
I'm A Monster In One Punch Man

In a universe where heroes and monsters fight endlessly, an ordinary individual is suddenly transmigrated into the body of a wolf-threat level monster. With a regeneration ability and the ability to assimilate the abilities of other monsters by devouring them, he finds himself caught in a moral dilemma. is a thrilling tale of survival, moral dilemmas and the struggle to find a place in a ruthless universe. Can the protagonist overcome his fears and become a force to be reckoned with? Find out how this intriguing plot full of action and difficult decisions unfolds. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6L6HELLBZXVAA

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3 Chs

I Hate Being A Monster


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"How strange, I could have sworn I heard a man's voice." was what I heard Raptora say, as she walked away from the bathroom.

I was relieved to hear his footsteps moving further and further away from my position.


If it wasn't for this invisibility ability, I would be dead by now. Well, with my regeneration present, I'd say I'd be free of imaginable torture.

"I should look for Manako now." - Determined to find Manako, I made my way towards the direction I had left her.

I only hoped that Manako was still in the same place. I walked cautiously through the dark corridors of the subway, keeping my alert for any potential danger. finally, I arrived at the place where I had left Manako. I found her in a corner, apparently safe.

"Manako, there you are. We must move on. We can't afford to stay here for long." - I said, catching my companion's attention.

"Do you have any plans?"- Manako replies.

I smile before answering, "Not quite, but we can improvise and hope that fate is on our side."

Manako sighs, showing her displeasure at my answer. "Well, improvising is better than standing here doing nothing. Anyway, it's your loss. Which way do you think we should go?" she asks, seeking my perspective.

I look at the dark maze of corridors stretching out in front of us and weigh the options. I can't help but feel a slight sense of hopelessness, but I refuse to let it show in my voice.

"I think we should ask other monsters," I reply, not so sure about the idea.

Manako nods, accepting the idea. "It's a possibility. But we should be careful, not all monsters will be friendly or trustworthy," she cautions cautiously.

"I know," I reply, reminiscing on the various creatures I've encountered so far. heck, even Manako asked me for something in return for her help. Most likely they'll ask for something in return for information.

Determined to move on, we moved deeper into the dark corridors of the subway, keeping our senses alert for any potential danger. but we stopped when we heard the sound of a strange creature crawling in the distance. A shiver ran down my spine as I wondered what kind of monster it might be this time. I approached slowly, trying to discern its shape in the gloom of the subway.

"Who's there?", I asked quietly, hoping to get some response.

The creature stopped and turned toward me. It was an amorphous mass of tentacles and glowing eyes, emanating a sinister energy. I was momentarily overwhelmed by its presence, but I remembered that only wolf-level or slightly higher monsters could be found in this area. Therefore, this monster could not be much of a threat.

"Who are you?", I asked with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

The creature made a guttural sound, and at that moment I knew I wasn't going to get a verbal response. It was clear that communication with this creature was going to be a challenge. I watched Manako slowly walk away looking somewhat frightened by the monster. This bitch, she's leaving me alone to deal with the monster.

The creature moved slowly towards me, its glowing eyes fixed on mine. I felt a mixture of revulsion and fascination as I watched its grotesque form. My instinct told me I should stay alert, but I also wondered if this creature might have any powers that would be useful to me.

"Wait a moment," I said, raising a hand to stop the monster's advance. "I'm not here to hurt you." My words seemed to have no effect on the creature, which continued to slowly approach me, its glowing eyes fixed on mine.

"What the hell are you doing, you idiot!" I heard Manako say, as I watched the creature show no intention of backing down. "You can't just talk to it!".

I ignored Manako's comment and kept my gaze fixed on the creature. I tried to find some sign of understanding in its glowing eyes and writhing tentacles. But without warning, the monster threw a tentacle towards me, trying to wrap me up and imprison me in its grip. I quickly jumped back, dodging the attack with agility. The situation had turned hostile and it was clear that peaceful dialogue was not an option.

"So you want a fight, eh?", I exclaimed with a sardonic grin on my face. "Alright, you fucking monster, I'll show you what I'm capable of."

Manako backed up even further, aware of the danger of the creature in front of us. Wasting no time, I lunged towards the monster with surprising speed. My fists struck its amorphous mass again and again, releasing shocking force with each blow.

The monster struggled to defend itself, its tentacles trying to reach me as I moved with agility and dexterity. thanks to my newfound invisibility ability I was able to confuse the monster. i refused to be easy prey, to let myself be swept up in the despair of this monster world.

The battle intensified as I fought the amorphous mass of tentacles and eyes. Every strike and counterattack was a test of my skill and determination. As the combat progressed, I was driven by my more savage and violent nature. The common man I once was was fading amidst the ferocity of the fight.

My thoughts were reduced to survival instincts as I evaded the monster's tentacles and counterattacked with blunt blows. Adrenaline flowed through my veins, driving me to push my own limits. There was no room for doubt or compassion in this Monster world, there was only the fight for survival.

The writhing creature fought back tenaciously, its tentacles wrapping around my limbs in a desperate attempt to slow my advance. I felt the monster's strength overwhelm me, threatening to unbalance the scales of the battle. But I refused to give in to its power. I wasn't going to let a monster straight out of some cheap hentai bullshit, dictate my fate.

"Is that all you've got, you punk monster?", I shouted with a mad laugh as I unleashed a flurry of blows against my adversary.

The monster was responding to my attacks with its own ferocity, but I would not give up. I was aware that my abilities as a monster were limited, but I was determined to fight with all my might. There was no other choice in this merciless world.

As I exchanged blows with the monster, I realized that my manner had changed.

