
Chapter ~ 2: Back From Death

I drift between light and dark, floating freely, lighter than a feather. I sink below, at peace.

It's over... I'm dead. Not the death I envisioned, mind you. I would like to have died In the comfort of my own home, but we don't get what we always want, now do we?


After an unknown amount of time, somehow, I see something. A great light that shines through the darkness into which I descend, a beam of  existence. Of  meaning.

[~You have died~]

... Tell something I don't know.

[ Due to unknown reasons -Host: Lukas Artorias, has been granted Authority-???, dubbed the: SCP System.]

SCP System?... There's aren't any other systems? Hell, I'll even take a Marvel or DC system.

[ Due to dying upon arrival In the DXD Universe, -Host: Lukas Artorias, will be granted a Beginner Package and a random Bloodline of that Universe.]

...Is the voice trying to win me over with bonuses?

[ Negative. If It wasn't for [ ], we will have sent you to some hentai World as a loli.]

Eh!? Why?

[ Browser History... Plus you have an extremely vivid imagination, which grossed out some R.O.B's, which In Its own way is very hard to do. I dare say, you are the First.]

...Got It. You don't need to say anymore, less someone hears us.

[ Moving on... ]--[ This world doesn't look so different from the one you came from...okay, well, that's a lie. I'm sure-technicolor hair was a little more uncommon in your world, along with rather large pairs of...


I'm getting off track. This is the world of Highschool DxD, a world where the war between

Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels are very real...though after the Great Warbetween these three-factions that ended with their leaders (God included) dead, things have settled down for a few-centuries.

Right now, that War continues through proxy struggles and petty skirmishes, along-with races for legendary items of power called the Sacred Gears - : Miracle-working artifacts born-within human and half-human beings.

Right now, things have settled into an uneasy status quo, but things are going to start spinning-out of control very soon...and that could lead either to peace or to a continuation of the War.

About a good few years from now, a student at Kuoh Academy named Issei Hyoudou will be murdered-by a Fallen Angel...kickstarting the events properly.

However, whether or not that means anything to you-is entirely your choice.

Regardless of what role you have in this world, you will be enrolled as a student or hired as a...teacher in Kuoh Academy. Whether you remain or make yourself comfortable there is up to you.

Oh...do note it's a mostly female school, so have fun~]

After saying this, a purple glowing door opened In front of me.

"... Do I have to go? I quite like it here." I mean, death and Harem is what awaits me through that door, so staying here In this Void seems to be a great way to live my afterlife.


With a powerful kick from my back, I was booted through the door.


[~You can't. We don't have a body~]















" Ugh..." Upon waking up, I found myself trapped In ice, freezing cold ice. I only have enough room to move one body part.

... You thinking what I'm thinking?


Because I sure hope so, If not I may have punched that ice for nothing...Well, nothing In a sense that I become untrapped

" Eh?" Seeing a pair of emotionless blue eyes greeting mine, I smiled.

" Hello there."

" Argh..." And he fainted... Great.

Breaking the ice that was trapping me, I got to my feet and sighed.

" What do I do with you now?" Picking up the young Kiba Yuuto whose birth name is: Isaiah, I sighed with a grin.

" I can help you with that."

" Hm?" Hearing an obsessed lunatic arduous male voice, I looked to my right and blinked seeing who It is coming from behind a tree In front of me.

No, it's not Rias you cliche fucks. Rather, It's everyone's favorite fat creepy Uncle: Valper Galilei, who looks a little younger and more chunkier.

" And you are?" I asked with a cheerful smile and expression.

" The boy's Father, who else?" He said In an over-friendly manner, stepping closer to me.

" Are you, now?" Looking at Isaiah, my new smile made Valper shudder," He looks nothing like you."

" Haha, yes he doesn't, everyone tells me that. He takes after his beautiful mother."

" Does he now?" Materializing around me are blue orbs of beautiful blue-colored fire, making Valper knees shake.

" Y-Y-Youaki!!!" In a mess of excitement and fear, Valper yelled out, pointing at me.

" Oh?" This is new. I guess I know what bloodline I got...

Shaping and molding the blue fire, I smiled, causing Valper to almost faint In enthusiasm.

" W-" Before he could say something, I seemingly flashed to Valper and knocked him out.


Watching him hit the snowy ground, I chuckled.

" And now there's three..." Knowing the plot, I dragged him back to the place that now smells more Demonic than Holy.

' This is going to get annoying fast.' Creating floating clouds made out Fox-Fire, I made them hot as a warm day outside and had them hover by me.

' Can Kitsune's do that?' I asked myself, now free of carrying them.

' Well... I don't care. Free stuff is free stuff.' Some believe nothing is free In the world, which is somewhat right, but right now I honestly can give two-fucks, so free is free to me.

Can you truly blame me? Trying dying and then try giving a fuck? It's so fucking hard!




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