
Chapter 1: New School Year, New Changes


"Hey princess! Wake up! Wake up! Breakfast is ready it's your first day" my brother Lucas shouted outside my room. It's another school year, oh men! Summer vacation is really over! There's no use in complaining, isn’t it?

I pulled my cellphone under my pillow; I opened my cellphone and saw five missed calls and two messages from my boyfriend Steven and one message from my best friend Chantal.

From: Honey Steven

"Lia are you awake? Today is our first day."

From: Honey Steven

"Lia? I'm going to school now... See you there!"

From: B Chantal

"B! Let’s go to school together I’ll be there in half an hour to get you, okay?"

After seeing those messages I immediately get out of my bed and took a shower, then I got a school uniform from my closet. Our uniform in Northern University is white long sleeves, black ribbon at our middle of our upper chest, a black pencil skirt that is a little bit above the knees, we are required to wait stockings and at least 3 inch black heels. I start arranging my hair wearing in bun and comb my bangs as always and wore my glasses. I got downstairs and I saw breakfast is already served on the table, I sat down and start eating the bacon, eggs and fried rice in front of me.

"Liana" My brother called out

"Yes?" I reply

"I'm going to board again this afternoon, I'll be gone at least 4 to 6 months” he said

"Okay, you need help packing?" I asked, because I don’t wanna go to school today

"Nice try princess but no, go to school" he laughs. Oh well at least I tried.

My brother is a seaman that’s his job so I have no choice, this is what he does in order us to live, this is where we get our income, he just sends me the money to pay for the food, water and electricity and other expenses.

After eating... my cellphone is starting to ring its Chantal

"B I'm already outside" after Chantal’s call I kissed my brother on the forehead and said "Bye bro see you!" I got my bag and went outside.

When I got outside Chantal started to blow the horn of her car and I started to run toward the car. Once I got into her car "Ready for another school year?" she asked me with an energetic smile

"No! Summer vacation is too short" I replied with a frown.

“it’s okay Liana... I mean you always complain about school of how hard it is but when the semester ends you have one of the highest grades in our course" she said with her eyes on the road.

"B we only have one section in our course" I replied

"So what?" I just shut up and stared at the window. After a minute my cellphone rang and saw Steven’s name.

"Lia where are you now"

"I'm with Chantal Hon"

“I'll go ahead to our room okay?"

"I'll just see you there"


"I love you" I told him, but he just hangs up.

We arrived at school, after Chantal and I parked her car, we went to our room straight away. While walking at the corridor I saw Steven with Elissa one of our classmate and friend walking towards our way.

Chantal called them out, Steven came to me and gave a kiss on the cheek and greeted me good morning. Steven looks handsome with his uniform, it’s the same as ours but instead of skirt they are wearing pants, necktie and leather shoes.

Once we heard the bell, we started going our way to our classroom and I saw my classmates/friends Relina, Roxanne, Alice, Ricca, Ella, Giovanni, Berwin, Paul and Edward. Our first subject is World Literature since it’s the first day of the school year our professor didn’t show up, so we dismiss ourselves early and our professor in Theology and Humanities dismissed us early too.

Our classes were already over by 3:30pm the guys decided to eat in an ice cream salon and the bonding starts, we ask each other how we spend our summer vacation.

Two hours has passed I checked my watch and it’s already 5:30pm and I need to go to my part time job. I excused myself and told them that I will be on my way. Steven told me that he'll be going home with the others. I kissed him and say "I love you" he just nod and kissed me back on the cheek.

Chantal stands up on her sit and said "Come on I'll drive you to your part time job" she looks annoyed, I opened my mouth but she said quickly.

"No buts Lia" she said with a poker face. Steven return to his seat beside Elissa and all of them said good bye to me and Chantal.

While we are heading to my part time job I ask Chantal "B why are you driving me to my part time?" Chantal starts to look at me.

"Well your boyfriend is busy talking to the others so I might as well drive you there" she said it's kind of weird though, but I did not protest, that’s very sweet of her. We stayed quiet until we arrived at the resto bar where I work, Chantal said good-bye and I waited her to leave.

I went inside the resto bar and proceed to the workers locker to change in my working uniform. "Liana!" my manager Julie walking going towards me "Liana, people are starting to come in... Can you serve this food and drinks to the karaoke room 3? Please, the others have their hands full here" I nod and she gave the tray to me "Thanks dear" she said.

I started to go upstairs when I started opening the door of the karaoke room the door opened without any warning the tray fell off, the drinks and food are already at my uniform. The guy was shocked seeing food and drinks are spilled over me, he quickly helped me by picking up the food and the shattered plate and glass.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you right there" the guy said, I looked up to see his face. His handsome I'll give you that.

"No, sir it’s not your fault I'll just get another of your order" I replied. Fudge! There goes my salary.

Manager Julie ask almost like shouting "What happened to you Liana?!" I explain to her what happened and she just asked the chef for another round of the order. I removed my apron and replaced it by a new one. The chef rang the bell and that’s my que, I carried the tray and I carefully opened the door.

The customer who happened to open the door earlier gave me a smile "I'm sorry earlier spilling the food and drinks, by the way I'm Jayden" he offered his hand.

"I'm Liana sir and I'm sorry too for keeping you waiting for your order" I reached for his hand, he just smiled and started eating. Looks like he was waiting for a while, it’s strange that he was in a karaoke room by himself and not using the karaoke.

Four hours later after my shift my cellphone vibrated, a text message came from Chantal

From: B Chantal

B I can't contact Steven

To: B Chantal

Maybe he's busy

From: B Chantal

Call him ASAP; I need to confirm something from him

After seeing the text, I immediately called Steven, damn! His not answering he's phone. I try to call him again and after three tries Steven picked up his cellphone.

"Hello Hon, where are you?" I asked

"I'm at home Liana, why did you call in the middle of the night?"

"I'm just checking on you, you're not texting me and It's just 10pm Steven"

"I'm just tired Liana, I going to bed"

"Chantal was asking for you, she wants to confirm something"

"Tell her that we’ll just talk tomorrow, okay Liana?"

"Okay, good night... I Love you”

"Good night" he replied and he hangs up after

That was weird, Steven went to bed early? That’s new, but whatever. Maybe he was just really tired, I texted Chantal that Steven already went to bed. After 10 minutes she replied and told me to see her off in Cinema, Seriously! I'm tired but it’s Chantal we're talking about I can't say no to her. Good thing my brother already boarded so I can go home late tonight.

I arrived at Cinema entrance Chantal told me to meet her up at the parking lot "B! Over here" Chantal called out and I was surprised that Relina is with her and why are they hiding?

"What’s going on here?" I asked both of them.

"Shhhhh… Just wait, we are waiting for someone Lia" Relina answered with a soft tone

"Who?" I replied

"Be patient B" Chantal told me with a furious face

Ten minutes has passed we saw people are coming out, I think they watched the last viewing because it’s already 11:30pm. "here they come" Relina whispered.

After a group of people came outside from the mall doors there was a couple who was going outside, but when I saw them tears suddenly pour down from my eyes.

"What the heck" I whispered to myself.

Next chapter