Lily Cane is your average 8 year old girl. Except one thing: She used to be a guy, and she only became a girl yesterday... This is her story.
After a long night of gaming and binging anime, I just woke up and it's clearly late in the day. On another note, I am a girl now. Yeah, big news that. I used to be a 30 year old guy, now I am trapped in the body of a little girl who appears to be no older then 10 years old. The other thing? I am currently in my own apartment, sleeping in my t-shirt and I have no clothes for a little girl. This is bad news.. The good news? I can buy stuff online and I also happen to be rich thanks to my inheritance from my grandpa. I planned on saving my millions for retirement, but I guess I am going to have to live off of it now since I can't go to work as a little loli after all now can I?
So, without further ado, I got out of my covers and hopped down to the ground and made my way over to my computer desk. Struggling to climb up onto my chair, I stood up on my chair and began to type at my laptop. Eventually finding a website for little girls clothes, I decided that if I am going to go full loli, why not go goth loli? I always thought that goth lolis were cool looking in anime, and now I can be one in real life. Besides, I have checked out my new appearance and it's quite shocking. Long silver hair down to my back, and silver eyes. Ghostly white skin that is smooth as a baby's bottom, and you got a nation destroying loli here. When I grow up, I am going to be a man eater it would seem. Yeah.. Let's not think about that for the time being. For now, I will wait for my clothes to arrive. I ordered same day delivery, so they should be here by sometime tonight at the latest.
I will be the first to admit that I want to freak out and cry like a baby because of what happened to me, but I can't afford to do that. I don't have anyone I can go crying to. Besides, who is going to believe that a beautiful little girl like me used to be a 30 year old man? No one. That is for dang sure. Anyway, to kill time, I decided to get on my favorite mmorpg Darkness and make a new account as a vampire assassin. Putting my headset on and turning my mic towards my face, I began to say hi to the other players as I spawned. "Hey everyone! I am Lilith, nice to meet you! I am so looking forward to having fun with everyone today!" My voice of course was just too adorable, that I heard some guys sputter and rush over, and girls squealed as they ran over to my avatar. One girl asked my age, and I said that I was 8 years old. This caused an uproar and everyone began begging me to be in their party. I explained that I was new and didn't know anything about the game, but they didn't care. They were just that excited to have me.
And so, I ended up joining a party full of girls and we made waves in the game. Several hours later I was level 30 in the game. There are 200 levels total, so that is monstrously fast leveling. I mean I just made this character today. My OG character was level 180, but that took me like 5 years to get to that point! God I can't believe how lucky I am now! Anyway, I just heard my doorbell ring, so I told everyone that I would be right back as I ran to the door and nervously opened it. When I saw a mail delivery girl at the door I was relieved. However, she squealed when she saw me, and got on her knees rapidly with a dangerous look in her eyes. Backing up rapidly, I was going to shut the door, when she yelled, "Wait! I am sorry, you are just too cute. I have a package here for a David Cane?" I nodded and said, "Yeah that's my uncle. He ordered clothes for me." Thanking the girl, I took the packages, and hurriedly went inside before she tried to ask me more questions that could expose me.
After getting my packages I walked over to my bed and hurriedly opened them and quickly got changed into under clothes and a black loli dress complete with a black bow for my head. Smiling in satisfaction in the mirror, I did some cute poses before getting back on the computer and saying my goodbyes to everyone. After a good gaming session, and now having bought some clothes, the question is, now what?
coming soon