
Chapter 1: Stage Set

Under the shimmering moonlight in a serene night sky, amidst the depths of a lush forest, smoke rises from a crackling bonfire, carrying the aroma of mouthwatering food being prepared.

"Life doesn't get much better than this," remarks a green-skinned humanoid alien, casually grilling fish over the flames.

This individual, known as Piccolo, though not the original one from his realm, is a reincarnated being, akin to those in our own world. He has made this place his home for the past five years.

Despite the impending arrival of Raditz on Earth, Piccolo remains unperturbed.

"But I'll miss my family. I wonder what they are doing. I hope they are doing their best in life" Piccolo smiled.

After savoring his meal, Piccolo soared upward, admiring the shimmering moonlight.

"I always wished to experience the freedom of flight and simply relax in the open sky," Piccolo reflected.

Ascending even higher, he found himself in the vast expanse of space. Upon landing on the moon, he settled in, pondering his existence.

"Why am I here? Did someone grant me a second chance? I never asked for this. I had a good life, content with what I had. Why thrust me into a world of constant struggle?" Piccolo sighed, though a smile tugged at his lips. "But at least I'm alive, right?"

The moon became his new sanctuary, a place to reflect and remember his family. Eventually, Piccolo returned to Earth, seeking solace in its green plains.

Climbing to the top of a hill, he rested against the lone tree, drifting into a peaceful slumber.


As the clock strikes 6 am, the green plains are bathed in the gentle glow of dawn, a serene haven before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

"Good morning," Piccolo murmurs as he opens his eyes, greeted by the new day.

Rising to his feet, he stretches his limbs before embarking on a light jog around the plains.

Observing his surroundings as he runs, a smile graces Piccolo's lips at the sight of the breathtaking scenery.

"There will always be a void in my heart. I hate this feeling," he mutters softly to himself.

As he hums the tune of "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku," Piccolo sets off on his light jog, his footsteps synchronized with the rhythm of the melody.

After an hour of jogging, he transitions into a rigorous workout routine. Push-ups until his arms tire, followed by crunches hanging from a tree branch until his muscles ache. Next, squats until his legs protest, and finally, pull-ups until his grip weakens.

Taking a well-deserved 30-minute rest, Piccolo conjures a jug of water with his magic and sets off to find food, typically fish, ensuring to venture far from the green plains to preserve its serenity.

Once his meal is finished, he returns to his resting spot, where he settles into meditation.

Meanwhile, an object hurtles through the atmosphere, crashing into the mountainous terrain below, creating a colossal crater upon impact.

As the dust settles, a figure emerges from the wreckage—a space pod. Curious, a human ventures to investigate, only to witness the pod opening to reveal a man named Raditz, a Saiyan warrior who has just arrived on Earth.

And so, the stage is set for the beginning of this tale.

On the other side, Piccolo senses a surge in power and sighs, "I could use a few more restful days, but of course, he chooses today to arrive."

Draped in his white cape, Piccolo swaps his turban for a hoodie, readying himself for what lies ahead.

Closing his eyes, he hones in on the other significant power source and takes flight, knowing that Raditz will make his appearance there.

Arriving swiftly, Piccolo's presence causes those nearby to tense up. On the island, he finds Roshi, Krillin, Bulma, Goku, and Gohan, all gathered together.

"What's your game, Piccolo?" Krillin demands, poised to spring into action.

The assembled fighters are taken aback. 'I can't sense his energy at all,' they whisper amongst themselves, astonished by Piccolo's mastery.

'He's got incredible control,' Goku remarks, impressed by Piccolo's Ki Control.

Ignoring their inquiries, Piccolo simply crosses his arms, awaiting Raditz's arrival.

Suddenly, a surge of power approaches, sending shockwaves through the group. All eyes widen in disbelief, except for Piccolo's, who remains steadfast, ready for the imminent arrival of Raditz.

Raditz descends upon the island, his voice cutting through the air. "At last, Kakarot, we meet. I'd recognize you. You bear a striking resemblance to our father."

