
Fighting the Rainbow Venom Spider

"Bravy! Use call of the wind and drill dive!" said Charlotte. Bravy flew up high in the sky and a barrier of wind formed around him. He then started to spin around rapidly in clockwise direction, pointing himself downwards towards the spider. He then folded his wings and rapidly descended, causing him to look like an actual drill that was on and was falling from the sky.

"Bella! Hold the spider in place with silk!" said Hazel. Bella, who was moving extremely slowly due to the weight of the wooden armor and his already low movement speed, shot out a string of silk from his mouth at the spider's leg. Although the silk was really strong and sticky, the spider was of higher quality than the caterpillar and broke free of the silk after a few tugs. The spider dodged out of the way, letting Bravy hit the ground. Luckily, call of the wind had formed a protective barrier around Bravy and so Bravy was unharmed by the impact.

"Windy! Grab Bravy away from there!" said Kimberley. Although Bravy was fast and agile in the sky, he an take a while to actually get up in the air and he was very slowed when he was on the ground. Windy obeyed and ran rapidly towards Bravy. However, the Rainbow Venom Spider was even faster and stabbed Bravy with its fangs, injecting its venom into Bravy. By the time Windy had reached Bravy, the spider had already released Bravy.

Windy grabbed Bravy with his teeth and ran back towards the girls. He put Bravy down in front of Charlotte. Bravy was constantly twitching.

"Bravy!" screamed Charlotte, picking Bravy up. She looked at Steve. "Brother! What's wrong with Bravy? Isn't the poison supposed to work after 30 seconds? So what is wrong with him?"

"No. I said that the victim will be paralyzed after 30 seconds. The poison starts working immediately. The victim is only partially paralyzed during the first 30 seconds. There's nothing wrong with Bravy, besides the fact that he's been poisoned," said Steve. Seeing tears forming in Charlotte's eyes, he added, "Don't worry, I can cure Bravy."

"Really?" asked Charlotte, wiping her right eye.

"Yes, really," said Steve, taking Bravy from her arms. "Stop worrying and concentrate on the fight. I will cure him. He will be fine."

"Re- really?" asked Charlotte.

"Yes," said Steve. He felt like he was going to become temperless if he continued to deal with his sister. Steve wondered why he was so defenseless when girls cried even though he was basically undefeatable. Actually, it wasn't completely Steve's fault.

Although Steve had high cultivation, he was, after all, too young. He had started cultivating when he was 8 years old. He had reached Ascension realm about 3 months after he started cultivating. Then, he took about 15 more months to break through to Paragon Immortal. After another 3 months, he broke though to Half-step Immortal God. After another 3 months, he had broken through Half-step Immortal God and was going to become an Immortal God, but he had failed to pass the tribulation and was once again at the realm of Half-step Immortal God.

In total, he was basically still someone who was 4 years old, cancel out the time he was cultivating and was separated from the world, he was just someone who was 8 years old. Of course, the system had given him ten years of false memories, making that 18 years in total. But Steve was basically just a 10 year old in the end.

Besides, Steve wasn't completely defenseless when girls cried, it was just that in Steve's memories that the system made, he was extremely close with his sisters, and it really affected Steve since, well, it did take up about half of his memories, after all. So basically, the system was part of the reason that Steve was so defenseless against his sister.

"Now, just focus on the fight and stop worrying about him," said Steve.

"O- okay," said Charlotte, turning around and facing the spider. She then turned around and looked at Steve again.

"What is it?" asked Steve.

"I- I can't use another monster yet. And Scratchy can't hit the spider without touching it" said Charlotte.

Steve slapped his forehead. "Just stay back and watch, then." Charlotte only had 100 spirit power and could only use 1 copper quality monster at a time. Scratchy was the monster that he had caught for Charlotte yesterday. Scratchy was a Metallic Mouse. The mouse's whole body was stronger than metal, which was why Steve had not bothered to make an armor or weapon for it. However, it was actually just the mouse's skin and claws that was stronger than metal, it didn't really have any metal covering it. Thus, the mouse would still be poisoned if he touched the spider's body.

