
Checking Stats

The next morning Lushen finally woke up from his deep sleep.

'I was so tired after yesterday, using those skills really does use up a lot of stamina. Well at least I was able to kill and consume the bunny. Lets check my stats before doing anything else'.

Title: 'First Kill'

Name: Lushen Crest

Species: Common Forest Centipede

System Points: 0

Cultivation Realm: <Body Refining - Level 3> (0/200 Essence)

Body Realm: <none> (Requires technique)

Soul Realm: <none> (Requires technique)

Bloodlines: <none>

Bloodline Skills: <none>

Attributes: Wood (Very Low), Poison (Very Low), Wind (minimal)

Skills: Bite (lvl:3), Dash (lvl:2)

Abilities: Consume (lvl:Max)

'Well [bite] and [dash] both gained a level. I also got the wind element from the bunny I presume. Though it didn't look like it used the wind element it our fight, I guess it must use it to run away. I also got to body refining level 3 yesterday, but wow that's a big difference in points needed. 200 essence, and I only got 100 from the bunny yesterday. Oh yeah, I haven't chosen what to put those in yet'.

After thinking about it Lushen decided to put the essence from the bunny into SP since he has previously put all the essence into his cultivation.

<"Added 100 System Points">

'Wait now that I think about it I killed 5 of those beetles yesterday but it only gave me 60 essence, it should have been 100 essence since each beetle is supposed to give me 20'.

<"Ding! The higher the hosts cultivation compared to the target, the less points the host gets">

'Now I understand. When I killed the first beetle, we were both at body refining level 1, so it gave me 20 essence. But this time I was at body refining level 2 so instead of 20 essence per beetle, I got 12 essence per beetle instead. Now that i'm body refining level 3 its probably even less'.

Lushen was quite disappointed and upset about this news since his plan was to constantly kill and consume weak creatures in very large quantities instead of relying on killing high cultivation creatures for points.

'Well, lets have a look at the shop and buy some stuff to cheer me up. Shopping is always a nice way to cheer up'.

<"System Points: 100">

<"Skill: Harden - 15 Sp">

<"Skill: Stab - 20 SP">

<"Ability: Analysis - 50 SP">

<"Ability: Stealth - 100 SP">

'Hmm, these are the only useful skills/abilities that I can find that are within my points range. I really should get some more points to get more of these skills, but I need to balance it out with my cultivation'.

<"Harden (lvl:1) - Hardens the users carapace. Effect: +10% hardness (passive), +50% hardness (active)">

<"Stab (lvl:1) - Increases piercing damage. Effect: +25% piercing.">

<"Analysis (lvl:1) - Allows the host to get a detailed overview showing the properties of the target.">

<"Stealth (lvl:1) - Decreases the presence of the host. Effect: +10% presence decrease.">

'I like the sound of [stealth], since I tend to stalk and ambush my prey. Though [analysis] looks very useful as well, since then I should be able to see what cultivation levels the enemy is, since right now i'm guessing by the pressure they emit. The other skills seem quite generic, but look good and will probably useful'.

After pondering the pros and cons, Lushen finally decides to buy the [stealth] skill since it can be used to stalk prey but also hide from predators.

<"Ding! Congratulations host for purchasing skill: [Stealth]">

'Nice, now I can be more confident in exploring the area. Though now I am back to being poor again, having 0 system points sucks'.

After finishing up in the shop Lushen wants to get some more details about his stats, but before he does that he just remembered that he should check for creatures around his home just in case something attacks him while he is focused on his stats.

Using his antenna, he checks for odours near by. He detects a strong metallic smell wafting though the air, he kinda panics since he knows that's the smell of blood. With his antenna wiggling madly trying to find the source of this smell, he finds that the blood smell isn't just near his home, but in his whole field of sense.

Lushen is a little shaken since he knows that for such a strong blood smell to cover his whole area of sense which is around 2 acres in radius, will require a very large amount of blood. He focuses, trying to find the direction with the highest concentration.

He finds a higher density blood smell to his east, which is the same direction as the river. After finding the source direction and knowing that this shouldn't affect him, Lushen decides to go on the ground to find a stone that can act as a door for his home, so he can more effectively hide and protect himself.

He finds the perfect rock, it has an oval shape with a silky smooth surface and no rough edges. The colour of the rock is a marble like grey and white which makes it very beautiful. So he decides to bring the rock back and use it as his door, since its the perfect size and is very hard. Lushen used his bite attack at around 50% power, yet it didn't even scratch it.

Once the rock was put in the entrance hole to block it off the inside became pitch black, but Lushen didn't mind since his eyes can mostly see in the dark and he mainly uses his antenna to navigate as he's got so used to using it. After laying down, he starts checking his 'status'.

Title: 'First Kill'

Name: Lushen Crest

Species: Common Forest Centipede

System Points: 0

Cultivation Realm: <Body Refining - Level 3> (0/200 Essence)

Body Realm: <none> (Requires technique)

Soul Realm: <none> (Requires technique)

Bloodlines: <none>

Bloodline Skills: <none>

Attributes: Wood (Very Low), Poison (Very Low), Wind (Minimal)

Skills: Bite (lvl:3), Dash (lvl:2)

Abilities: Consume (lvl:Max), Stealth (lvl:1)

Lushen starts with his attributes first, since he doesn't really know what they do other than give him that attribute.

<"Wood (Very Low) - Increases natural regeneration and vitality.">

<"Poison (Very Low) - Increases poison concentration and resistance to poisons.">

<"Wind (Minimal) - Increases speed and agility">

Lushen is very happy that these elements increase something useful to him, he is especially happy with the new wind attribute since his main attacking strategy is bursts of speed and dodging attacks.

'Next is my skills, I wonder how much the effects has changed since the level ups'.

<"Bite (lvl:3) - This skill allows the host to increase his biting power by creating a shadow that overlaps with the hosts bite. Effect: 75% extra damage.">

<"Dash (lvl:2) – Allows the host to make a quick dash in a certain direction. Effect: +50% speed.">

Lushen quickly discovers the difference in power the skill level ups have made. [Bite] attack power has increased from 25% at level 1 to 75% at level 3, so that means a 25% increase in power every level. It seems to work the same for [dash] as well since its now at 50% when it used to be at 25%.

Lushen is now done checking over his stats, so he decides that he shouldn't waste the daytime, so he decides to hunt. Though he is a little cautious of the overwhelming blood stench so he avoids the river direction and instead heads west.

Next chapter