"Is that all you've got?", I exclaimed with a mocking tone, trying to provoke a reaction in my adversary.

The creature responded with a guttural roar and launched a final desperate attack. I nimbly dodged it and counterattacked with an accurate blow that made the monster tremble. I could see the surprise in its eyes as it fell to the ground in defeat.

I stood there, breathing heavily, looking down at the defeated monster at my feet. I had won the battle, but there was no joy in my victory. There was only a feeling of emptiness, of hopelessness clinging to me.

Victory over the monster left a bitter trace in my mouth. Although I had overcome another challenge, I couldn't help but feel that I was sinking further into this nightmarish world. My existence as a weak monster in the One Punch Man universe was a cruel joke, a twisted parody of what my normal life had once been.

I stared at the inert body of the defeated monster and wondered if I would ever find my way out of this maze of violence and despair. Was there any hope for someone like me? My thoughts were interrupted by Manako's voice, approaching cautiously.

"Wow, looks like you managed well," she said with some amazement in her voice. "I didn't think you could beat that monster."

"What can I say, I'm quite the prodigy," I replied sarcastically, trying to hide my own insecurity. I couldn't afford to show weakness to Manako or anyone else who might be watching.

Manako frowned and looked at me suspiciously. "You're still as sarcastic as ever."

I looked down at the defeated monster lying on the ground, still showing signs of consciousness. I approached it slowly, aware that my next action might seem strange or even disgusting to Manako, but I couldn't help it. Despite being in the body of a monster, I still retained part of my humanity, and the thought of eating another living being caused me deep disgust.

However, I had to become strong as quickly as possible. With a resigned sigh, I crouched down next to the monster and, in one swift movement, finished it off.

After my action of finishing off the defeated monster, Manako watched me silently, clearly shocked by what she had just witnessed. Although she seemed to be used to violent situations, the idea of eating another monster seemed to have caught her off guard. I looked her straight in the eyes, trying to maintain a calm expression despite the disgust and doubt that was invading me.

"What, you've never seen someone enjoy a good feast?", I said sarcastically, trying to hide my own discomfort. I was a little worried that Manako would freak out or pull away from me, but judging by her expression, she didn't seem as shocked as I had imagined.

Manako frowned, clearly puzzled by my behavior. "I can't say I've ever seen it before," she replied cautiously. "But everyone has their tastes in food. I suppose eating other monsters is one of yours."

Despite her response, I could notice a spark of worry in her eye. maybe she thinks I'm going to eat her. i had to reassure her so she wouldn't run from me like the plague.

"Don't worry, Manako," I said calmly, trying to show her that I posed no threat to her. "I have no intention of eating you."

Manako seemed to relax a little at my words, but she was still looking at me with some wariness. It was understandable, considering the circumstances we were in. We were both monsters, and trust was something that had to be earned over time.

"I understand," she finally said, taking a step toward me. "So...this is why you seek out other monsters...to eat them?"

Manako's question hung in the air, and I took a moment to gather my thoughts. I knew I couldn't reveal my true intentions to her, not yet. I couldn't risk losing her trust or jeopardizing our fragile alliance. I had to find another way to explain my actions.

"What I want is to take on strong monsters, challenge them and overcome them. I like the challenge and the thrill that comes with fighting powerful opponents." I replied with a confident tone.

Manako looked at me carefully, seeming to ponder my words. Her expression softened a bit, but she still maintained a wary look.

"I understand," he says with some reservation. "Although that sounds dangerous and risky." he says, but then whispers, "If I had known it would end up like this, I would have asked for something else.

We decided to move on, exploring the dark corridors of the subway. As we went along, we could hear the sounds of other creatures in the distance, but we kept our guard up, avoiding any unnecessary encounters.

As we walked, Manako seemed deep in thought, and I wondered what was going through her mind. Perhaps she was questioning her decision to join me, considering the dangers that surrounded us. I decided to break the silence and open a conversation.

"Manako, I know this is not what you expected when I asked you to help me," I said sincerely. "But I want you to know that I appreciate your company and your bravery."

Manako looked at me with surprise, her eyes revealing a hint of vulnerability. "I don't know why I trust you," she admitted. "But something tells me you're not like the rest of the monsters here."

I smiled slightly, grateful for his words. We continued walking in silence for a while, until we finally came to an intersection in the maze of hallways. I looked at Manako, seeking her opinion on which way to go.

"What do you think, Manako, left or right?" I asked, hoping she had some intuition or knowledge of the area.

Manako studied the two options, carefully evaluating each path. Finally, she pointed to the right. "I think we should take that way. i always see other monsters going to the snake pit."

I grimaced in recognition. my ancestor frequently went there. the snake pit was a place where monsters gathered to hang out, the only rule that place had was that fighting was forbidden. basically like a monster bar. how could I forget. i guess i should go over this body's memories after all this.




We continue to the right, advancing cautiously, looking for any sign of life in the corridors. We passed by several closed doors and heard strange sounds coming from some of them. We decide not to investigate too much and move on, focused on our goal of finding other monsters.

"Do you think we will be able to find other monsters that will give us information?" asked Manako in a worried tone.

"I don't know for sure," I answered honestly. "But it's our best option at this point."

We soon found ourselves in a wide open space, a makeshift resting area for the monsters that had found refuge in this place.

There, we encountered a variety of strange and grotesque looking creatures. Some seemed friendly, while others looked at us with hostility. The diversity of races and forms was astounding, and I realized that this place was a true melting pot of monsters.

We approached a group of monsters that seemed to be in the middle of a conversation. One spider-like monster looked at us with its many eyes and beckoned us to come closer.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked in a hissing voice.

"Hello, my one-eyed companion's name is Manako and I'm called....