
Some Fresh Air!

A unique shaped stone pillar erected from the ground radiating sparkles as if the twinkling stars in the night sky. The floor emitted faint light, just enough to make it visible without the help of a torch.

Such majestic sight could not bend my eyes from looking away from it. I was mesmerized, staring at it for a few minutes until Asfi drew me back to reality.

"(Is there something wrong, Zal? You've been standing still silently watching that pillar.)"

"Eh? Oh, sorry. I was fascinated by how immersive it looked. Even the floor was reacting to it as if that stone pillar diverting all light to it. I've never seen anything like that before."

"(I see. Allow me to elaborate. The very pillar before us right now is known as a holy pillar, built since ancient times. As the name suggests, it emits holy magic that repels monsters.)"

"That's… quite something."

So that small pillar can shoo away monsters, huh? That's neat. It also imbued with magic, eh?

Wait, hold on. The very concept of magic itself was nonexistent in my previous world, man. Magic was only fantasy power from the very imaginations of a human, unexplainable at best! Though, there was black magic practice in my previous country.

I did play a bunch of RPG games before, and heck yeah magics were some crazy-licious tool that spiced up the experience of playing the game. But I never resorted to believe that magic existed in real world.

"Asfi… that thing really, REALLY contains magic?"

"(Yes. The term for magical energy is Mana.)"

"Mana…" Even the magic energy was like in RPG games: MP or Mana Points. Oh, dear.

That alone was solid enough evidence in addition to the pile of evidence I already had that I was, in fact, in another world.

A knowledge that was only existent in the world of fantasy, games, et cetera, now it literally became a real thing. I was intrigued to study it.

Not for now, however. I had a goal already in mind and I wasn't willing to stray away from that. Since I had one curiosity, I asked Asfi one thing about that magical stone pillar.

"So, what does it do to people? I mean, it repels monsters, right?"

"(I see what you're getting at. The holy pillars are meant to be a safe point for adventurers and travelers who ventured into dungeons.)"

Huh? Save point? Like, a literal save or load game file? It was only then I realized she was saying SAFE instead of SAVE.

"(The safest place in dungeons is of course, at this point. That's why most travelers might build a camp or base of operations nearby its light.)"

"O-Oh… is that so…"

Those words from her made me realize there was a contradiction. "Hey, if it repels monsters, then, why did you say we must prevent those ants from penetrating to the surface?"

"(That is quite simple. Holy pillars do repel monsters. However, ironite ants knew to not get near it. They are not reckless enough to dive into its magical field because that will surely kill them. Therefore, they will go around the pillar, or if necessary, they will dig another way out to chase us.)"


That was legitimately scary. Those iron-bodied insects could just dig their way out just to continue the pursuit. They had quite the intelligence, don't they? Good thing I dragged them back to their home…

Asfi added more to her explanation, "(Still, ironite ants do not prey on humans primarily. They are rather picky eaters. They prefer animals or other monsters over humans. That's why, they'll stay in dungeons, because the area fulfilled their needs.)"

Huhuh, yeah, but still, the thought of a man-eating giant insect was enough to scare the daylights out of me. Those large ants were surprisingly smart. Now it was clear why those adventurers chose to abandon all their belongings to the mercy of the dungeon.

"Is it… safe for us to pass through?" I asked Asfi afterwards. She affirmed me, "(Yes. It is perfectly safe. However, since we are mechanical creatures, the light of the pillar will give no effect to our bodies. The magic only affects living organisms, not machinery.)"

"I see."

I concluded that holy pillar was similar to a save point in some games. It heals wounds and recovers magical energy in an individual's body. The only downside was that it couldn't act as an actual save point in this world. It's just a restoration point.

And worse, it didn't affect us automatons. Shame.

After that, I realized the stone pillar would not benefit us anything, so, I passed through the holy pillar and went towards the next staircase that coiled upwards about twenty meters high.

I could see the light of the day peeking from above and oh, man it made me excited to quickly head out.

"(We are approaching the surface. Just past this staircase we'll reach the gateway to the outside world.)"

"Hm. Let's hurry then!"

It was like a countdown before seeing the world unraveled before my eyes. Truth be told, it felt bland because I had no heart that beat frantically when there was something exciting coming up. Though, I continued to climb up the coiling stairs and hoped to see what the world looked like.

And at long last…

I reached the said gateway and exited the dungeon.

