
Chapter 2 - (osu!) Tablets doesn't win games

The girl smirked and practically made fun of the man knowing he left the tablet yesterday.

"Without this, you'll lose for sure." the girl remarked.

The man, still not affected by her words, stared at her hands.

"Your wrists and arms. Did you..."

"Yeah. So what? I played the game with this tablet overnight and I'll definitely win now with your secret weapon."

"But, that's not really my secret weapon and I don't think you want to play if you're..."

"Shut up and fucking play!!!"

As they sat down, they started the games. However, once the girl started tapping away, she yelled and screamed.


"I knew it..." the man sighed and shook his head.

"Someone call an ambulance. She might have RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)."


The staff called a first aid doctor and soothe the girl's tendons on her wrist and arms.

"And this is why I told you shouldn't play today." the man remarked.

The girl gave a glare and said "If that was the case, then you should've..."

"Played with an injured opponent? Like that's gonna be fun. Besides, I was a former mouse player that also has the same amount of speed as the tablet. So basically, you stole my tablet with no plan of improving at all." the man commented on the girl's actions.

"But, I saw"

"Me using the tablet to make those lightning reactions? The tablet is just another input device. The real skills is from the player. And you're a disgrace for players out there for not realizing that."

The girl then understood what the man said. He was a season veteran on the game. He has at least years of experience in playing this game.

The bet was then called off and everyone went back to their own lives. The girl suffered arm and wrist strains but was expected on a full recovery. As for the Gaming Cafe, everyone forgot the bet and moved on. Including the man who was mocked. The day ends up in a hotel, quiet and peaceful. Only this time, the man was playing another game in the middle of the night.

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