
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 12 Part 5

'Now Odin, can you use the data you got from Usurper to prevent anyone from being able to copy any of my abilities? Maybe send out false data whenever you detect someone analyzing any of my skills?'

'Answer. Odin is already capable of interfering with any attempts to Copy the Master's Skills; the data from 'Usurper' has only boosted this ability.'

'Huh, well I didn't know that, nice job Odin! Ah, can you analyze Hinata's other Unique Skill now?'

'Answer. Yes.'

Unique Skill: Mathematician has been analyzed.

Ugh, Mathematician? I hate math.

It seems 'Mathematician' allows Hinata a high level of analysis, predict outcomes which Odin can already do, and allows her to increase her thought speed.

I continue to observe Hinata, I'm fairly curious about the woman who was capable of beating Pre Demon Lord Rimuru.

That's an interesting armor that Hinata has on, from the 'Aura' it's giving off it seems to be around the Legend Grade.

'Notice. It has been detected that the Legend Grade armor worn by the human known as 'Hinata' is capable of elevating her flesh into that of a Spiritual Being, making her a Complete Saint temporarily.'

Hmm, so she is capable of fighting at the level of a full Saint then huh? Currently she is an incomplete Saint, she is a Saint in spirit, but not in body. But her armor can temporarily elevate her body to the same level. That might prove to be a challenge for some. I can see why she is revered as a Hero of Humanity, Saints are capable of matching Awakened Demon Lords after all.

Her physique also seems somewhat special.

'The Master is correct, she possesses an Anti-Magicule Physique causing magicules to get purified upon touching her.'

That's an interesting Physique, not anything special for the stronger people in this world, but for most I'm sure it can cause a lot of trouble. 

I focus on Luminous now that I have the chance to analyze her in detail.

Hmm, I should be able to analyze Luminous' Unique Skill now right?

'Will she be able to detect it Odin?'

I don't want to take any chances, she is a True Demon Lord after all, best not to underestimate her.

'Answer. No, she will not be able to detect the Master analyzing or copying her Unique Skill due to the host doing so with an Ultimate Skill. In order to detect something like that she would need an Skill similar to Odin, or the inferior Raphael.'

Nice, I just wanted to make sure. Ultimate Skills really are overpowered against those without one huh?

I analyze Luminous's skills, she only has one Unique Skill, along with a few Extra and Intrinsic Skills. 

I quickly copy the Intrinsic Skills I think will be useful, 'Charm', and 'Transform'. 'Charm' allows me to manipulate someone's thoughts to a certain extent, and 'Transform' allows me to easily change my physical form.

Now onto her Unique Skill: Lust. It is quite strong for a Unique Skill, it seems that all of the Skills related to the Seven Deadly Sins are like that, likely the same with the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

There must be a Unique Skill correlating to all the sins, Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Lust.

I already have the skills correlating to Wrath, and Gluttony, along with the data for Lust.

'Lust' basically allows you to command the forces of Life and Death to a certain extent, though it focuses more on the Life aspect.

It allows the user to gift or take Vitality, when draining Vitality it hurts the target an insane amount, it even gets through 'Pain Nullification' as it is affecting the soul directly rather than the physical body.

'Analyze the skill but don't copy it, I don't have that much use for it at the moment.'

Unique Skill: Lust has been analyzed.


Once the drinks are served the conversation starts, "Now it has come to my attention that my subordinates are causing trouble for you?" 

Hinata decided to speak up first, "I would first like it pointed out that your message to me sounded like you were taunting me into a fight."

"Taunting? I sent you a message that I would like to meet and discuss our issues, sure there was a bit in there to fight one on one if I was not able to convince you to talk first, but that was only a last resort.

Now Hinata looked shocked, "In the message I got you said that you would like to fight one on one."

"The answer is simple, it's so obvious I'm confused you haven't figured it out! Someone in your organization intercepted the message and tampered with it!"

"Indeed, that seems to be the most likely scenario."

"I was a human before I was a Daemon. I know full well how humans work. Constantly seeking out any method to gain more power or remove threats to their way of life even at the cost of overall stability." 

Luminous and Hinata both look shocked at this info, it isn't widely known that I am a reincarnated human after all. 

"You too?!" said a surprised Hinata

"Maybe I should stop laying surprises on you one after the other incase you faint like the Guild Master Fuze hahahaha. Man did that guy faint a lot."

