3 Chapter 3: Dead men(1)

Chapter 3: Dead men(1).

Prometheus had been in the room for two hours. He was thinking about his return for life. At first he thought he was in an illusion. But after a little thought, he realized that it was impossible. Only a spell of divine rank could create an illution of such good quality, but no one was able to perform it. In history only some chosen one of the gods had been able to do so. After having made this conclusion, Prometheus understood that he was really back to life, 21 years in the past. He was always wondering why. Hoping that if he could understand how he came back to life, he could understand how to do it again. But nothing came along, he had no idea. Then his belly started to gurgle. He decided to look for the reasons for his return to life once he knew more, until then he had to eat.

Prometheus headed towards the rest of the "Gourmet Leprechaun". He was in the hallway, yet he could hear drunken men screaming.

-BROUGHT US MORE OF THE VAIN! I want to fill my verse, sweetheart.

- HO ho.... hi hi hi Carle is still drunk.

A voice surprised Prometheus, she sounded strange and familiar to him.

- COME ON, SWEETHEART! We're thirsty.



- Thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty...

4 men were sitting around a round table, the table was covered with alcohol of all kinds. In his previous life, Prometheus had also had a weakness for alcohols, but only for wines from the islands of fire and braised whisky. But what these men drank was piquette (not good and cheap in general). Prometheus decided to sit at the table further away from these men, then he called the waitress and raised his hand there. Prometheus had washed himself, and he was wearing new clothes. He still looked skeletal, but the waitress, who was also the woman who had shown him his room, was surprised when she saw him.

- You're almost staring at it, kid.

- Uh, thank you. Bring me the dish of the day and a little of braised whisky, I'm celebrating something today.

The waitress looked a little surprised, Prometheus was much too young for alcohol. He had the body of a child, and in addition that of a child who would suffer from a serious growth problem. Some small bars like this one were not very age-conscious, but giving alcohol to such a young child was more of an ethical problem for them. However, even a poor quality braised whisky was quite expensive, it could be sold at least 50 Kester the bottle. After thinking about 0.1 seconds, the waitress nodded and left.

At the same time the 4 drunk men were served again by another waitress.


- I like the vain. (Author's note: French like me.)

Prometheus was now sure, the voice of one of these men was really familiar to him, he must have known him, or had already met him. But who was he. Prometheus had looked for bot he couldn't find. Moreover, in his childhood he had made few or no friends, and he had only vague memories of laughing with other children in his youth, then who was this man that Prometheus knew. Probably someone bad, whom he must have met in the shallows of the city.

The waitress arrived, and placed the daily specials with a carafe of water on the prometheus table.

- My father refuses to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 15, and there's no need to lie. You know my father was an alcoholic when he was your age, because he was served alcohol.

The waitress approached Prometheus and whispered in his ear, pointing at the drunk men.

- Besides, you don't want to end up like those guys.

After serving Prometheus the waitress left for the kitchen. The four drunk men laughed at Prometheus.


- I have a little brother older than him.

- Hic, I have a little girl older than him.


Prometheus paid no attention to the mockery of the four men. Especially since he would have laughed too if he had seen a 10-year-old child order braised whisky. But a word from one of the four men called out to him, it was the man with the familiar voice.

- Wait, he's not telling you what the hell is going on?

- No

- No, either.

- ??

- Yes, it is, it's the other whore's son.

Prometheus immediately turned around, staring at the man, while giving him a black look. A murderous intention emanated from his whole body.

- You guys have each other. Last time I told you about a whore who didn't want to fuck. So I had to... Look at that, he's looking at me. I was right, he's that bitch's son.

Prometheus remembered. He knew who this man was, he even felt too well and his scar on his left hand reminded him of it every day of his life. This man was the madman he stabbed him when he was only 8 years old. But what he didn't understand was why this man was talking about his mother. Prometheus is thinking. He closed his eyes, and paid no attention to the world around him. He focused totally on the reflection.

My mother has never been a prostitute, but why does she call her a whore, and why did he attack me one year after his death.... What did he tell me that day? He... he asked me where my mother was, then he got angry saying I was hiding her. But she had been dead for a year. And now he also said she was a whore who didn't want to fuck... which means.

Prometheus opened his eyes wide, small flames escaped from his eyes. Prometheus had promised himself never to use magic until his body was in good physical condition, but it was too much. Prometheus had understood everything, AND THIS MAN CANNOT LIVE ANY MORE. No, all these men and all witnesses had to. No one was supposed to see what was going to happen.

Prometheus was still sitting on the ground as a tailor when suddenly purple flames sprang up and surrounded him.

- SIT!!!!!!!!

The drunken men kept quiet and looked at Prometheus with a perplexed look.

- Calm down kid, you'll burn yourself.

- Mmmmmmm, is that a magic trick?

- I SAID ENOUGH!!! I ask the questions here.

Prometheus whispered that she said "hell come to us". The flames surrounding Prometheus became black and then grew bigger. He moved his arms, to the right and left and his flames were projected on the different rooms. All the exits were blocked. The black flames began to spread over the floor and ceiling until they surrounded the 4 men.


The veins of Prometheus' face was swollen, his eyes looked bloody and his hands trembled. It was actually the side effect of using a magic spell that was far too powerful for the user's body. His mana brain was in overdrive, if he continued like this he would risk injury.

Next chapter