
Chapter 282: War Of Nations VII

[Demon Continent, near Demon king's Castle]

Faced with monsters as big as they could imagine, the whole alliance army was pinned down by such monsters, while some few people tried to fight it off in groups

But most of them either failed or got killed in the process of taking them down

As if these demons from hell wasn't enough the centipede like bridge a carrier started moving forward slowly, but despite this slow movement, it still somehow gave off pressure the same as those others that activated their killing intent

As everyone got busy upon this monsters, one group in particular was getting a beat down as 3 Manticore rushed up towards their ranks and started causing a slaughter

Raising up his sword General Stone of Ingra Kingdom Army, begun to prepare himself in facing off a Manticore as he saw it hacking down the soldiers of their ranks

Putting on his game face on, he immediately pulled King Simon back as the latter thought of facing them head on for the sake of the safety of his citizens

"Your majesty! It's too dangerous" warned General Stone

"But my people are out there risking their lives, they entrusted their lives to me since they believe that I will take care of their family life support, so shouldn't I fight with my people?" Argued King Simon

Hearing that even General Stone tried to argue it out with king Simon

"Fighting to win is different from fighting in a slaughter, can't you see those monsters? They are way above the realm of humans, they are built to kill"

"But my people needs me? If no one stands up for them then who will?"

Hearing that coming from the king even General Stone became stunned by such words as mulled it over and over in his head

Gritting his teeth General Stone then declared

"I will"

Pulling out his sword from it's sheath, his determination to exterminate the enemy became high as ever

Just as he was about to ask for the king's permission to fight the enemy, king Simon on the other side became pale in shock as he suddenly tackled General Stone


With a tackle both General Stone and King Simon barely dodged the sword swing coming from a Manticore as some soldier got pushed back, while some were unlucky enough to get killed

Not intending to stop there the Manticore then took a step forward as he hacked down once more it's gigantic sword towards king Simon

At this moment general Stone pushed king Simon to the side causing his to roll over while he on the other hand rolled on the opposite direction

With a loud crash General Stone then used such opportunity to stand up as he clenched his sword and charged forward

"You damned monster!!!"

Seeing him charging straight bat the Manticore few mages from the Ingra Kingdom then casted their spell towards General Stone as they buffed him with several spells stacking up one after another

Receiving support General Stone felt as light as ever as he swiftly dodged the Manticore's following wild attacks and used his sword momentum as a foothold for him to pin down the Manticore

Successfully lagging him behind General Stone then swing his sword horizontally aiming for the Manticore's eye

Realizing such as this the Manticore immediately pulled his head back to dodge it but General Stone has already predicted about this as he suddenly muttered

"Don't think I became a General cause of pure luck"

With that he activated his sword skill


With that one word General Stone's sword suddenly increased in length as he successfully cut both of the Manticore's eyes causing it to stagger back and scream

This time jumping up from the Manticore's weapon, General Stone then hack across the Manticore's body whole immediately retreating


Under his shout various spell then engulfed the Manticore until they killed it senseless

Of course King Simon was speechless upon seeing such scene as even his son Johannes who came from the other side of the battlefield to help his soon to be Kingdom come back to aid him

"Father what happened!" Asked Prince Johannes

Hearing that call King Simon somehow felt suffocated as he held.all his emotion in

"General has taken care of the Manticore himself but as for that why are you here? Why did you leave your post?" Asked King Simon as his tone became rough

"What do you mean? Isn't it enough if I just helped our people? I am a prince after all" said Prince Johannes

As hearing that from him even King Simon was at a loss for words

"The nerve you have..."

But as they chatted the other two Manticore came charging in towards them as one of the two slammed against General Stone while the other pushed both King Simon and Prince Johannes thus pulling them into his own attack range

"Your majesty!" Called out General Stone as he tried to fight back the Manticore with all his might

Of course seeing the situation many knights and soldiers came rushing in as they tried to protect the king but when they did this some hybrid Demon's came intercepting them along the way

"This monster is crazy! It actually dares to fight us off?" Asked prince Johannes as he gave a wicked smile upon seeing the Manticore

Pulling out his sword together with King Simon, both of them then started entering the battle phase as the Manticore roared against their face

Charging first King Simon then took a step forward as he intend to hack everything over and slashed out his sword with no hesitation at all

After the Manticore block King Simon's attack, Prince Johannes on the other hand used this opportunity to attack from the side, completely doing a coordinated attack

Seeing this veins bulged up from the Manticore's body as it twisted it's arm to block the Prince's attack

But upon seeing that the Manticore took a hold of his blade, Prince Johannes on the other hand puts on a wicked smile as he said

"I didn't go idle at all when I was imprisoned, I was preparing my own escape all this time as I grew stronger by the day that passes, but since I was freed it was all for nothing, but thanks to you I can use the power that I have accumulated in my days in the prison"

Starting to condense Mana around him, prince Johannes then said

"After exposing myself with a demon Aura for a long time, my body then mutated to became as physically strong as the Demon"

"Physical Burst!"

