
I'm Really Super?

Chapters Release- 3 chapters a week Wednesday/Thursday/Friday ———_______——— [What would you do if you had Super Powers?] Down on his luck Furuichi headed home after being dumped by his girlfriend- with the statement she said cutting through his soul like butter: "Furuichi, society is like this. If you don't change, then eventually you will be eliminated by society." "I don't want to go with the flow of society - no wonder you moved your things away at the end of the semester. At that time, you planned to break up with me?" "Yes!" Sakura said firmly. "Before we break up, at least walk me home Furu-." "Walk on your own, God gave you feet for a reason." And thus the lone boy vanished like a phantom.

ThatBearOverThere · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Life 3: A Hero-?

Seeing that all three people fainted, Furuichi took back his extended hands and feet, then he took out a mobile phone from Hanasuke's pockets and dialed the police.

After the call, Furuichi had explained the location, and then he put the phone down and walked toward the room where Aoi was.

When Aoi saw Furuichi's face and body safe from beatings, she breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine now, let's go." Furuichi untied the knot of hers, and thought that he must leave here immediately, otherwise the three people will wake up and by then his power would run out, and then it'll be troublesome.

After releasing the rope for Aoi, Furuichi took Aoi's little hand and walked a few steps until he heard Aoi making noises as if she was in pain, listening to this. Furuichi realized that Aoi's foot injury was a bigger problem than she had let on.

So Furuichi took Aoi and put an arm of Aoi's on his shoulder and left hurriedly.

Seeing the three thugs knocked out by Furuichi, Aoi looked at Furuichi with some unbelievable gleams in her eyes.

"You took all three of them down?"

"No." Furuichi did not want to be known or his Demon fruits to be known so he said no. If more people knew, it would certainly bring a lot of trouble to his life.

"Who could do this, it's insane the area around here's completely destroyed?" Aoi continued to ask.

When they were out of the factory, Furuichi thought for a moment and said.

"A man who claimed to be Suppa-man arrived here and took care of them, but he left the three men for the police and left."

Aoi's beautiful face scrunched up, and she began laughing as she found the whole situation something seen only in manga.

"Suppa-man? I think you've been watching a bit too much movies? Hey, slow down, my foot still hurts, but you've made me laugh."

Damn it! Won't I be discovered by her? Furuichi was shocked and felt that he could not control the ability of the Demon Fruit. As he felt his shoulders extending as he had Aoi's weight upon his body, causing him to overthink.

After Aoi stood up and she didn't say anything, as she didn't seem to realize that Furuichi's shoulder was unusual as it began deforming.

"Is your foot okay?" asked Furuichi carefully.

Aoi shook her head, and headed towards the road.

"No problem, let's go."

After a while, the two left the factory and came to the road. At dusk, there weren't many cars on the road.

Because Furuichi had run towards the van at full speed without knowing what he was doing, other than trying to save Aoi, he realised he didn't even know where he was.

He looked at both ends of the road, "Which side do we go?" Said Furuichi as he looked around in confusion.

Aoi looked around, after a long time, she said.

"This should be the Tsukuba Economy Zone. We are going opposite to that also there's a bus stop there." Aoi said, pulling back her hand on Furuichi's shoulder.

"No, we'll first go through a few stops, take the bus, or the three thugs behind us will wake up and take us back to detainment," Furuichi said.

After a certain distance, Furuichi turned back and saw that Aoi had already opened up a distance of 20 meters between them and Furuichi was busy simply standing there as he was drained from the Demon fruit.

"Hurry up."

Aoi limped over towards the pale Furuichi.

"How can I go further than this?"

Furuichi looked at her foot, then the road "Should I just carry you?"

Aoi hearing this, then stared at Furuichi

"You think I don't know, you want to take advantage of me, well, no way." Hearing this Furuichi sighed before extending a hand and said again.

"Grab on, will you." Furuichi grabbed Aoi's arms and said, "Hmph, who wants to take advantage of you, in the factory, who was the one leaning on me for no reason."

Aoi squinted towards the sky and kept saying in her cherry lipped mouth. "I don't remember, I don't remember..."

Furuichi had no choice but to shake his head saying, "Stop sexually harassing me, just because I'm Male doesn't mean I can't charge you for assault."

"Oh shut up, this princess merely allowed you to feel a sense of warmth." The two began to bicker, and after getting along while bickering somehow, the distance between the two became closer.

"Right, have you brought any money with you?" When he went to rescue Aoi, he didn't bring money, and after being kidnapped by the three men, the mobile phone was also lost to them.