My eyes were mesmerized by the sight of an extremely wide continent with forests, rivers, and lakes decorating the surface. The skies greeted my arrival, as their bright blue colors enveloped my soul due to how beautiful the sight was. Days spent in the dungeon made it like heaven.

I couldn't even begin just how… immersive the new world was. I was barely able to hold my tears.

I realized I was on top of a hill. The scent of the air was fresh as the day was still morning. And the sound of wind blowing over the tall grass on the valley made it a heavenly bliss. I could just sit down on a rock or even the dirt and gaze upon this impressive creation of God for hours.

This world was nothing like my previous world.

It was a majestic land. No industries, no asphalt roads, no skyscrapers, not even a single polluting material. Even the first vehicle I spotted in the distance was a wagon.

"(You seem thrilled.)"

"Heheh, how couldn't I? I never witnessed this form of beauty before. In my previous world, there was barely a hint of green. This world… heh, just look at the landscape, Asfi."

"(It is certainly beautiful. That is, what my creator told.)"

"Oh, yeah… you didn't really know what's described as beauty, eh?"

"('Didn't know' isn't the correct term. I know what's described as beauty based on how my creator programmed me.)"

"Haha. I see. So, I guess you're just like your creator, then."

"(I didn't think we're alike, though…)"

Asfi allowed me time to enjoy some sightseeing by the hill. I saw nobody climbing up this hill I was at, so, I guess I was the King of the Hill for now. I spent around an hour enjoying the sight of the new world.

It might sound like I was an oddball for staring into the vast view for so long, but this literally felt like a victory celebration for making out of the dungeon. I chose to take some time of peace while wading my eyes in the beautiful new world I lived in now.

Though, within that time span, I noticed something up high in the sky.

"Say, Asfi… that looked like some… floating continent, isn't it?"

"(Your guess is spot on. It is a floating continent. It is the headquarters of the mage association.)"

"Huh? Mage association?"

"(Yes. It is a legendary sky continent that existed since antiquity, built by the Mage Apostle. It can only be accessed by mages of the high order and some—)"

"Oookay, stop right there, Asfi. You're going to give me some serious headache."

"(As I have told you, and I will reiterate it again, automatons cannot suffer from humanly aches.)"

"Ugh, yeah, right, I get it. Let's just say that I can't take all the information at once."

"(…Very well.)"

"Oookay, then. Now that we've successfully reached out here, I guess it's time we initiate our second task."

"(I agree. Let us begin searching for clues.)"

"H-Hey, now, Asfi…"


It seemed the automaton girl was still fixed on solving her case the moment we got out. I agreed that we should hurry on dealing with her case, but there was something else I had in mind before we go crack open that mystery door.

"Don't you want a body of your own, Asfi?"


"Your current self, girl. Right now, you're only a piece of scrap, functioning only because you are in the Trafo Coffin. I understand you want to find the culprit behind your case as soon as possible, but I think it'll be better if we get you a new body first."

"(…I see. I agree with you. It is impossible to perform my supposedly existing abilities with this current condition. Not only that, but I'm also a parasite to your reactor core. Obtaining a new body is imperative, however, still, I do not want to burden you more than I've already done.)"

For a robot, she did put that into consideration. Yet, she failed to remember one thing.

"Bah, this is hardly a burden, Asfi. It was I who decided to help you, after all. But if you're saying that you don't want to trouble me further than this, then get a damn body."


"Oh, you didn't get that, did you…?"

"(…No. I fully understand what you're trying to say. I was not thinking about that. True, if I stay in this form, I will forever burden you.)"

Uhh, that's not what I wanted to say, but I guessed that'll do. Even so, I wanted to get my point straight.

"It's uhh… yeah, that, and don't you want to bring the culprit to justice by your own hands? You said it yourself, didn't you? 'I want to find out who did this to me and report it to the supreme beings', that alone rang out that you longed to apprehend the culprit with your own hands."

For a short minute, she gotten quiet. I was worried that she might misunderstood what I was saying, but heck, I was concerned for nothing.

"(…Impressive. What you said hit right exactly what I had in thought. I did not plan to stay in this casket forever, either. Very well, then. If you do not matter for some extra tasks, then by all means, I will gladly accept your offer.)"

"Hm. Hm. That's the spirit."

I did say 'that's the spirit' but she still spoke mostly in monotonic voice. Well, it's not like I was bothered by it.

And with that, a new goal was set: to get Asfi a new body.

At the same time too, I already found a conundrum right in front of my face.

Where can I get her a new automaton body?

Good question!



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