"Huh?" Goku's brow furrows in confusion.

"What's he on about? And who is he?" Krillin interjects, bewildered by the stranger's words.

Piccolo shoots a meaningful glance at Bulma, transmitting a telepathic message directly to her mind: 'Get inside. Things are about to get messy. Take Gohan with you.'

Though taken aback, Bulma maintains her composure, concealing her shock as she follows Piccolo's instructions.

"Kakarot, what's going on here? Your mission was to wipe out all life on this planet. What's with this charade?" Raditz demands, his eyes fixed on Goku.

"Who are you talking to?" Goku questions, perplexed by Raditz's accusation.

"He's talking to you, Goku," Piccolo interjects, his tone grave.

"Me? But my name's not Kakarot," Goku protests.

"Your name is Kakarot, a Saiyan—the mightiest warrior in the universe. Have you suffered a blow to the head or something?" Raditz presses, incredulous.

Inside, Bulma and Gohan exchange uncertain glances but heed Piccolo's advice, retreating indoors.

"Yeah, I remember now. I've still got the scar from it," Goku admits, touching the mark on his head.

"Ah, that explains a lot," Raditz acknowledges.

"Tell me, who are you? What's your purpose here?" Goku demands, his curiosity piqued.

"We're family, Goku. You and I share the same blood. You're not from this planet; you were born on planet Vegeta, and I am your older brother, Raditz" Raditz reveals.

Goku, Krillin, Roshi, and Bulma, who are huddled indoors, are taken aback by the revelation.

"It's unbelievable," Roshi murmurs.

"Goku's... older brother?" Krillin stammers.

"No way! He's an alien?" Bulma mutters incredulously.

With a sarcastic clap, Piccolo interjects, "Thank you for the enlightening exposition, but let's wrap this up swiftly. Hey, Vegeta! I know you can hear me. Get over here, you dwarf. I'll drop kick your ass."

Raditz is taken aback by Piccolo's boldness.

Piccolo cracks his neck and provokes Raditz further, taunting, "Come on, Low-Class Saiyan."

"Huh!" Raditz's frustration is evident as a vein bulges on his forehead.

In a blur of motion, Piccolo moves with incredible speed, appearing behind Raditz in an instant. Even Goku, Krillin, Roshi, and Raditz are unable to track Piccolo's movement.

Before anyone can react, Piccolo locks Raditz in a tight headlock and swiftly renders him unconscious. The suddenness and efficiency of Piccolo's move leave Goku, Krillin, and Roshi in awe of his prowess.

"Bulma, step outside," Piccolo commands, retrieving the scouter from Raditz's possession.

Bulma and Gohan emerge from the house.

"Take this and reverse engineer it. Also, make sure to remove any tracking devices," Piccolo instructs, handing the scouter to Bulma with deliberate care.

Krillin, wary of Piccolo's motives, questions, "What are you planning, Piccolo?"

"I'm saving the world. Regardless of my personal intentions, this planet is still my home," Piccolo asserts.

Goku, Krillin, Roshi, and Bulma grasp the gravity of his words.

"And Goku, seek out Kami and request to be sent to the Otherworld to train with the Kai. In one years, Earth will face a war as the Saiyans arrive," Piccolo drops the bombshell casually.

The revelation sends a wave of concern rippling through the group, pondering the uncertain future ahead.

Grabbing Raditz by the neck, Piccolo issues a terse warning, "Bulma, I'll be paying you a visit soon."

Bulma's apprehension rises, though she understands it pertains to the scouter, she manages to compose herself.

Before Goku can respond, Piccolo takes off, leaving them speechless.

"I understand Bardock's desire for your well-being, but I can't afford loose ends, just like with Vegeta. I simply don't care," Piccolo mutters to himself as he prepares to take action.

With a decisive blast, Piccolo sends Raditz hurtling away from Earth, erasing any trace of his presence, not even a speck of dust remains.

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