
I'll do everything you want!!~


Time: 7:00 am November 7, 2022

Location: First Floor Labyrinth


Currently, me, Asuna, Klein and his six other friends who were Dale, Dynamm, Harry One, Issin, and Kunimittz. They are all pretty outgoing people so we became friends immediately.

Our location is the labyrinth of the first floor but before that, I need to level them up so that they would be able to handle the monsters inside the labyrinth.

What I'm curious about though is Asuna here, she waited for me at the gates and even called my name which means that she knows me, but where? When I asked her about it, she told me it was Klein who told her who I was but that isn't the thing that was bothering me.

According to the original series, after Asuna discovered that she and all the other players will be trapped in SAO, she will seclude herself in her room she rented in the Town of Beginnings for two weeks before she resolved herself to take her fate on her own hands.

I asked her why is it that she looks like she was not really that affected about the announcement that we will be trapped in the game. To which of course was the cause that we were only able to depart at seven not out intended time because Asuna cried like crazy as she told me her fears.

After all of that, she seems to have been feeling alright as I can see that she had a faint smile on her face.

When we arrived at the labyrinth, they were surprised that it even existed and I know that this would be their first reaction as they never reached it this far at the start.

"I know that this might be shocking to you guys but we need to get going. Time is gold and we can't afford to waste it. The faster we get stronger, the faster we can get out of this game." I said to them seriously.

They all nodded at me and then followed me as I lead them through the labyrinth. We were forming a party so our experience will be shared to all of us which will make it faster for me to level them up before leaving them alone on their own.

I know for sure that Klein would probably do what he did in the original series and create a guild, but I am not sure with Asuna as she only joined a guild after Kirito told her to join one at the original series.

And I really want to go solo in killing as I knew that it would only be a burden if there are others but I can't possibly tell her that now can I?

As I was thinking about it, I heard Asuna shout and pointed to a certain direction.

I saw three humanoid creatures with bulky bodies, large tails and rabbit-like ears. It was not wearing any clothes on their top, though they do wear a pair of pants. And it was armed with a barbaric hand ax.

I know what they are so I told them, "It is a Kobold Ruin Troopers. They are the monsters here in the labyrinth although they will only rarely spawn at the lower levels as they usually at the higher ones. It must be our lucky day."

I then took out by two swords from my back and said to them.

"I'll handle them and you all watch me fight. Remember to remember it as they are different from the boars and wolves we encountered earlier."

I then dashed towards it, I didn't use any sword skills though as it would really be an overkill, I only did some swings to end their pitiful lives.

Even if there are twenty or more of them, they will never be able to kill me ever. I did a full swing towards the nearest kobold in front of me followed by another swing that came from below going upwards. I then sliced it vertically in its stomach ending its life.

I then block the ax that was heading to my head and took a step back before going forward again while swinging both of my swords at the same time towards its head and chest. Its life was then lowered below half and turned red as I did one final swing to it.

Next is the last one which received my pierce, I did not use a sword skill though as I only imitated it without activating the actual skill. It still dealt some damage though then I followed it with a few more swings as I ended its life.

After that, I received a notification about the exp that I received which is really not that much. I sheathed my swords back and then turned around to look at them as I saw that they all had their jaws wide opened.

Even Klein who had already seen me fight before also had his jaw wide opened. He then saw me looking at me as he asked me loudly.

"How the hell are you able to use two swords!?" The others might have not said it but I can see that they all have the same questions as me.

I know that they would find out about it sooner or later so why not sooner if it means that I can increase my level faster and not to worry about it.

"I have no idea. I just found it on my skill list when I was browsing it." I lied with a straight face. With my acting, they would not suspect it even one bit. I'm a true actor.

They seem to believe it as they didn't ask me anymore, only Klein who was mumbling to himself saying 'This damn lucky boy!'

I just then saw Asuna walking towards me and then before I could even react, she grabbed my shoulders and shook me as she said.

"Please teach me how to fight. I'll do everything you want!!"


Note: Open for suggestions nyaa~ And I just want to ask, how did I do with the fighting scenes nyaa~ Was it easy to imagine? I am not really good at it, hehe

Mira_chan here nyaa~

I was thinking of making the system give him quests so that he will receive skills. So how does that sound nyaa~ That means that I would edit some parts of the chapters but it wouldn't be much nyaa~

I almost got caught by the way nyaa~ hehe

By the way, thanks for the votes we are almost there, I will be posting 8 chapters by then and if I can still go on maybe there will be additionals.

Writing the next chapter now nyaa~

Mira_chancreators' thoughts
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