
Life 2: Demon Fruits

After putting the fruit in his pocket he took a shower and then put on his school clothes (Black blazer, Black trousers, Red tie) and dumped his clothes from yesterday into the washing machine. After that, Furuichi came to his computer desk and saw a black fruit on the small green seedling also called the Demon Seed. He simply took the newly grown Demon fruit and put it in his pocket with the previous Demon fruit, and went out.

After more than an hour of walking, Furuichi had arrived at Kurama High. Because he was walking, he had to cut corners to get to school.

At this moment, he was walking in a small alley at the back of the school. This small alley was rarely seen by everyone, and only Furuichi passed through here to get to school.

During the walk, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw 5 meters away, a female student holding an old woman toward him.

When approaching, Furuichi discovered that this female student was Tachibana Aoi, but when she passed by, Aoi didn't seem to recognize Furuichi. Seeing this he merely turned the other way heading to school

"Help! Help!"

Furuichi's heart was shocked. As he heard the screams so he turned around. He saw a big man with a towel/cloth covering Aoi's mouth and pulling her into the mans van. Seeing this something exploded in Furuichi as he rushed towards Aoi, as to prevent this abduction.


But when Furuichi had rushed past, the van had already started, at this time, the grandmother came over and said

"Young man, you still haven't called the police?."

"Yes, yes." In a hurry, Furuichi took out his mobile phone and tapped the home button on it a few times. At this point he remembered that he didn't charge the phone last night and so his phone had no charge at all.

At the moment, the situation was urgent. So Furuichi began to chase the van and said to the grandmother.

"My phone is out of charge, I'm gonna chase the van, grandma, look for someone to call the police quickly please!."


After a while of chasing he still hadn't caught up to it and bent down while wheezing, as he quickly took in the air, breathing in and out.

'No, I have to find her or who knows what'll happen to Aoi-san, and the police seemingly wont reach here in time "Ah" how frustrating this is!'

Furuichi by now couldn't help but think of the two Demon fruits he put in his pocket when he went to school. He reached out and took one, he went to the corner of the street, stuffed the fruit into his mouth, and ran in the direction of the van.

After a while, the Demon fruit played an effective role. When running, Furuichi's speed suddenly became faster. He could feel that all his bodies attributes had grown, his power, agility, reaction time, everything- if one were to see his speed now they would think of a cheetah.

Looking at the streets in front of him, seeing that all the cars were going backwards, Furuichi who was in the crowds, had caused a lot of trouble for the pedestrians. And he had fallen several times because he avoided pedestrians, but at this speed, falling was nothing, after one fall, he felt no pain as his body was strengthened.

"This ability is different from last time, I'm not a liquid anymore!"

After the van got on the Motorway, it began to accelerate. It was unimpeded along the way, and it didn't seem to see Furuichi who was recklessly charging towards it.


Half an hour later, the van came to an abandoned factory in the suburbs it entered and stopped there.

At this time, Furuichi was sweating and breathing fast, as he quickly rushed into the factory and saw a big man holding Aoi, followed by two other big men.

"Let the girl go!"

Said Furuichi in the most cliche way, pointing to Aoi, he thought, at this moment he had more than ordinary people's strength and speed, so he wasn't afraid of these big men.

The three men stared at Furuichi for a while, and then one of the big ones with face tattoos came over to Furuichi.

"Where is your fear boy... Not afraid of death?"

Said Hanasuke as he rushed over and sidestepped before punching Furuichi's face, causing Furuichi to rush back and almost fall onto the ground. When Furuichi had touched the corners of his mouth, he found blood flowing from his mouth. How can this be, is his abilities time limit over?

Just as Furuichi was thinking about it, Hanasuke carried on punching Furuichi's face and directly knocked Furuichi down to the ground like a bloody rag doll, the process was simply inhumane. And after receiving this punch, Furuichi felt that his mind became fuzzy and he seemingly couldn't stand up.

Seeing this Hanasuke who fought with Furuichi, took a bundle of rope from the van and walked towards Furuichi. At this moment Aoi who had witnessed all this quickly called out saying.

"You've already caught me your goals are achieved, but he's innocent let him go!"

A nearby goon called Miyasuke near Aoi, slapped her with his backhand and then shouted.


Furuichi shook his head and struggled to get up as his mind felt weird as he couldn't regulate his vision nor his auditory senses, it seems his abilities had time out. And while this happened the goons wrapped him around Aoi's chair.


After Furuichi and Aoi were thrown into a small room on the second floor of the factory building. Hanasuke explained to his men.

"There are rules in the Yakuza, remember we are just making money, not killing anybody."

Furuichi once regaining his senses tried hard to get rid of the ropes in his hands and wanted to eat the Demon fruit in his pocket, but he couldn't as he was tied too tightly.

"The eldest daughter of the Tachibana family, I wonder how much her worth truly is?" Hanasuke took out his mobile phone and began filming Furuichi and Aoi as they were locked in captivity.