"Felix can we stay on topic please?!" 

"Yeah yeah, it's best we get this over with soon anyways."

"For once I am in agreement with him, It seems I have some cleaning to do."

"Okay, so we have established that the message was tampered with, so that deals with the entire reason your knights are coming to Tempest, now who could be responsible for this? I don't want there to be any hidden threat to my nation."

As Rimuru is talking I had my attention drawn by the blade Hinata brought along. 'Odin, am I correct in my analysis of that blade?'

'Yes, it has been detected that the sword can be remotely detonated.'

"Hinata, I don't know if you know, but it seems your sword can be remotely detonated, I don't think it was a wise move to bring such a weapon here."

"What?! I knew those fools would try something in order to prevent me from leaving unharmed, but they actually went ahead and did something like this?"

"Oh? Are they responsible for this deception then? How disappointing."

"Uhh guys, can I be clued in here please?" 

"The weapon was given to me by the Seven Luminaries, they have a vast amount of authority, and are always scheming on how to increase their power."

That fits, always people like that in every large organization, the best you can do is try and be as aware of what is going on in your organization as you can.

"It appears that this mystery has been solved then, it seems that The Seven Luminaries time is up. Now I am not someone who will not repay my debts, to both of you. What would the two of you like as compensation for my subordinates' errors? I can promise you that they won't be causing any further issues for you."

"Ah, no it–"

"Hmm, how about The Western Holy Church announces that Tempest is a country of harmless monsters? And as for your debt towards me, well all can be paid off if you just keep me in mind whenever you want to give your whole Love thing to someone ghahaha."

She ignored the second part of my sentence as she looked at us and said, "I see, that is doable, from this day forward The Western Holy Church shall cease hostilities with both Tempest, and Azeroth. We may even form diplomatic ties with you in the future. Though I will still deal with that lizard. Hinata you shall be the one to inform everyone of this change."

"Yes Luminous-sama." Hinata does not seem to be looking forward to that, it sounds like a lot of work. It seems Luminous is the type of boss to push everything onto her subordinates.

"I see, thank you for that, now would you two like to stay in Tempest and try out some of our food!"

"I shall return to deal with those traitors, Hinata however will stay, she can sample everything and report back to me about it later. If she has positive things to say I will consider trying out the food, however I am interested in this wine, it is quite delightful, where did you get it from?"

"Ah, the wine is something Felix's country is producing."

She turned to look at me, "Is that so? I would not be opposed to trading with you directly for this wine Felix, that will be in the future however. Now I will be leaving. I do not wish to be in the presence of the abominable lizard any longer than I must."

And with that she teleported out. That was a fruitful discussion, maybe I can get a customer out of Luminous?

Rimuru turned to look at Hinata, "Would you like to try out the bath house first? Everyone says that it feels amazing, I'm sure you will like it! Afterwards you can try our food, I'm sure you will be surprised."

"A bath house? I see, yes I would like to take a bath, but first." She bowed, "I sincerely apologize for all of my actions, none of my subordinates were involved, and I did not act upon Luminous-sama's orders. I don't think you can forgive me for this transgression with this al—"

"Wait wait! As long as the misunderstanding has been resolved then all is fine, besides Luminous-san already compensated me for that. The only thing I request is that you give up your prejudice against monsters, I know some can be bad, but some can also be good, just like Humans."

Hinata hesitated for a moment before nodding briefly.

"Umu! Follow me then."

Rimuru ended up leading us to the bath house, though his plan to join Hinata in the bath was foiled by Hinata herself, Rimuru tried to persuade her by saying he would show her how it's done, but she wouldn't budge. 

"You know, I can change genders, so I would be willing to make the sacrifice to help you, Rimuru is also genderless."

"Weren't you both males in the past?!"

"What's in the past is in the past now I am whatever I want to be"

"No! I refuse!" It seems she is capable of resisting my charm.

"Haha, fine fine." 

Shuna ended up overhearing and offered her assistance, so that put the final nail in the coffin.

Odin took the opportunity to analyze Shuna's Unique Skills, now that she didn't need to directly see Skills in order to analyze and copy them.

Shuna had two Unique Skills, 'Analyst' which has a few subskills like 'Thought Acceleration', 'Analytical Appraisal', 'Chant Annulment', 'All of Creation', and 'Law Manipulation'. Her second Unique Skill, 'Manufacturer' is an interesting one, it basically allows her to create her own unique magic. When combined with 'Analyst', she can basically copy any magic she sees.