Furuichi searched for some money in his pocket and said: "Oh, that's all."

Furuichi's palms had four, 100 Zenish's.

"I'm relieved, I thought that I wouldn't even have the money to take the taxi."

Furuichi suddenly realized that there was no problem with the taxi money. The 400Ƶ was stuffed in his hand. It can be said that there is no way to go. Aoi, as a child of a wealthy family, certainly wouldn't care, but Furuichi who was an orphan, felt reluctant to let go of this 400Ƶ.

Thinking for a moment, Furuichi said.

"Aoi, you can see the beauty of this sunset right, why don't we just walk back to the city together- right Aoi-san?"

Just after Furuichi's words were finished, an empty taxi passed by and beeped it's horn and passed by the two. Aoi Who saw this, started to shout towards it.

"Taxi, Stop!"

The taxi stopped at the side of the road. Aoi got on the taxi first, then looked at Furuichi, who was still standing outside.

"What are you doing, come in."

Furuichi's face seemed to have been greatly wronged at this moment. His face crumpled into a frown before sitting in the taxi.

"Where are the two going?" asked the taxi driver.

Aoi smiled and looked at Furuichi.

"Let's go to your house, I want to see where my little hero lives."

"My house? No, no, my house is very chaotic." Furuichi declined not because of his house but rather because of the Demon Seeds in his desk, what if she ate one and discovered the truth, what if she told the world about this.

"Little boy your, too ignorant, a girl is taking the initiative to go to your house, you don't know to seize the opportunity. Are you afraid that your parents will find out? I know a very good couple hotel, where the room is cheap, do you want me to take you there?" The taxi driver said while driving.

"How much? No, I mean how much money to go to the city." For the taxi drivers offer, Furuichi didn't pay attention to it. He was just concerned about the problem of this last bit of money he had with him.

In the eyes of Aoi, Furuichi's first sentence came up with 'how much money' which made her mistakenly think that Furuichi originally asked the price of sleeping with a prostitute, so she gave him a white-eyed look.

"If you play for an hour, it's forty to fifty Ƶ."

"Is it forty or fifty?"

"Exactly, I am familiar with the owner of the hotel. It is better to do this. I will open the room for the second place. How about 1 hour for 150 Ƶ all together? If you go to open the room yourself, the standard single room will have at least one hundred and thirty-eight for just 30 minutes."

Why did the driver answer this question? Furuichi couldn't help but deeply lock his eyebrows.

"Forget it, forget it... so expensive, can you be cheaper?"


Furuichi wanted the taxi fare to be cheaper, but Aoi and the taxi driver thought that Furuichi was talking about the price of opening a room in a love hotel. Who told him to pause for a while in his sentences, this would obviously cause misunderstanding.

Aoi originally read that Furuichi did not care about his safety and saved her. She still had some good feelings for Furuichi. But she didn't expect this Furuichi to be such a person.

"You better not say it." Aoi gave a glare at Furuichi, but Furuichi did not see it, and he looked towards the taxi driver, waiting for him to answer.

"Young man, your girlfriend is so beautiful, don't say it is 150Ƶ, even if it is 500Ƶ to open a room, which young person is not willing to do this? In front of your girlfriend as well, don't be stingy, as long as it is generous, come on I'm sure your girlfriend would love to sleep with you. Even at this age, I can still find spring. Now, in this society, as long as there is money, everything can be done..."

"You shut up!" Furuichi and Aoi said in unison to the taxi driver, the taxi driver was stunned and closed his mouth when he heard the two teenagers shouting towards him.

The two looked at each other, Aoi said "Don't think that just because you saved me, I will go with you... Love Hotel... Hey! I'm not a casual girl, I have to think about it!" While saying this, her face became beet red.

"What?" Furuichi felt that Aoi was somewhat weird and then said. "I don't have as much money as your family, of course, I have to bargain." Furuichi's EQ was quite low, and he thought that Aoi was angry because he was bargaining for the ride home.

"You..." Aoi was so angry that her face became swollen red, and she still thought that Furuichi's bargain was the brothel fee. After a loud "Hmph!", she told the taxi driver

"Sir, please drop me off first at Kurama High."

"Don't want to go to my house?" Furuichi secretly rejoiced, so good, she finally did not go, so there is no need to worry that she saw the Demon fruits and seedlings.

"Don't go, don't go, I won't go!!" Aoi said with even more anger she thought that Furuichi was a good person but it seems she was wrong.

