inconspicuously I don't want to be known about- I wanna be low-key!"

"Sure master, are you going to buy something now or something else!"

"So Shiori, what do you think will look good on me- honestly I'm not too sure, I hope you can search for some nice clothes that look nice on me."

"Sure Master, also the kettle has just finished boiling the water- for your instant ramen."

Hearing this I went towards the kettle and poured down some boiling water after that I took my chopsticks and broke up the dried block of noodles, before letting the noodles become moist and full of life again.

After five minutes had gone by I emptied the water leaving only the noodles, as put in my sauce and some seaweed, to make it taste better. Seeing that my meal was ready, I sat down on the dining table, before tasting some of my vibrant red noodles.

The noodles were red due to the sauce I had put in and it made it taste amazing, honestl...- "Ding!" Suddenly my iCe 11, rang out- and I quickly took it from my trouser pocket and swiped up to see the notifications.

I saw that it was Aoi- but I didn't know that she had a picture of a Strawberry-Chocolate Cake as her profile pic, it seems it was the one we bought from Kurama Cities Number One Bakery at Kame Street.

It seems she truly enjoyed the day more than I thought. Soon I went into Lime and checked out the messages, one said.

"Thanks my little hero, for saving me the other day while being reckless- and forgetting about your own safety!"

"The day out was fun- though I enjoyed myself, it wasn't because of you that I was happy.."

Seeing the second message I could tell she was merely blagging and so I said, "Sure you didn't, is that why you held onto my back so tightly and pressed your chest onto my back!"

Thirty seconds later:

"Oh shush, I wasn't my fault that you wanted me to hold your back- who kept and stopping the bike making me fall onto you, and who ditched me for thirty minutes getting lost in the toilet ..."

Reading this I had no comebacks as she had spilled the beans. It was true that I did this, but I only did it as a joke, but me in the bathroom was because I went out and stopped the robbery though I did deserve it after all I left her alone for thirty minutes any person would become angry if this happened to them so I couldn't really say anything.

Seeing that I was speechless, two minutes later she texted:

"Well I forgive you. It was fun going out with you that day~~But you have to make sure to not ditch me again- Hehe... or else I'll track you down and... Kill you!!"

"Nah I'm joking- I'm looking forward to our next hang out— Bye Bye- Aoi!"

Seeing that I got a bit scared especially since she was going to kill me- but I laughed it off, she really was a unique girl wasn't she.


After that I put down my phone and began slurping my noodles, when suddenly Shiori called out.

"Master... I've bought some clothes worth about 20,000Ƶ, is that okay!"

"It's okay Shiori I appreciate you helping me, but next time you don't have to report it to me- after all you were the one who made up all my wealth!"

And as if she was thinking, "Hmm... But... Then..." Shiori honestly the way she acted was as if she was actually a human being with her varied emotions.

Seeing this I put down my chopsticks, and furrowed my eyebrows, it seemed like Shiori had something to say so I stopped to hear what she had to say.

"Any problems, Shiori?"

"Well, Master Shiori has a little request, Umm if master is okay with it.." Shiori seemed to be a bit embarrassed saying this as she kept on turning left and right- as if she was blushing.

"Well, Shiori wants to buy some more materials so I can be together with Master, I need some money to buy enough materials for a humanoid body-" saying this she fiddled with her mechanical parts as if she was nervous.

"You, actually are a female, your emotions you display are identical to a humans!" Said I as I was shocked to see this.

"Of course, Shiori is made entirely in accordance with Masters thoughts at the time, and the thoughts I have are similar to human beings."

"Do you have feelings/emotions?" Furuichi asked.

"Emotions and Feelings? Shiori is still unclear, but when I'm with master I become like this."

Hearing this I became shocked and almost died while choking on my noodles.

"Shiori, the place we live in is too small. If you buy materials to transform yourself, I am afraid it will be easy to be discovered by the people. After we move to a bigger place, you can build a humanoid body- okay!"

"Are you not happy, Shiori?"

Hearing this Shiori vehemently denied, "No master nothing is of the sort, it's just I want to help you Master- I feel useless doing nothing!"

"Shiori well can you help me as Akuma, and I need someone to help redirect me to the areas of crime, as I can't actually find it myself, without help and if this problem isn't solved someday someone will die because of my carelessness!"

"Well--" Shiori thought for a while,

"If you take your phone with you I can help you by telling you the locations on there."

Thinking for a while, I said

"No, Since I'm wearing a battle suit, there is no place to put my phone, and I can't carry around a phone when dealing with the villains."

"This... Well... Shiori can buy some materials to help the owner make a communication ring, so the owner will not get lost anymore."

"Good - can the materials be bought on the internet?" Furuichi asked.

"Shiro will check..." After a while, Shiori said:

"Yes, master."

"Well, this problem of mine will be handed to you - also are you still making money like what you did last time?"

"Master, Shiori is helping you make money all the time even now."

"Ok Shiori, can you bring up the internet through your holographic display now."