Upon activation of his spell for enhancement, Prince Johannes aura suddenly shot up way above ordinary as his strength became the same as the Demon commander that once attacked the Kingdom of Ingra

Positioning his feet to his advantage he then pulled the Manticore's arm towards him, causing the Manticore to get pulled along

Losing it's balance King Simon then took this chance to parry the Manticore's attack as he blocked the following attack and struck the Manticore across it's chest

Following his lead Prince Johannes then sneaked up from behind after few exchange of attacks and stabbed it's body before pulling his sword up to cut the Manticore in half

Drenched in the monsters blood both prince Johannes and King Simon became victorious in fighting off a Manticore that was way much larger than themselves

From afar even General Stone alone then killed one of them

After seeing Prince Johannes performance even King Simon couldn't deny that the prince has indeed grown stronger

"Looks like you spent your days in prison quite well" commented King Simon

"Of course! All of it is for my grand escape" said prince Johannes as he started to chuckle

With that King Simon was speechless from Prince Johannes actions as General Stone came closer to them

But before they could celebrate their win against the Manticore, a huge rock suddenly came their way as it crashed against them forcing all three of them to activated their protective spells

As they successfully escape such tragedy, the same couldn't be said to the other mages, knights, and soldiers near them

Soon under the rocks, blood oozed out from it thus declaring that his people was killed under this rock

Furious King Simon then took a glance at the perpetrator who threw the rock only to see a giant follow d by another of his kind charging in as it jumped towards them

"It jumped!?!?!"

"Dodge! Run quick! Evasive maneuvers!"

Surprised at first General Stone then gave the command as all three of them dodged the attacks from three different directions

But due to the force of the attack King Simon was throw further away as he crashed hard against the wall

Due to his age King Simon wasn't that flexible like in the past, thus he coughed up in pain after crashing against the rock

But as if the attacks were in a lockdown towards him another giant came rushing in and arched his back to deliver a powerful punched directly towards King Simon

"Your majesty!" Called out General Stone

"Tsk!" Reacted Prince Johannes as he tried to rush up for the save

As if witnessing his doom, he then prepared himself on taking the full brunt hit from the giant

"Come you monster! I'll take on all of your attacks!" He roared in denials of his fate

At that moment as if it was a miracle a figure suddenly flashed up infront of him and suddenly raised it's huge shield

As if that wasn't enough another figure with a huge shield walked infront of him as both of them activated the same spell

"Iron body!!!"

"Iron body!!!"

Turning their body into full iron steel both figures positioned their foot unto the ground and took on the full brunt of a Giant's punch

With a huge shockwaves the air around them dispersed as the two figure stood still from the ground as they grinded their teeth not intending to give in

Suddenly one of them shouted


Running up towards the Giant infront of them two figure suddenly dashed past them as one hold a blue crystalized sword while the other was a customized special ingot made dagger

"Sword offensive form release: Frozen Blade!"

Gathering Mana unto the blade the woman in light bluish armor with red hair suddenly jumped up and dealt a huge cut on the Giants wrist

With this cut in place, ice started to form from the cut as it travelled all over the Giants body

As for the other one her fit figure suddenly dashed up towards the Giants face as she dodged the hand that came to stop her advance by jumping upwards and landing on the male of the Giant

Spinning her blade she then took ahold of it tightly and plunged the blade unto it's neck as it casted

"Nerve breaker!"

Inflicting internal damage to it's nerve all body function of the Giant suddenly stopped completely killing it without doing too much work

At the same time barrage of spells landed against the other giant from afar causing it to fall burnt down to crisp level

When that was over King Simon stood up as a figure suddenly appeared beside him


With passionate gaze King Simon happily called back


Opening his arm King Simon took ahold of Ingrid as he hugged her tightly

"Oh daughter! Thanks for saving me"

"Father I thought I lost you"

"I should be, if it wasn't for you" replied King Simon

On the other hand Prince Johannes seemed pleased to see Ingrid his beautiful sister as he opened up his arm

"Ingrid! It's brother! Come greet me..."

But before he could get any closer four blades suddenly pointed to his neck as Luke, Okou, Melfina, and Rebecca pin him on his place

"Or better yet you shouldn't" immediately retracted Prince Johannes

"Brother" said Ingrid with a Stern voice

"Oh come on let the past be the past shall we?" Asked Prince Johannes

"You... Do you think you can still say that infront of Kaido?"


Unfortunately Kaido have a significantly powerful image in prince Johannes mind, thus upon mentioning him causes him to have an immediate sour mood

"Your not funny" he replied

But of course Ingrid didn't respond to that as she completely ignored him

"Ingrid! My daughter why are you here?" Asked King Simon passionately

"To help you of course, i plan on going towards the Demon king's Castle, can you help me?"

"To the enemies castle? Are you crazy? Do you know how far is that?"

"I know but you just need us to get close enough to let us teleport over there, since using a huge teleportation over there takes time to complete, we then plan on doing a short teleportation to shorten the casting time since this is a war against time" explained Ingrid

Hearing that he asked

"All of you?"

"All of us"

With that he glanced at the troublesome son of his before glancing at the trouble seeker daughter of his

With that he complained

"Why do my children cause me so much problem?"

Next chapter