The two went all the way, and the taxi stopped at the doors of Kurama High. Aoi opened the door and went in. Furuichi merely responded saying "Goodbye!" and didn't return to the school.

Furuichi stretched his neck and looked at the price on the meter. The above showed forty-three.

"Master, just forty Ƶ? Make it Cheaper, okay?"

The taxi driver sighed and took the money.

"Oh, okay, it's all my fault, blame the old man, I broke your good deeds - young man, the girl is good, go and chase her back, maybe there is still a chance to rekindle your love with her." The taxi driver took out ten dollars. Looking at Furuichi, and then gave him a business card,

"Oh, this is my business card. If you want to bring your girlfriend back if you want to go back to the Love Hotel, call me. Brother, I will take you to a cheap, soft bed hotel, also one hour room is OK, only 30 Ƶ an hour for you..."

Furuichi took ten dollars and the business card of the taxi driver, put it in the pocket together, and then said. "Okay, okay, I have to go now, thanks for the tenner." He was too lazy to explain it to the taxi driver.

After getting off the taxi, Furuichi looked at the school and saw no trace of Aoi.

"This girl is going so fast... forget it, I will go back to my place."

After more than an hour, Furuichi came to his house the Itsuka residence. Entering the room, Furuichi was sitting at the computer desk. He originally wanted to turn on the computer to check some information about the mutation see if it affected his computer, but the computer had already broken down and wasn't seemingly working. It was originally a second-hand computer bought with his lunch money.

Then he opened his palm and controlled the shortening and lengthening of his fingers. How could this ability last for so long? Is there any reason for it?

Furuichi stared at the Demon Fruit seedlings on the table. Going out at noon, the two fruits were originally taken one after the other, it is estimated that the longer they are taken, the shorter the effect.

"I don't know if I have the ability to see through things like X-Ray, so I can buy some lottery tickets. No matter, I'll try the ability first and see what it has to offer."

After that, Furuichi picked up the Demon fruit on the computer desk and put it in his mouth. After a while, he suddenly understood a lot of scientific knowledge and even some knowledge that was unknown to any scientist on the whole earth.

"Wow--" Furuichi's brain seemed to be wide open at this moment. If he had enough materials at this time, he could make an advanced AI, Robots/Androids/Cyborgs/Mecha Armour. There are also genetically modified serums in his head, controlling animals through radio waves, etc. He can also develop them.

At the moment, even if there is so much scientific knowledge in Furuichi's mind, it is useless If he waits to buy the materials, he's afraid that this ability will disappear again.

No, it is hard to get this kind of technological ability, and this ability cannot be used in vain. The next time I'll get this ability, I don't know how long I'll wait.

After thinking about it, Furuichi opened up his drawer and took out the remaining one thousand yen he had left. Then he ran downstairs, went to a hardware/computer/general store, bought some pliers, wire, nails, plugs, mechanical parts, etc., and then rushed back to his residence.

After closing the door, he immediately dismantled his computer, he then went to his washing machine threw his clothes out and dismantled that then he went to his electric fan, tv, plug sockets, fuses, etc and put it all in the living room as he began dismantling them piece by piece.

It took an hour for him to disassemble all of these appliances into parts. The Demon fruit that he ate this time also greatly improved his hands-on ability.

He wants to make a super computer first, that can access the Internet without internet connection, it can be turned on without electricity, and can also be an intelligent robot. The memory is huge and the operation is super fast. In short, billions of times better than computers nowadays.

It took him three hours to finally make this super computer.

It was a football-sized round spherical object on the table, this was his super computer. Because of the many parts that are put together to make this supercomputer, the overall colour on this supercomputer is also very different. Originally, Furuichi could make the supercomputer smaller, but he didn't have such a production machine at all. It could only be done by hand.

After the production, Furuichi took the extra parts off the computer desk and was preparing to make something else, but found that the scientific knowledge within his mind was slowly fading away.

Finally Finished, I was afraid that there was not enough time.

Furuichi turned around in the same place, and then quickly took out a notebook and a pen from the drawer, and recorded the scientific knowledge that can be remembered in his mind on the notebook.

After a while, the scientific and technological knowledge in Furuichi's mind was completely lost. He stared at the half-page Of scientific knowledge recorded in the notebook and couldn't help but lock his eyebrows.

"What exactly are these things, what do these weird syllables even mean?"

Nearly 3000 words in this chapter- Please put the book in your library if you enjoyed it- and if you do please help us out with some Power Stones! And have a good day.

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