
Chapter 8: Resting Day

[Guila's Adventurer's Guild]

As Rebecca announced the subjugation the whole Adventurer's guild became silent

"Wha... What did you say? Asked Lanka the receptionist

"Our proof of subjugation" replied Rebecca not noticing that she herself made a small commotion

"But... But that's impossible.... You guys just received it yesterday" reasoned Lanka

When the other Adventurer's heard this they also gave their own opinion

"That's right Jou-chan! anyway you put it it's just impossible" said the uncle like adventurer

"Are you sure you were not day dreaming?" Said the adult female adventurer

"Yeah! Yeah! Something like that" added the the person in his 20's adventurer

As the crowd gave their own opinions Lanka herself noticed Kaido's appearance

"Um! If I may ask what happened to Kaido's clothes? I can see clearly that his shirt is filled with bloodstains of different colors"

When the Adventurer's heard Lanka's question they all looked at Kaido

Immediately Rebecca explained to them how Kaido's appearance became to be

"Actually those bloodstains are blood of goblins that he killed with his own hands and the one on his shoulders are his own blood"

When they heard that both Lanka and the Adventurer's looked at the shoulders of Kaido but the person himself seems not to be in pain but instead it just stands still in a single location and looking Faraway with tired eyes

"Are you sure he's okay? How long has it been since he got injured?" Asked Lanka worriedly

"Maybe it's about 8 hours already?" Replied Rebecca

"8 hours?" Exclaimed Lanka as her face begun to pale

Not only Lanka was surprised even the Adventurer's started to take action to aid Kaido's injury

"Oi! Get the healer we got an injured person here!" Shouted by the uncle adventurer

"Quickly! This guy must have been injuring the pain all those times while loosing blood" said the other adventurer

"I'm a healer I can heal him but I don't think I can make up for his loss of blood" said the healer adventurer

Seeing that the whole guild make some Rufus about Kaido 8 hour long of injury Rebecca immediately stepped in to calm them

"Everyone listen up Kaido is fine! He has a regenerative property.... So he won't die"

When they heard this all people inside the guild including Lanka froze

"Regeneration?" Exclaimed one of the adventurers

"A skill that only vampires possess? Are you sure he's human?" Asks the other adventurer

"Yes he's human I've checked it several times already" answered Lanka

"But Kaido has regeneration? And by your appearance compared to Kaido's appearance.... Don't tell me Kaido is the one who killed all the monsters?" Asked Lanka as she stated some possibilities

"Hehehe well the truth I he killed all the goblins and hobgoblins inside the cave and according to him he also encountered an orc inside and since he killed all of them I didn't even had a chance to show off" said Rebecca while feeling embarrassed about letting Kaido do all the work

Upon hearing this all adventurers was shocked so shock that their jaws even dropped

"He....he soloed a subjugation? With that outfit and no equipment?" Asked Lanka as she shook from the revelation

"Well yeah!" Said Rebecca while tilting her head wondering why everyone was shock when suddenly she found the reason why

"Oh! So that's why!"

Upon hearing this the adventurers begun to create a commotion

"No way! He soloed a subjugation without any equipment" said the adventurer

"He's a monster" said the other adventurer

"Yeah he's a monster" agreed the other adventurer

As they keep repeating this word Kaido himself received a notification and a voice echoed in his head

[Title acquired 'Monster']

As he received this Kaido thought to himself

(Great! Just great another weird title)

When he had listened enough,Kaido himself stepped up at the counter and said

"I heard that I can exchange monster corpses with money correct?"

"Huh?... Um! Yes we can! what do you want to offer?" Asks Lanka as she regained her composure

"Here!" Exclaimed Kaido

As he said this he opened his storage and putted down at the table the bodies of goblins, hobgoblins, orc's, Nightwolves, and lastly a wyvern

Upon seeing the pile of dead monster bodies both the Adventurer's and Lanka herself was surprised to an extreme extent

"You.... You killed all of these? There are even some monsters that have request to subjugate like the orc and the wyvern but you also brought the Nightwolves corpse? They are even rumored to be night monsters which basically is stronger than day monsters" yelled Lanka in shock

"Well yeah! They are all small fry so what's strong In them?"

As Soon As they heard Kaido mocked these monsters strength they are a shocked as heck and started to spread rumors among the people

"No way an F-rank manage to kill all those monsters?" Said the adventurer

"Ranking these days can't be relied on can they?" Said the female adventurer

"With those achievements he will be ranking up to D-rank in no time" said the other adventurer

But not minding the other Adventurer's Kaido proceeded with his business

"So can you guys do it?" He asked

"We.... Well yeah but it will take time so I advise to you that you should maybe rest and come back tomorrow for the reward and maybe possible rank up" replied Lanka still trying to keep her common sense intact

"Well sure I don't mind... See you tomorrow" said Kaido as he begun to leave the guild

"Thank you!" Said Rebecca as she followed Kaido

When both of them left the whole guild went to an uproar again

"Have you seen that? He has a storage! So he must be a magician" said the adventurer

"It's hard to say a magician... He doesn't even have any staff with him and I never heard him say anything to open his storage" said the female adventurer

"No way don't tell me it's the rumored wordless spell casting? If that was it... It's incredible on how even the empire didn't notice such talented individual" said the other female adventurer

"Enough about that haven't you heard he will get a rank up!" Said the uncle adventurer

"I presume that he will rank up in C-rank in one go" said the other adventurer

"Well we wouldn't be surprised when that happens" said the other adventurer

As they make their conversation, the person himself are already outside with Rebecca discussing what they should do next

Author's notes:


Title granted to a being with monstrous strength in which it is beyond common sense of a sane person

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