
Chapter 2: My Plan

3 Years Later

A man with a well built frame and glasses walks up to his desk with a smile on his face ready to start the new day.


His desk phone immediately rings right when he sits down, he looks at it sighing but picks it up ready to start his day.

"Hello Superman." the voice on the other end says maniacally making the man holding the phone freeze.

"I do-" The man says trying to shake the comment off.

"Cut the shit Clark I know everything about you, you arrived at the Kent farm in a space pod as a baby, grew up knowing you had powers but your parents tried to hide it wanting to raise you as a normal kid, your father died when you were a teenager while you watched him slowly be absorbed into a tornado making you realize how important the lives of people are since then you have been saving people wearing tights, and finally you decided to get a job at the daily planet so Clark must I go on." The man on the other side says wanting to get this over with making Clark.

"What do you want." Clark says gripping the phone tighter.

"I know this won't be enough to make you desperate so look under your desk." The man on the phones says with Clark reaching under a desk feeling something pulling it out.

Clark looks at the object which turns out to be a photograph making his eye's go wide shooting up standing in front of his desk in pure rage.

"YOU BA-" Clark said his eye's glowing red.

"You should have seen Lois tied up unconscious right so shut up and listen before I hang up and things become dire." the man demands with Clark trying his best not to break the phone is his hands.

"On the back is a address you have 5 days to deliver the joker to that place, if you call batman I shoot her in the face, if you don't deliver her in 5 days I shoot her in the face, and if you tell anyone I think you can guess that I will shoot her in the face make the right decision Clark." the man says immediately hanging up the phone with out a chance for Clark to get a word in.


Clark crushes the phone in his hands clutching his fist in anger at this Monday morning.

In a discrete location somewhere

A woman opens her eyes slowly looking around seeing a single light dangling from the ceiling. She tries to move but to no avail and is stuck in her seat completely motionless.

"Where am I" She says a little groggy.

"Your in a secret location where none will find you unless I want them too." A man says walking out of the dark wearing a red mask.

"You bastard let me go!" She says squirming in the tied up ropes trying to break free however the results are meaningless.

The man grabs a chair putting it in front of the tied up woman crossing his legs together waiting for her to stop. She eventually calms down looking at the calm red masked man in front of her.

"What do you want with me." She says squinting her eye's.

"Lois Lane, age 26, graduated from Raleigh College majoring in journalism, was given a reporter spot at the daily plant after Perry White made a promise that he would hire you after college, has become a little more infamous from her recent coverage of superman, and is up for a award for her most recent article congratulations by the way." The man says calmly giving the run down on Lois, Lois hearing this kept her poker face up looking intently at this man.

"You still haven't answered what you want with me." Lois said trying to keep calm.

"I don't really want you per say I want what you represent." The man said standing up walking away.

"Represent?" She says when the man walks back to her setting a bunch of news paper headlines in front of her.

'Superman saves Lois Lane from evil!'

'The reporter Lois Lane is saved from a hostage situation.'

'Bus filled with people saved by the infamous Superman.'

'Superman saves the day once again helping the reporters at the daily planet!'

Lois reads scrunching her brows at this reading every single one.

"Its a coic-" She makes her case but the red masked man interrupts her.

"No it's not and if you think it is your a idiot." The man sits back in the chair, Lois looks at him for a while before speaking up.

"Okay say I do represent something what do you really want?" She said her reporter side kicking in wanting to know everything making the man chuckle.

"What everyone in Gotham wants of course." The man says shrugging his shoulders.

"And that is?" The woman said wanting to know what they want.

"The death of the joker of course." He says as if it's obvious causing Lois to freeze.

"You want Superman to kill the joker." Lois says putting the pieces together but the man just laughs.

"There is no way in hell that guy would kill anyone unless someone killed you." The man says hinting to something.

"Then?" She asks confusedly

"Of course I will be the one to kill him it's only fair after putting in all this effort." The man says nodding his head.

"Why don't you kill him yourself?" Lois asks wondering why he went through all this effort to get her rather than kill the joker.

"Do you really think I haven't tried but every time I get close he wriggles out of my fingers either because of Bullshit or Batman" The man says looking back at all his previous attempts gritting his teeth.

"Why would this time be different?" Lois asked out of the bull with out any thought.

"Well I thought since me a normal man can't get him why don't I get someone's who's bulletproof to do it instead." The man says sarcastically.

"Then what am I supposed to do, sit here at wait for the joker to be delivered." Lois says frowning a little.

"Well you also have another purpose." the man says looking at her turning on all the lights revealing news papers attached to the walls with photos of numerous faces with a X mark on them.

"What the?" Lois says looking at everything reading the first thing in her sight.

'Arnold Etchison corpse found burned almost completely unrecognizable.'

"Ah that I remember him he killed his whole family, 80 people and Batman put him in Arkham can you believe that, I also killed his cousin who orchestrated his first escape so he could advance in the political world." The man said like if bringing back memories.

"Y-Y-You, what do you want with me." Lois said nervously looking at a man who admitted right in front of her to killing someone.

"Other than a hostage I also want you to tell my story of course." the man said sitting back down in the chair across from her.

"Those people who kill without mercy and just go to prison just to get out and do it again I'm killing them." The man says leaning back in his chair proud of his achievements.

"Who are you?" Lois says looking confused never seeing this guys appearance or hearing about it.

"Just call me Red Hood." Red Hood said smiling behind his mask.

"Why do you want me to tell your story and why now?" Lois said with only questions appearing in her head.

"Well first because why not I mean I already have a reporter might as well use you until the five days are up, and second because the joker's death will be my revealment to the world with the story you put out make my notoriety even higher." Red Hood states dramatically then chuckles at the end.

"What's the point of all this?" Lois says wanting to know the purpose in all his actions.

"You'll know if you listen to my story of course, I won't reveal my identity and the people's names I give you will be fake." Red Hood says trying to peak her curiosity.

Lois looks at Red Hood for a second before nodding at his request.

"Fine can you at least untie me." Lois says still tied up in these ropes.

"Of course you couldn't escape or kill me even if you tried you hardest." Red Hood stoop up untying her ropes.

The ropes drop to the ground with Lois rubbing her red wrist looking a little angry at him before he throws a notebook and pen at her.

She grabs the two looking at them with it just being a normal ball point pen and notebook with no brand name.

"Well where do you want to start?" Lois said getting ready to write all this down already focused on this scoop

"Three years ago"

Next chapter