

Once upon time, over a million years ago there was a star. This star landed itself onto our homeland; Pugnore.

This star created four beings of magic.

The Celestials; the holy ones who stands for freedom and justice. They gifted humanity constitution and the season of summer.

The Fey; the delicate ones who stands for dedication and unity. They gifted humanity wisdom and the season of spring.

The Undead; the old ones who stands for ambition and knowledge. They gifted in intelligence and the season of autumn.

And finally the Dragons; the mighty ones who stands equality and power. They gifted humanity strength and the season of winter.

After these four were created, the star broke into five pieces. One to each was bestowed onto the four beings and one for the humans. And the whereabouts of the human star piece remained unknown for they were lost within human history.

"What about the pieces, Master? What happened to them? Did they get lost too?"

"Hmm? Well..."

Legends says the Celestials star piece was in a place above the clouds inside palace of gold.

"Palace of gold? How did it not fallen already?"

"I don't know, probably with some ancient magic."

The Fey however had their star piece hidden deep under the sea inside a cave filled with the brim with ocean monster.

"I thought Fey were supposed fairies?"

"They are, but with there wisdom. They decided to place their star piece somewhere not many could enter."

"But how do they enter, Master?"

"By eating special water plant, that gives you gills to breath underwater."

The Undead is with the king of Undead at all times, it's similar to the Dragons too.

"There's a king of Undead?"

"Of course there is. Just like there's a king of Celestials or Fey or Dragons."

"Who are they, Master?"


For the ruler of Celestials, they were an angel named Echo Celestial. A kind and just ruler, legends praised King Echo for they're continuity.

For the Fey is the fairy Queen; Hani Fey. A gentle and helpful ruler, forever praised for being extremely understanding.

The Undead king is a Litch; King Vision Dead. A horrifying and insightful ruler, incredibly admired for his unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

And finally the King of Dragons; Dragon Kaoru. A fearsome and fair ruler, who intimating anyone who dare approach him.

"Why his name backwards?"

"I don't know, he always been called that for of millions years."

"Tell me more, Master!"

"Another time, little one. For now, you need your rest. We have a big day ahead of us starting tomorrow, do you not remember?"

"I remember~"

"Good, now sleep. Goodnight Eric."

"Goodnight Master Solomon."

Next chapter