Now, with both Locke's and Charlotte's monster unable to battle, there was only three girls left fighting the Rainbow Venom Spider. The monsters of the three girls left battling were Bella, the caterpillar that can't really attack, Windy, the wolf with low stamina and doesn't really have attacking abilities, and Army, the scorpion that had shockingly weak venom.


Race: Poison Drake Scorpion (Youngster)

Level: 11

Quality: Copper 5 stars

Resistance: Poison resistance

Abilities: Draconic poison

Characteristics: Strong armor, sharp stinger, very un-aggressive unless provoked, good temper

Potential: Dark Gold 3 stars

Weakness: Weak venom, slow movement speed

The Scorpion was Charlene's monster. It was about 3 feet long with its body being about 2 feet long and tail about 1 foot long. Although it seemed kind of huge, compared to Icy, the Poison Drake Scorpion was small. Draconic poison was actually pretty strong, however, the Poison Drake Scorpion was currently only copper quality, and its poison was much weaker. Also, although it had poison resistance, the resistance was very weak and the poison resistance was mostly on his tail, just to protect itself from its own poison.

"I can make the spider go to sleep with Bella's hypnosis powder," said Hazel. "But Bella has to consecutively spray hypnosis powder on the spider for about 30 seconds for it to work. I need someone to hold the spider in place.

"I think my Army can do it," said Charlene. "He does have a good amount of strength and I think he can grab the spider by its fangs and hold out for a long time. But Army is slow, so I need someone to distract the spider."

"I'll let Windy be the distraction," said Kimberley. "He's fast and will be able to dodge the spider's fangs. Windy! Distract the spider!" The Rainbow Venom Spider had moved towards the girls while they were planning and was only about 2 meters away from them. Windy obeyed Kimberley and ran towards the spider, leaving phantoms as he ran. It was his ability, phantom charge, which allowed him to create phantoms while charging to distract the enemy. There was only two major flaws with this ability. The first flaw was that the monster using this ability has to be aiming at a living target, whether it was a monster or a plant. And the second flaw was...

"Quick! The phantoms only last for 10 seconds!" shouted Kimberley.

"Army! Grab the spider's fangs!" said Charlene. Army walked towards the spider. The Rainbow Venom spider was distracted by the phantoms and paid no attention towards the scorpion. After ten seconds, the phantoms disappeared and the spider noticed the scorpion and tried to attack it, but it reacted too late and the scorpion had already grabbed onto the spider's fangs with its claws.

"Bella! Hypnosis powder!" said Hazel. The caterpillar shot out tiny white flecks out from its mouth, and they landed on the spider. It seemed that everything had worked out just fine. However, 25 seconds later, Army was struggling to keep the Rainbow Venom Spider's fangs in place. Although the spider was starting to get sleepy because of the hypnosis powder, Army had to use all of his strength just to keep the spider's fangs in check, especially since he was only copper quality. His energy was now running out and his strength was starting to fail him.

"Army! You can do it!" Charlene tried to cheer the scorpion on. After another second, it became obvious that the spider was going to break free. The only question was how long it was going to take the spider.

"Just 4 more seconds! Army! You can do it!" yelled Charlene. However, just two seconds later, the Rainbow Venom Spider got its fangs out of Army's grasp and grabbed the Army's head with its fangs, throwing him out of the way. It seemed that they had failed. However, right after throwing Army out of the way, the Rainbow Venom Spider dropped down on the ground, asleep.

"Phew. Just in time," said Hazel, dropping down on the ground.

"Yeah," said Kimberley, sitting down on the ground. "That was nerve-wrecking."

"Army!" shouted Charlene. She ran towards the scorpion. She picked Army up, hugged him tightly to her chest, and walked over to Steve. "Brother, can you cure him?"

Steve glanced at the scorpion. "He's not poisoned. The spider didn't have enough time to inject him with poison when he threw him away."

"Really?" asked Charlene, surprised. "Then why isn't he moving?"

"Yes," said Steve. "He's just unconscious. Return him to the monster card. He'll wake up after some time."

Charlene nodded her head, and she returned Army back to his monster card.

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