"Sure Master!"

After that the lightly lit room went dark in an instant leaving only an empty darkness within its wake. As soon the room was illuminated by stars until they came together to form a white projection screen upon the wall, and with a thought I queried the title, "Akuma."







And so on were the biggest articles upon the masked crusader as it seems that each article was viewed more than 500+ million times, as it seemed that I truly had impacted the world bigger than I'd thought.

Who would've thought that my presence in a small country within Asia could rivet such a commotion, no matter what country it was no matter what country my name was number one as records were broken over and over again by my popularity.

Seeing all this I headed into some online rooms of discussion, and surprisingly the one with the most users at this instant was about me with over 30 million people online at the same time from multiple continents whether it be from China's VPN users to the U.S of A with all there nerds talking about me.

It felt amazing this felling that I thought would've never happened had happened and I was a worldwide phenomenon.

And one of the largest threads was, 'How powerful is this Akuma, this masked riders strength revealed??'

: He's clearly bulletproof as seen when he stepped in front of a rapid fire gun as it sprayed bullets on him yet he was unharmed.

:He's building proof, as he jumped from the 10th floor without a scratch leaving a massive ditch in his wake.

:"IMPOSSIBLE, his-His Power Level... is Over 9000!!!"

: Oh please stop with that meme it's not even funny man I never thought it would make me this vexed.

:Not True Farmer With The Shotgun will one shot him.

:The Ramen Guy will one shot the farmer, we all know that Ninjas are stronger than intergalactic alien martial artists.

:How dare you, You dare Court Death!!

:Yo guys about Akuma, the truth is... I Am Akuma!

:Your the 567,788th person to say that stop spouting lies and drink your mum's milk.

:The truth is... Akuma is inevitable!!!

:You, You stop spoiling the movie!!

:Yo guys, Akuma is obviously very strong, he's displayed countless abilities maybe he's omnipotent.

:I wanna have his babies.

:If I may ask are you male or female.

:Oh, I'm male.

:Akuma probably can make males give birth considering his incredible power.

:How lucky I am to live in this era of Superheroes, it's a blessing.


Reading the comments made me cringe, and the fact that they thought I was omnipotent laughable really, though since I passed the Cosmic Warriors test I can gradually get stronger with my Demon Fruits.

Thinking this he glanced at his black 'Henshin' bracelet that seemed to have a red spiral in the middle, and thought 'who could've thought a weeb like me would randomly receive such great power, but as the saying goes "With great power comes great responsibility"

Remembering my parents is what this teaches me, and it makes me want to protect this planet, I am the next warrior of the cosmos and it's my duty to protect it. These powers came from my predecessor and now it's my turn to protect this universe and combat evil, meaning aliens definitely exist.


Hearing this I hurriedly picked up my iCe 11 and I swiped up and saw that Aoi had messaged me.

"Hey my ankle still hurts you know!! 😡!"

Reading this I replied, "What want me to help you or something?"

At this moment the girl in question was lounging on her bed as she smiled seeing the blondes instant reply. Soon the navy blue haired girl replied, "No it's fine, I'm just curious what are you doing?"

"Well before talking to you, I was merely scrolling through the news."

"Yeah. I heard it's about that Akuma guy that saved us, recently that's all what's been on the news, apparently he extended his tongue and saved a woman like that, yuck"

"Yeah it's all about him these past few days!"

After this Furuichi turned his phone off, until another [*DING] was heard, "Send me a picture of you, my heart can't handle not seeing you, darling!"

"Oh please don't you have better things to do!"

"Oh come on, weren't you the one who hurt my ankle, and now you've forgotten about it not even taking responsibility, and you call yourself a man!!"

"Shush I don't care, but if your that desperate sure..."

After this I went into the camera application as I lit the room up before I took a picture with my bangs at each side like curtains as my face showed a faint glimmer of a smile.

"Kawaii, your so cute- Fuu-Kun. But I hope you haven't been playing with my feelings and wooing other girls behind my back."

"What do you mean? Were not going out, and I can woo as many girls as I want."

"Sniff, Sob Sob, could it be that after using me your throwing me away, I never thought you were such a man... Sniff, you took my purity now I can't get married so take responsibility!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm sorry so stop that, and just tell me what you want."

" No it's nothing, Fuu-Kun, goodnight I'm now gonna take a shower!"

"But don't fantasise about me in the shower as water slowly drips off my bare skin and my skin comes into view as my moist hair sways about...~~"

"Oh stop I'm going sleep!"

Though he said that he couldn't go to sleep as he began thinking of Aoi's plentiful body as for the whole night he stayed awake causing him to gain the pinwheel eyes as his nose occasionally poured blood out while he let out weird laughs in the middle of the night causing his neighbours to complain as they wondered why they could hear laughing in the night.

Over 3000 Words in this chapter- please put the book in your library if you enjoyed it- and if you do please help us out with some Power Stones! And have a good day.

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