"You can ask for any amount of money, but he is innocent. Please let him go." Aoi who was sitting next to Furuichi said this. Although she was a female student she was not as flustered as other women would be in this moment.

When Hanasuke heard this he chuckled before saying, "Let him go? No, we'll wait until we get the money." Then he stood up and said to the darker man Miyasuke on the side.

"Miyasuke, send the video to her family, I will call them to ask for money in a few minutes."

Miyasuke took the cell phone from Hanasuks and then walked out of the small room. Then Hanasuke turned to the man with a knife-mark on his face.

"Kizuato, Jump out for now I'll tell you when I need you."

After that Kizuato went out, Hanasuke then took out a dagger and made a gesture on Furuichi's face.

"I can bear you coming here and fighting me, but coming here as a hero to save damsel? Really? You've been reading too many manga If you think were anything like an anime, you hear me!" After that, Hanasuke punched onto Furuichi's stomach, so that Furuichi would bow down in pain.

After a few breaths, Furuichi glared at Hanasuke who was wearing glasses, as long as he could eat the Demon fruit in his pocket, Furuichi would surely make these people feel pain-true pain and humiliation.

Then Hanasuke picked up another mobile phone and dialed on it while walking towards the outside of the room.

"Are you okay?" Aoi's eyes widened with an anxious look, as she stared intensely at Furuichi.

Furuichi shook his head before saying to the pretty girl, "Nothing, how about you?" So close to her eyes, at this time Furuichi was not attracted by Aoi's gaze but rather her beautiful face, although Aoi's face was dusty at this moment, but it still could not cover her delicate facial features.

Aoi also shook her head seeing Furuichi motionless plus speechless, and then stared at Furuichi with blame and anger in her eyes.

"How come your so stupid, why did you think you could rescue me from the hands of three bulky men who are possibly armed alone, you numbskull?"


"I didn't think so much of being beaten up and thrown around like a rag doll at that time, I just followed them to save you out of the kindness of my bloody heart." Furuichi said in disapproval.

Listening to this, Aoi became moved, and said.

"We don't know even know each other, why would you save me?"

Furuichi looked at Aoi and said "Don't you remember yesterday? I saw you yesterday."

Aoi's eyes turned wise when she heard this and then said, "where?"

Furuichi at this point had no choice but to shake his head. It seemed that Aoi was a person who didn't remember small things, "I knocked you down yesterday by accident, don't you remember?."

Aoi stared at Furuichi's face for a while, her expression changed, and then she said, "Oh - right, I remembered it just now, it's as if it's fate that brought us together."

Furuichi chuckles when he heard this, and said

"- Right, is your foot still hurting from yesterday?"

Aoi screamed, as if realising this and shouted out loud, "It hurts, of course it hurts. It still hasn't healed yet. Oh yeah your also a student at Kurama High?"

Furuichi nodded, Aoi then continued, "I am Tachibana Aoi, what about you?"

"Furuichi - At Kurama High who doesn't know you, one of the Four beauties Tachibana Aoi-san." At this point, both Furuichi and Aoi were in close contact with each other, and it seemed that they had forgotten that they were both tied together at the moment.

Aoi's mouth was hapless hearing this, "Well I never wanted the title, people just gave it to me and they always make irresponsible remarks about me behind my back-*Sigh, it's so frustrating, they say I'm a second generation heiress or someone being raised by a sugar-daddy."

"Well, it's simply freedom of speech, you can't tell people to stop talking about what they want." Aoi at this point flared at Furuichi.

"You think I have a sugar-daddy don't you, Furuichi?"

Furuichi's face was awkward at this moment before he said, "You... Don't?"

Aoi took another look at Furuichi as if she was hurt, saying, "I thought you would be different, from the others who would have thought you were the same as the others."

"Oh Different? How Exactly?" Furuichi asked. Aoi merely gave a playful grin before saying.

"The rich second generation heir in their eyes is actually my brother. He doesn't work in this city, so every time he comes back, he will come to the school to pick me up."

"Wait if that's so, why don't you explain it to the others?" From the abduction of Aoi by these people, to her being still mentally resilient, Furuichi felt that Aoi's life experience should be very unusual. Recalling that before Aoi was riding a bicycle to school, Furuichi could not help but have a new perspective on Aoi. She has money yet rises to school on a bike like a commoner- how unusual.

"To be honest, I'm not really familiar with these rumors, I've heard bits and pieces but I don't really get it - rather I'm not bothered about it as it's not my problem?"

"~I See." Seeing Aoi's playful appearance, Furuichi could hardly imagine that this girl who looked like a cold and callous person before had such a playful personality.

"Don't worry, after they get the money, they'll let us go." Then Aoi stared at Furuichidao with her eyes wide open. 'Mmm, she speaks as if it's a common occurrence-man what did I get myself into with this weirdo next to me' thought Furuichi in his mind.

