
Chapter 19 – California Maki and My Dude


Tuesday, 3 in the afternoon. I look at my watch.

"Under time?", Paul asks as he sees me keeping my things already. "Where are you going?"

"I got in early so I can leave early. I have performance exam on Bread and Pastry later. I still need to drop by the grocery.", I lie to him. "Don't forget to drop by at my place later after your class ok."

"Definitely. I only have one class this afternoon. I'll be there by 6.", he replies.

Sean and I planned the party for Paul this afternoon. Sean is preparing the groceries we bought last Sunday at the mall. He is going to prepare a California Maki and Chicken Lollipops, he said. I gave him the keys to my apartment so he can start preparing while I'm still at work. Sean's subjects are all nights, making him free in the morning. He volunteers to do this while I'm at work. I trust Sean so i don't see any problem on him being their.

"I'll go ahead. Make sure you'll come ok.", I tell Paul and leave.

I'm still dropping by the nearby grocery to buy us sodas. Some bottles will be enough for the three of us. And if we decide to drink alcohol, there is a convenient store nearby to buy them.

In 15 minutes, I am in the grocery store. And after buying what I need, I go straight to my apartment to see Sean.

I get myself in after knocking several times. He doesn't hear obviously over the loud music he is playing while preparing foods in the kitchen. He is even surprise to see me inside.

"Hey, you're here now. Here, have a taste of my chicken pops. Tell me how it taste.", pointing at a plate of his dish on the table. The chicken is very inviting but i got my taste buds wanting for something more tasty.

Sean is wearing my white apron on top of his tank top where his broad shoulders are showing. I never notice this in school because we are always on chefs uniform and apron. But now, I cannot help but notice how sexy Sean is with his naturally firm body. He never say he's going to gym and for what I am seeing, he doesn't need it. I have a sexy chef on my kitchen right now.

"What do you want me to taste.", I ask blankly.

"The chicken pops of course. What do you want to taste?", he replies innocently while cooking the rest of the chicken pops. "How is it?"

I take a piece and bite. In fairness, his chicken is delicious. It's unlike any chicken pops I tasted before. He may have used different breading on this.

"Taste great right.", he asks again which I acknowledge with a nod because my mouth is full. "I use my secret ingredients on those.", Sean brags.

I put my piece of the chicken on the table and grab the sodas I bought in the convenient store. I try to focus on placing the sodas in the fridge but I cannot take my eyes off Sean. He is so sexy on apron, almost naked from the back.

After frying, I see Sean preparing the table. He places the remaining chicken on a plate with paper towels on. He takes the rice on the bowl and places it on bamboo table mats. He opens the fridge and pulls the bowls with mangoes, crab sticks and caviar. A pile of nori is also piled on the side.

"It'll be great if you'd help.", looking at me smiling.

"Definitely", I reply in surprise. "let me just wash my hands."

After washing and drying my hands, I see Sean scooping the rice to loosen them.

"We will make California Maki. I will show you.", he instructs me.

I don't have any idea how to do it. He starts by carpeting the nori on bamboo mats. He scoops the rice and laying them on top of nori. He then places different fillings in it, the mangoes, crab sticks and caviar. After tucking everything in, he rolls the mat firmly until it closes by the edge.

I am amazed by how natural Sean prepares the Maki. My jaw drops while watching him.

"Mouth close please. Food safety.", he jokes when he notices. We laugh together. "Now its your turn. Come here."

Nervous, I move closer to his spot where he lays a nori already. I run the steps in my mind while doing what he does earlier but my turnout is very different from his. Mine does not look delicious, like his.

"Why is mine like this?", I protest.

"Here, let me show you again.", he comes to me and shows me how to do it again. I am watching more intently this time. "...and then you will do this. Come, give me your hands." a little hesistant but

I still follow what he says.

He places me infront of his table and stands behind me. I place my hand at the edge of the nori and he places his hands on top of mine. He directs my hands how to roll the nori so it won't get loose. I continue to roll until I got to tuck the maki up the edge.

I know Sean is just teaching me how to do Maki but butterflies are starting to fly in my stomach. He is behind me. His arms are wrapped around me like he is hugging me from the back. And his body moves closer and closer to mine as we roll the bamboo mat.

"You get it?", he asks.

I look at him and eventually, stare while rolling with my hands underneath his.

"There.....more lovely.", he declares after then smiles at him.

I free myself from his hug. Sean continues the maki while I excuse myself to change in my room. After changing and fixing myself in front of the mirror, I get back to him. But I stop by the door and look at him while he finishes the maki. I am looking at him from behind. I am looking at his well-shaped back and how hard it is. My eyes are roaming from his back down to those waistline of 30 inches, down.

While I'm at it, I am reminded by my talk with Angeline and Marjorie at the mall last Sunday. I only know Sean for a couple months and we are both focused with our studies and we do not talk anything personal about ourselves. So it is surprising to hear their stories with Sean in junior high. I dont want to judge and I am not in the position to do so. He is a good friend to me and he has done nothing wrong to me or to my friend.

"There, I'm done.", Sean exclaims cheerily after finishing the entire rice cooker.

"Wow, those look delicious!", I commend him as I come from behind. Our surprise is simple but I am definitely sure Paul will like it.

"Thanks, we are all set. Is this where we're celebrating?", Sean asks.

"Well, I've been thinking where since you asked me.", I reply. "We cannot go to Manila for this, its far. So, I am thinking we can go to Southwoods instead. Paul and I jog there and there is a parking lot where we can park and eat and celebrate."

"Like a tailgate party?"

"Exactly!, simple right?"

"That is a great idea. Our foods are also appropriate, easy packing. We can put them in containers and eat by hands."