It isn't a Skill that will be useful to me seeing as Odin can do all that, but better, but maybe I'll get a subordinate that might find such a Skill useful.

While Rimuru and I were in the male section he ended up explaining the other thing he wanted to talk to me about. 

He said he is holding a festival to introduce himself as a Demon Lord, and Ruler to the other nations, he invited me to attend.

It is quite a good idea, seeing as he wants a good relationship with humans, holding a festival will help them become more familiar with Tempest, and maybe make Rimuru seem more trustworthy. Plus Tempest has a ton of attractions that other nations can only dream of, I'm sure they'll be hooked.

I ended up asking to supply the alcohol seeing as that is one of the few things my country can produce exceptionally well, it will also help get me more business seeing as all the other attendees will want more of it if I have my way.

Rimuru invited Sarion, Dwargon, a bunch of human nations, some nobles, basically anyone who is somewhat relevant. Arcueid will be back by the time the festival is hosted so maybe she can make some deals at the time as well.

Overall the Festival sounds like it will be a ton of fun to attend.

He even mentioned that he ended up finding out what happened to Ponytail, apparently he was badly injured, and was saved by the Queen of a kingdom. The Queen named him so once he confirmed that the Ogre Village was destroyed he decided to serve the Queen that saved him.

He ended up solving a whole conspiracy involving Daemons meddling in that kingdom's affairs, though it all worked out in the end.

Hiiro is his name now.

Rimuru said he would invite the Queen and Hiiro to attend the festival, hopefully I can catch up with him.

- Hinata Sakaguchi -

As she relaxed in the bath she contemplated all of today's events, at one point she was marching towards Tempest, prepared for a fight to the death.

To think that all of this was a misunderstanding, she truly messed up this time. She let her emotions get the better of her, she should not have trusted that merchant. She will have to inform Rimuru about the merchant, he is the one who used her after all, he might still have some plans involving Tempest.

Still to think he grew so much in such a short time, the thought of him fighting against humans made her shudder.

When she met him she used her Unique Skill: Mathematician to measure both his and the Demon Lord Felix White's power.

She even tried her other Unique Skill: Usurper, the one skill that allowed her an advantage to opponents superior to her, it let her easily steal the target's Skills. While she couldn't use said Skills perfectly, the act of taking away someone's hard earned Skills could be a punishment on its own.

Whenever someone was weaker than her, her skill simply told her that the skill could not be used on the target, 'Usurper' would either fail or succeed, if it succeeded she would instantly know all of her target's skills and abilities. It didn't matter if 'Usurper' failed at first as she could make it work after numerous attempts, she just had to stall and analyze her opponent. 

When she fought Rimuru for the first time the result came back as non-applicable, basically informing her that the fight was as good as finished. This time though, the skill went through the process, but it informed her that it was blocked. That was only the second time she had seen that, Rimuru Tempest managed to reach the same lofty heights as Luminous-sama.

And in such a short time period, awakening truly does grant a massive power boost.

And then there was the Demon Lord Felix White, obviously her skill was blocked on him too, however she could tell he was different from Rimuru. Even with his 'Aura' suppressed she could feel the difference, there was just a different presence surrounding him. If Rimuru was an ocean then Demon Lord Felix was hundreds of oceans put together. Absolutely monstrous.

"While Felix-sama let it go this time, he is not as forgiving as Rimuru-sama and likely took the fact you tried to kill his friend very poorly. Something else of note is that two of those servants are Named Primordials."

"What?! He has two named Primoridals as subordinates!"

"Indeed he has the Primordials of White and Yellow now named Arcueid and Megumin respectively as his direct subordinates, I imagine Demon Lord Luminous already knows about this seeing as he took them with him to the Walpurgis."

Two Primordials, what a truly fearsome Demon Lord. Still, maybe they could get along in the future? She didn't want to make an enemy out of someone strong unnecessarily, plus he was an otherworlder like her, even if he was a reincarnation rather than a summon.


I hang out in Crossedge's Discord server https://discord.gg/RNNZyyert4

Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)

Author's Note:

Sup guys, we can already see things are changing, Felix's skill copying abilities got even more absurd. Hinata really walked into that one.

Anyways, the next chapter should be interesting so look forward to that, thanks for reading.