

"Hah hah hah "

There was a breath of a scaly girl running in the forest, she ran from the pursuit of two bandits.

"Don't think you can run!"


shouted the two bandits.

The two bandits Shooting arrows at the girl.

And suddenly, the girl tripped over the roots and fell.

"Where are you going?"

Asked one of the bandits.

"Should we play with her for a while?"

Ask the second bandit.

"That's a good idea"

Replied his colleague.

When the two bandits approached, a figure suddenly appeared as tall as two meters behind the girl.

It's Edgar.

And seen an arrow stuck in his right chest.

With a face that looks angry, he pulls the arrow with his left hand.

Seeing Edgar, the two Bandits were shocked, seeing the fangs in Edgar's mouth.


"Damn! I don't know if there is an Ogre here"

Said one of the bandits who then Shooting an arrow at Edgar's right chest.

Seeing his chest shot by the arrow a second time, Edgar grew angry.

Without further ado, he immediately move towards the two bandits, and hit their stomachs with both hands to tossed and hit a tree.

As he pulled the arrow on his left chest, Edgar said

"Even though you shot someone, instead of apologizing, it was repeated"

"You think shot by arrow doesn't seem to hurt huh?!"

he added, when breaking the arrow in his right hand.

"Please help us, I beg you"

"The bandits have ruined our village"

Said the girl begged Edgar.

Then, Edgar turned to a girl behind him. After he approached the girl, he said

"What's the matter with me? I'm not Scales Tribal member"

"I beg you, our Champions has been defeated, you are our only hope now"

Said the girl, shedding tears.

Edgar crouched down and said to the girl

"Did the old man tell you about me?"

"Sorry, kid, life is hard"

Suddenly, there was a shot of Light from behind Edgar almost about it. The light shot was strong enough to eliminate the tree it passed.

"Damn, why missed?"

Said one of the bandits holding a Magic Wand.

Edgar stood up and saw that his hut was damaged after being hit by a light shot. Quickly, Edgar stepped on the Stomach of a bandit carrying a stick.

"Now, you are dealing with me"

Said Edgar who looked angry.


At the same time, the Scales tribal village was in ruins due to bandit attacks. Seen a man with two skulls on his shoulder, sitting on a horse carriage while eating an Apple. The man is the leader of the bandits.

"Have you looted everything?"

Ask the bandit boss, his men answered

"Everything is ready to be brought boss"

"Good, let's bring everything"

reply the bandit boss.

When the bandits wanted to go with booty and captives, Edgar blocked them at the entrance of the village. And there were two unconscious bandits lying in front of him.

"Hey, you're there, are you their boss?"

said Edgar to the Bandit Boss.

The bandits who were in the front row prepared to fire their arrows at Edgar.


muttered the bandit boss.


he added.

the bandit boss took his sword, and jumped towards Edgar.

"Ogre, I don't know there are still Ogre in this country"

said the bandit boss, after being in front of Edgar.

Quickly, Edgar jumped and tried to punch the bandit boss. However, the bandit boss managed to hold off Edgar's punch with his left hand.

"Hey hey, don't be in a hurry. We can talk about it right?"

Ask the bandit boss.

Edgar shot a blow with his left hand, and the bandit boss managed to catch Edgar's punch. however, because the crank was too strong, the Bandit Boss was thrown.

Even though he was thrown, the bandit boss still stood.

"You are!!!"

The bandit boss shouted while taking out his sword. He jumped towards Edgar, and tried to slash him. When Edgar avoided his slash, the bandit boss thrust his sword to the ground.


Shouted the bandit boss.

Suddenly, from the ground came some lightning bolts that struck Edgar.

DUAR !!!

Because he did not dodge, Edgar was hit by a bolt of lightning.

"Haha! This is easier than I thought"

Said the bandit boss.


When he saw Edgar's shadow behind the dust, the bandit boss looked on guard.

After the dust faded, it appeared that Edgar was standing and carrying a sword in his right hand. Quickly, Edgar jumped towards the bandit boss while swinging his sword with both hands.

The bandit boss tried to hold off Edgar's slash, but Edgar's sword easily cut the bandit boss's sword in two. Not only that, the bosses' bosses were also hit by slashes to release blood.


Shouted the Bandit boss.

Seeing their boss injured, one of the bandits commanded his colleague to attack. The bandits Shot their arrows at Edgar.

Edgar ran towards the bandits while avoiding their shots. Quickly, Edgar slashed his sword into the bodies of the bandits.


Shouted the bandits hit by slash.

Seeing Edgar unstoppable, five bandits took out their sticks and fired Light at Edgar.

With his sword, Edgar held back one of the light shots that led to him. Then, the sword absorbs light shots, and makes it glow.


Edgar shouted as he fired a light shot from his sword towards the bandits. The land that was hit by a light shot exploded and threw the Bandits around it.

Edgar also raised his sword, and aimed it at the remaining Bandits. Seeing that, the remaining Bandits dropped their weapons.

Then Edgar lowered his sword.


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