"Okay then. Let us cool down these foods for a while before packing. And the drinks are still chilling in the fridge right? We need to bring cups for it. What time did you tell Paul to come over?"

"Around 6."


I have my introduction to programming this afternoon. I am thinking of not coming to school because two of my subjects announced that they'd cancel due to some appointment but I still choose to come.

Mikhael logged out early to do some groceries for his lab this afternoon but he is not there when I drop by. I plan to go with him to his apartment so I won't go alone.

After my class I received a text from Mikhael saying to meet him in Southwoods instead. He wants to jog first before coming to the apartment. I might not catch him up there.

"This person is unbelievable.", I whisper to myself as I walk pass the guard in the front gate. A bundy clock is right beside that reads Tuesday, July 25th. I ignore it and wait for a jeep to come by.

Southwoods is a 30-minute travel from the university. While on board, Mikhael keeps on texting me where I'm at.

"Dude, are you on the jeep yet?"

"Are you close? where are you now?"

After dropping by Pacita, I take a second ride to Southwoods. Mikhael is still texting me which I ignore along the way.

His last text with me was, "Wait for us at the restaurant.". Southwoods is quite a big place to jog. At least I know where to wait.

"Us?", he is not alone then. Why does he wants me here if he has somebody already?

When I get there I receive another message from Mikhael saying, "Go to the spot where we jog last time, by the tree. You remember?". I did not reply to his text and immediately proceed to the place. It is a couple of minutes walk from the restaurant, it is not that far.

As I come closer to the place, I spotted Mikhael on his motorbike. He is waiting for me with a guy who I am not familiar with. He waved at me, smiling. Closer, I notice him pulls out a roll of white paper from the side and they both position holding it.

"I thought we are jogging!", I yell at them. "why are you still dressed up?!", they sign at me acting they can't hear me. I walk faster at them like I'm almost running.

"I said, I thought we're jogging why...."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!", they cheer. Mikhael unrolls the white banner showing the huge letters that read happy birthday Paul. The other guy pops out a party popper that blasts confetti in the air. I am surprise and speechless.

"Tuesday, 25th.....it is my birthday today.", I stupidly whisper to myself. The two run up to me laughing and celebrating for me.

"Happy birthday dude!!", Mikhael greets, smiling.

"Happy birthday!!", says the other guy.

"By the way dude, this is Sean. My classmate in labs. He prepares our food for your birthday.", Mike introduces his guy. I nod in response.

"Are you ok dude?", Mike asks. "say something."

"Ah, haha. I'm ok. It's nothing. I'm just surprise. Thanks for this dude. Thanks Sean. It's silly I forget my own birthday.", the two looks at me laughing at each other.

"Dude, we have special treat for you today. Sean prepares it."


"You bet.", Mike come to his motorcylce and pulls out something from the u-box. "Tadan!!!", he cheerfully shows me these packed California Maki and some chicken pops in tupperwares. "Sean prepares all these and they are good."

"Wow, thanks Sean."

"You're welcome. Mike says you haven't had these before.""

"I don't and I'm starving."

"Also those chicken pops are amazing.", Mike interupts.

"Why are you more excited than I am?", I smile at Mike.

"I'm just saying...."

The three of us laugh at each other. We share the foods they bring for my birthday. We each grab the maki with our hands and help ourselves. It is delicious. I only see these on posters but I never tasted one.

"Dude, thanks for this surprise.", I thanks them.

"Glad you liked it."

"I'm good with some street foods and drinks for my birthday, you know. I'm happy that you remember.", Paul says while helping himself with some maki.

"Hey, its your birthday. We cannot just ignore it and not celebrate. Your my best bud. Of course, I remember.", Mikhael says encouragingly.

"Yeah, cheers! This is your birthday! let's not waste it. Enjoy.", Sean cheers.

I look into the eyes of the two who are very happy for my birthday. And it's not right for me to spoil there efforts.

"Happy birthday to me!!", I cheer as I raise my cup of soda to both of them which the two response with raising there cups too and cheer with me.


I don't care if people are staring at us as we celebrate Paul's birthday. What's important is Paul feels that he has a birthday to celebrate. I haven't seen those smiles quite a while now. Those smiles that encourages me and strengthens me when I'm the one whose burnt out. It starts to fade when started this semester.

We are both tired and a lot of things are taking a toll on us both. I'm happy that even in this simple celebration, I am able to bring back those smiles. Thankfully, Sean is there to help me out.

It seems Paul and Sean are getting a long quite well. At first, I thought there'll be an awkward feeling between the two since it's there first time meeting each other and they are both loners. But surprisingly, they enjoy each other. And Paul enjoys the Maki that Sean prepared, he even took mine.

I'm happy seeing Paul enjoys his Maki. He looks like a child who had been thrown a birthday party for the first time. He almost chokes himself in one of the Maki for stuffing a lot of it at once. Sean offers his drink to Paul. We then laugh eventually at the scene.

I sit beside Paul on the sidewalk while Sean sits in front of us on the motorcycle. I may have seen it wrongly but I am seeing Sean smiling at Paul while he is eating.

Maybe Sean is just thankful the Paul loves his Maki right?

But those smiles are different. I have seen him smile in class and this is something different. It is not easy to find Paul a friend and so does Sean. I think the two will get along well.

We continue eating while watching the sunset at the horizon. Its a combination of orange and yellow and indigo partnered with a cool breeze of afternoon air.

"A great way to end the day.", I whisper to myself. "Happy birthday again Paul. I hope you're happy."

Paul doesn't have to say anything. He smiles at me and turn to watch the sunset again. I can see the joy on my best buds face.