
Chapter 3 Alexis

I checked the time to see that it was around three in the morning. I heard a loud bang outside the door and I shot up.

"Get them to safety! We're under attack!" I heard Trinity yell. I rushed over to Lilly and shook her awake. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she looked at me.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"We have to leave. Now." I stated as I pulled her up. Then I saw Trinity fly through the door. She landed a few feet away from me and I rushed to her aid.

"Y'all have to go. There's too many of them." She said as she began to get up. She was holding her arm as she stood up. About seven guys walked into the room at once. It was taking them a minute for their eyes to adjust to the darkness and dust that they had stirred up.

"Take her and go. I'll hold them off." I said as I stood in front of her.

"What? No Al." She said.

"Al, you can't just stay here. They'll kill you." I heard Lilly say. I picked Trinity up and pushed her to Lilly.

"Go! You're hurt. I can handle them now go!" I yelled. She nodded and grabbed Lilly. I turned my attention to the guys that stood in the entrance and mentally prepared myself for the attack to come.

"Leave child before we kill you." The man in the middle said.

"Funny, I was going to tell you the same," I said as I pulled out both my daggers. They looked angry at my reply. One by one they started to attack me. I was dodging their hits easily which only made them angrier. And one by one I started slitting their throats. I watched as they fell instantly but as one fell another man came into the room. It only made me even more curious as to how many were actually out there. I felt one of them grab my arm and I was about to attack him when I felt my other arm being grabbed. I kicked the guy on my right in the gut; making him let go and I slit the other guy's throat. I continued to fight. Moving swiftly and forcefully. Never missing a beat on either side of me. I knew none of the others were coming. This was my decision. I chose this for myself. I couldn't let them get hurt though. If I wouldn't have stayed they would have been chased and killed. Not to mention all the innocent by standers that would be near. I felt both my arms being grabbed and then someone kick in my knee. I fell to the floor and glared at the man standing in front of me now. He looked about my age, maybe a bit older. He looked around the room with a blank expression. I knew he was looking at the dead bodies that surrounded me.

"You did all of this?" He asked as he motioned to them. For a moment he looked impressed but that was quickly wiped off of his face.

"Yeah and I'll do it to you too." I sneered. He smirked as he shook his head.

"I don't think you will sweetheart." He said. I let out a low growl as I tried to tackle him only to be pulled back and punched by one of the guys that was holding my arm.

"Don't you dare touch her again or I'll slit your throat myself." The guy hissed. All the men in the room paled at his words.

"I'm sorry sir." He said. I looked at the guy who hit me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't worry. I'll be the one killing you." I said lowly.

"Do you want us to kill her sir?" The other guy asked. Then there was a loud bang. The man holding my right arm fell to the floor and the man in front of me was holding a gun.

"No one is going to kill her. Am I clear?" He asked. Just as everyone was replying I grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed the other guy in the gut. He fell to the ground with a thud and more guys grabbed me.

"I told you I'd be the one to kill you," I said. The guy looked at me with pain and anger in his eyes. Blood was oozing out of his wound and I knew that he would be dead in a matter of minutes.

"Put a sack over her head and let's go." The man said as he turned around and began walking out of the room. Soon a black sack went over my head and I could no longer see. I thrashed around frantically but they had a firm grip on my arms. I felt myself being thrown into a vehicle and then my hands being tied. I thrashed around again but it was no use.

"I swear I'll kill all of you." I hissed.

"Shut up sweetheart. You're in no position for threats." The guy around my age said. I thrashed around again in a show of defiance.

"Don't call me that," I growled out.

"Okay, okay, sorry Kitten." He said. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. He enjoyed angering me, that much was evident.

"Keep giving me nicknames and see what happens." I hissed.

"Sorry, Sunshine. I have a bad habit of not listening." He replied. "Chloroform her." He ordered. I thrashed around trying to prevent that from happening. He was trying to stop me from harming anyone else by making me unconscious. I felt something go over my mouth as the sack was pulled off my head.

"You bast-" I began to say but I was overwhelmed by the darkness that consumed me.

I was going to kill them all.

They don't think I will. I know that much.

But I will.

They'll all beg for mercy too.

And I'll save him for last.

I'll have him suffer. I'll have him wish he never laid eyes on me.

I'll make them all suffer.

All of them.