
I'm all Alone

I'm all that's left of this crew, I'm sorry La Boone I may end up not keeping my promise to you.

While the poison was taking effect Brook had his last breath of this life, but some things countered his fate that day.

[ All Conditions Have Been Met ]

[ Assimilation Rate Has Been Decreased ]

[ 98.1% -> 96.3% ]


What's this? Is this a dream?

He asked as he started to regain his blurry vision.


As he stared off into the distance he felt that he had lost something, not knowing what he rushed to the edge of deck of the ship to see. He was nothing but a skeleton of his former self.

Just when he was somcoming to his fate a box appeared in front of his eye sockets.

[ Inheritance Complete ]


Clicking on the box a screen appeared.


Inheritance Complete

[ Name: Brook ]

[ Skeleton Pirate LV.1(31) ]

Health - 17 Strength - 19 Agility - 32 Wisdom - 18


What kind of situation is this? I knew their was a chance of me coming back from my devil fruit, but this is all new to me.

A - Class Scenario

"Excape the Florean Triangle" is starting.

That reminds me I'm stuck here, the ships ruteris were destroyed during the attack.

There's nothing I can do for now, but wait.

As time ticked by, and days turned into weeks then months and finally what seemed like a decade he decided to get up from the spot he had been sitting.

I may never leave this unforgiving fog, he said as he sipped his imaginary tea.


No I dont need to eat, so I can live pretty much forever as long as my body isn't destroyed that is.

Ok its decided La Boone I cant have you dieing of old age, so I'll make use of my time wisely.


He went through many experiments, and discovered that from current actions he was rewarded with a corresponding quest.


[ Quest Initiated! ]

[ Swing your sword 10,000 Times ]

[ 1/10,000 ]

[ Reward: Swordsmanship LV.1 ]


[ Quest Initiated! ]

[ Mimic the actions of a human 100,000 Times ]

[ 1/100,000 ]

[ Reward: Mimicry LV.1 ]


[ Quest Initiated! ]

[ Play musical pieces 10,000 Times ]

[ 1/10,000 ]

[ Reward: Musical Aptitude LV.1 ]


So from that day onward Brooks daily schedule consisted of as soon as waking up from his imaginary sleep:

1. Having a Tea Break ~ 40 minutes

2. Practicing the Art of Swordplay ~ 2 hours

3. Another Tea Break ~ 40 minutes

4. Talking to the Dead Skeletal Remains of his Crewmates ~ 3 hours

5. Followed up with Another Tea Break ~ 40 minutes

6. Musical Performances ~ 5 hours

7. Tea break ~ 40 minutes

8. Practicing with the Sword ~ 2 hours

9. Wave watching ~ 1 hour

10. Finally Ending the Day with a extra long-tea Break ~ 1 hour


Afterward he would go hit the sack, and his days would commence the same similarly for what seemed to be forever.


One day though his schedule ended, and Looking back at all the things Brook had accomplished, and seeing his efforts on the scene in front of him he let out a resounding.




Before landing on the land in front of him.


[ Swordsmanship is now at LV.9 ]

[ Mimicry is now at LV.5 ]

[ Musical Aptitude LV.11 ]


[ Name: Brook ]

[ Skeleton Pirate LV.1(31) ]

Health - 17 Strength - 19 Agility - 32 Wisdom - 18


yohoho~ this place has a nice change of scenery