"Little hero, don't be afraid- I'm here to relieve you of your boredom!." And so for another thirty minutes Aoi was talking to Furuichi as if the two were good old friends who hadn't met in years- Furuichi merely found this amusing.

"Don't make trouble, the people can hear us!"

"Are you afraid?" Aoi looked at Furuichi as her head bobbled about and stared at Furuichi with interest as if this was an unusual reaction to her. Furuichi did not answer. He didn't feel fear as the Demon fruit had changed him somehow subconsciously and all he was worried about was Aoi's safety. If he is allowed to eat the Demon fruit in his pocket, he will be able to knock down the three men easily- that is if he gets a decent fruit.

At this moment, the two's hands were tied together, and their feet were also tied together. It's impossible for Aoi to take out the Demon fruit in his pocket. He also had no chance to consume it other than letting the men loosen his ropes.

Soon the sun went down. Aoi was feeling tired for a long time. And so she began to rest by leaning her head gently towards Furuichi's shoulders. When she saw Furuichi's face turn somewhat red, she leaned more boldly on him and squinted her eyes towards him.

"~~Mou- I want to sleep for a while."

Furuichi also leaned towards Aoi's body as he could smell her fragrance, and it was feeling weird deep down as he felt her fragrance was sweet for some reason.

At this time, Hanasuke had rushed in, as if he was talking to himself, "Tachibana, what do you mean Wait three days for the money!?" After that, the sunglasses man came to Aoi and knelt down saying.

"Did you lie to Laozi, Huh tell me?"

Aoi widened her eyebrows hearing this, she replied saying, "Who will prepare so much cash at once, obviously you need to go to the bank to withdraw money, and the sum you want will take at least three days."

"Don't Bullsh*t me, you cocky b*tch!" Hanasuke hearing this got up and walked a few laps in the same place. Then he stared at Aoi and slowly leaned over.

"What do you want to do to me?" Aoi saw Hanasuke's indecent look, as he tried to look cool by leaning against the wall- but failed as his beer belly destroyed the posture.

"What Do You Want To Do, You say- well my little brother needs some loving you know I can't handle Three days without letting loose, 😏."

After this, Hanasuke rushed over to Aoi. At the same time as Aoi yelled, Furuichi rushed to bite Hanasuke's arm and tore off a piece of skin from his obese body.

"Ah--!!" Hanasuke shouted out loud as his arm was covered with blood spilling from his missing flesh area on his arm. Soon after he became enraged and grabbed the steel pipe next to him and went straight to Furuichi's direction.

"Hah, you think your cool and all with your one hand moves- against me who's stuck on this chair- if your really a man let me out and we'll have a battle of fisticuffs" Furuichi said threatening Hanasukes manhood- he did this on purpose to remove his rope.

Aoi, who was on the side, listening to this, well she looked scared as she had imagined Furuichi her saviour who was a pretty nice guy after talking to him for about 4 hours murdered and turned into a meat patty.

"Don't, don't do it you numbskull- Furuichi!" She shouted out to stop the scene. Although Furuichi was quite toned (due to Demon Fruit and Merging with System) But Hanasuke was simply a Tower compared to Furuichi who was only toned.

After Hanasuke loosened Furuichi, Furuichi got up and walked outside the room, and waved at Hanasuke as if to provoke him to taunt him to start the fight, "Come!."

Hanasuke didn't expect Furuichi to be this arrogant after thar he simply showed a smirk on his face and followed him out.

Going outside the room, all one could hear was just Aoi's yelling in the room, "Furuichi, You Idiot... your such a fool!" In Aoi's view, Furuichi behavior is simply courting death.

Furuichi chuckled however and took out the omnipotent fruit from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. After a while, he felt that his body had a strange elasticity to it. He didn't know why but after eating three Demon fruits he could already feel the ability that this fruit brought to him.

The ability was to stretch and distort his body similar to Luffy's power in the treasure for the 'One Piece' left by Gold D. Roger.

"Kid, after I got the money, I was planning to let you go. But now your simply looking for a dead end, don't blame me when I kill you boy." Hanasuke said.

Then Hanasuke the brute rushed over towards Furuichi, but he wasn't near Furuichi, instead he saw Furuichi's arm suddenly stretching out, like a snake changing directions, suddenly Furuichi's right arm wrapped around the brutes body, and then he punched Hanasuke from the bottom up to the chin.

Seeing this scene, Miyasuke originally planning to watch some entertainment, became wide-eyed and surprised, he couldn't believe the scene he saw and he was about to run away, but the other arm that Furuichi had stretched, had wrapped around his legs and made him fall to the ground with a loud "Thud!"

"Monster/Luffy, please leave us in 'One Piece'!" Both of them yelled in synch, and Furuichi however retracted his hand and pulled the two to his side. While his elongated arms were entangled with them, he made them punch each other on their faces and soon stunned the two after repeated injuries sustained to their heads.

Nearly 3000 Words in this chapter- Please put the book in your library if you enjoyed it- and if you do please help us out with some Power Stones! And have a good day.

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