

In a world where magic reigns supreme, Yule McGregor is endowed with so much mana that makes her a powerful mage in the group of Solstice Archmage. Being a commoner with a poor background. Many Aristocrats look down on her and doubt her skills when she becomes the Captain of the HOLY ARCHMAGE KNIGHT in the Kingdom of Solstice. Despite her poor upbringing, Yule's extraordinary abilities defy the aristocrats' scorn and doubt, earning her a place of honor and respect. Until the kingdom is jeopardized due to the Demon's threats who have wreaked havoc on the Kingdom of Solstice, the HOLY ARCHMAGE KNIGHT takes action. Her journey takes a tragic turn when she sacrifices her life in a battle against demons, killing Eros, the demon she once cherished. Eros, who had embraced darkness and caused havoc, had promised Yule a return filled with ruin (I…I shall return, return to you. But…But when I do, it will be in a tempest of darkness and chaos.) Elijah, a fellow knight and secretly in love with Yule, is left bereft, his heart shattered as he watches the woman he loves die. "Yule, don't die, please…I'm begging you," However, destiny grants Yule a second chance at life, reincarnating her as a powerless child named Adelle.  Despite once being the most powerful mage in the Kingdom, Yule carries a heavy burden of regret from her previous life. "If I had another chance, I'd like to live without regrets." Now, as Adelle, she embarks on a soul-searching journey to find redemption and discover if she can truly live a life free from the shackles of regret. Will the demon, Eros, fulfill his sinister promise and return to torment her once more? Can Elijah find the courage to confess his love, unaware of Yule's miraculous rebirth as Adelle? And what led Eros to embrace the darkness, forsaking the love he once held for Yule? As Yule navigates her newfound existence, she must confront her past, face the uncertainties of the future, and ultimately find the strength to rise above the shadows that threaten to consume her once again.

TheCraZyaUthOr19 · Fantasy
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68 Chs


~~~~~~~~~Present Time~~~~~~~~~

I feel a little colder...

...Like the last time.

...It's peaceful here.

(I…I shall return, return to you. But…But when I do, it will be in a tempest of darkness and chaos.)

Why did I remember that? I remembered the intense emotions that consumed me, the overwhelming sense of despair or perhaps even acceptance.

That's right. I died.


Why do I feel cold? 

I can't move my arms and legs.

I can't move anything...


...Who's that?

I didn't recognize his voice.

"Hey! Wake up! Wake up!!"


But I died.

I died and yet I'm hearing things. Perhaps I'm in hell and I'm going to pay for my sins.

"Open your eyes!"

Open my eyes???

I slowly open my eyes, and all I see is an overwhelming, blinding light. It's as if the entire world is composed of pure radiance, filling my vision with an intense brilliance. I squint and blink, trying to adjust to the luminosity that surrounds me.

Is this heaven?

"Hey! Are you okay? How did you end up this way?"

I can't see his face. my vision is blurred. he must be an angel.

"Hey! Say something will you?"

How? Seems like I forgot to speak.

His image is getting...

…Clearer and clearer.

"Ah.." that's the only word that came to my mouth.

"Ah? Are you okay?"

As I open my eyes wider this time. I saw his face.

A kid.

"Aren't you cold? you're stuck in this iceberg. And how did you get in there?"

That's right. I feel cold but...

"What!?" As I shouted I looked into my body and I was buried into this iceberg-like. It's like a tear shape of ice that only my head stuck out like a cocoon.

"Yeah, that's what I'm wondering." He said while smashing carefully the ice that covers my body.

"I-I d-don't know." That's the word that came after what he said.

"Hold on. I'm going to get you out there, just wait" he said while continuing to smash the ice.

"You're a good kid." I unconsciously said that and he looked at me confused.

"You speak like an old woman," he said and continued to break the ice

"I am an old woman compared to you," I said but he stopped and looked at me

"Are you insane? I look older than you" said and he looks something in his pouch and brought out a mirror and put it in front of me

"What?" The first word came out of my mouth after seeing what I looked like in the mirror. I found myself in a completely different body - that of a child. It was a moment of utter surprise and confusion, as I tried to comprehend what had happened.

How is this even possible?

Who did this?

Did I do this?

No!... I'm sure, even I consider myself a stronger mage. I'm not capable of doing such things.

"See? I told you I'm a little older than you," He said.

"How old are you?" I asked curiously,

"I'm 10 years old, you?" He said, As I watch a ten-year-old approach the ice that has me trapped, I can't help but feel a mix of fear and relief. He's just a child, yet the determination in his eyes is that of a seasoned warrior. Despite his small stature, he seems larger than life in this moment.

"I'm probably 8," I said because this body is so small compared to a 10-year-old, I looked around and asked again "Where are we?"

"We're in the forest of St. Bernard," He said and reached out, placing his small hands on the ice. I can see him shiver from the cold, but he doesn't back away. Instead, he takes a deep breath, his eyes never leaving mine. It's as if he's drawing strength from my gaze, preparing himself for the task ahead.


With a sudden burst of energy, He begins to chip away at the ice. His movements are swift and precise, each strike hitting the same spot. The sound of the ice cracking echoes around us, a testament to his relentless determination. Despite the cold biting at his hands, He doesn't stop. His focus is unwavering.

I'm not sure if I'm able to control my magic. but, I can sense a little mana flowing in this little body. I'm trying to thaw the ice surrounding me, but it's unsuccessful. I can't do magic if my mana is like a 1 teaspoon of sugar attempting to sweeten 10 litters of water

Maybe I lost my magic?


"Why don't you use your magic to break it?"

"If I use it. You'll get hurt." He said with full sincerity.

"I'm right. You're a good child. I shall thank your parents for raising such a child like you." I said. He looks at me again with such confusion yes

"You really sound like an old woman," he said and softly chuckled, "Anyways, how do you even end up here?" after that, I could feel that the ice was breaking.

*crack* *crack*


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