
Chapter 180: Circumstances

~Volume Four Elven Nation Arc~

[Divine Realm]

Sitting along the round table while watching at the center catalyst which showed what was happening down in the mortal world, the four gods that were responsible for governing and preparing the world for the upcoming war against a greater foe

Upon witnessing the current situation, all of them turned silent as they saw how the inhabitants of the world is starting to evolve into a higher heights as they begun to be able to wield world class magic, just like the age of the gods

Among the four of them only the God of wisdom Hakkum was quite calm, compared to the other three who was once ago blaming each other for the current predicament

Due to the condition of Kaido, Serefina's favorite representative, the Goddess of balance Serefina busted out her anger towards the God of life Rabdul for almost taking the life of her representative

While also the Goddess of love Aria was in quite a perplexed situation as she was at a loss of what to do, after all while she somehow hated her hero, she was still the person who is responsible for him, in the end she remained silent as both Rabdul and Serafina goes against each other

To make both of them somehow take a breather and calm their minds, Hakkum deliberately split the two apart as he told them about the more important situation

As far as everything goes, this only signals that the first phase of their preparation was complete, this they have to proceed to the second phase

"Serefina!" Called out Hakkum

In respond Serefina herself gracefully stood up

"It's time... . .were going to proceed to the second phase" he said

"Understood, I'll  inform Horus" replied Serefina

"Horus... . . Is that mortal guy who's in charge of the akashic records right?" Asked Rabdul

This time the one who answered him was Hakkum

"It's inappropriate to call him a mortal, since he's an immortal and has left the life of mortal for a vey long time"

"I see... . .since he's the keeper of the academic records then let it be" said Rabdul

As if letting it go, Hakkum quickly  glanced at Serefina, while the latter immediately bowed and excused herself

Seeing this Aria also stood up from her seat and accompanied Serefina as she talked to her and comforted her

While both goddesses were on their way to a platform which could transport them to the mortal world Aria  quickly apologized to Serefina for whatever her hero has done to her previous representative

"Im sorry about everything" she apologized

"Aria... . . Its not your fault, I'm sorry too since I was taken in by my anger... . . But atleast were heading to the right path" said Serefina

"Serefina... . ." Muttered Aria

"I'll be back"

With that Serefina disappeared  on the blanket of light as she headed to inform Horus


Due to the widescale phenomenon that previously happened, the whole world was in a uproar as they decided to have a talk to all races representative  to talk about that doomsday scaled magic

One of the reason was that after the whole pillar of mana covered the whole beastman country, everything  was put back into place as Raguel was suddenly transported back to the human continent

As for Anna she alone was transported back to the Human Empire Encampment without anyone else with her

From that day onwards Kaido, Ingrid, Sarah, Melfina, zia, Sui, and the corpse of Selery was never founded again, and for days there hasn't been any news about them

Out of rage Okou thought that Anna must have deliberately left Kaido and the others for her to escape, but luckily Rebecca and Pablo was there to appease him

Cause of their disappearance, the other people that were left behind were not sure anymore on what they should do, thus with the advice from Pablo, he advised the others and the Queen Empress to head back to Ingra kingdom and strengthen their hold unto that small territory while the hidden town will secretly help aid them, thus endangering their existence for being known

With that in thought the group has ended to be splitted apart as two sides were unsure when they would ever meet again In the future


[Kingdom of Endroga, Only kingdom in Elf Nation that still exist]

Gazing outside the tall window in a certain room inside the castle of kingdom of Endroga, Ingrid was gracefully sitting unto an elven made chair as she gazed outside at the bustling Nation of elves

The beauty in this nation was so out of this world as the kingdom itself was plastered beside the world tree, which growed so high that it actually touched the very sky and bypasses the clouds far above

When you take an air view, the beauty from above was so much comparable to the unique beauty from below, each view has its unique trait that can attract anyone who lived here

She also often see elf children running along the streets as they enjoyed their life, while lovers are arm in arm walking to the sides as they flirted with each other

Seeing this made Ingrid quite jelouse as if they don't actually just how much destruction was already happening outside due to the ongoing war

Inspite all of this beautiful things that she see, she herself clearly knew just how much depression and pain the current group was currently going into

Its already been three weeks since they arrived at the border of the elven nation, the nation that was closest to the Demon continent

At the first days due to the sudden huge world scale mana fluctuation, the elf from this nation suspected them as the culprit and started attacking them the moment they spotted them

Due to that Kaido has finally let loose as he killed mostly about 40 elves by suppressing them with his destructive force

When both melfina and Zia tried to stop him, the former was suddenly punched away by Kaido while the latter was blown away by his tornado causing her to have an internal bleeding due to the force applied

Of course both Sarah and herself was easily dealt with as kaido flung the formar away while choking Ingrid to the point that she gasp for air

As if that wasn't enough, Sui ran up to Kaido and tried to stop him as she was afraid that he would also end up dead just like her mother

But because he doesn't recognize anyone anymore cause of his rage, he actually elbowed Sui as he thrown her away

Of course Cara tried to help too but she was also easily been dealt with too

In the end for about three days of fighting, with the high combat experience of the elves while also their trait of agility and flexibility, they managed to suppress Kaido with the help of the Elven hero and the Elven Queen by putting him into a deep coma and imprisoning him deep into the world tree

After a week Cara left the group as she said her goodbyes and headed to her destination not far from them, she instead chooses to continue her journey and finish what she was here for

After that both Melfina and Zia were quite dejected as they couldn't do anything to help their master at all, but after another week passes, both of them has decided to train themselves better as they requested to be trained by the elven combatants

Due to their elven bloodline, the Queen happily accepted their request as she instructed the best Combatants of the kingdom ro train the two elf's

As for Sui she was often taken care of by Sarah and Ingrid, out of all of them she was the one who took all in the hardest and despaired the most

Seeing her mother die right infront of her hurt her so much that she doesn't even know how to live her life, her once full of life eyes that were brimming with energy was now replaced by eyes that now know nothing but endless hope and despair

Seeing her like this hurts Ingrid the most as she actually cared for her

After they recuperated they requested to bury her mother in the sea of flowers, and make it her own personal grave to commemorate her thanks for bringing Sui up to become such a good child

After her burial Sui once again cried so hard that even the nature itself seemed to be comforting her as the flowers glowed, branches stretches out, and wind brushing passed her as if carrassing her head

The scene at that time was like mother nature was comforting her child

Upon seeing this the Queen of the elves has volunteered herself to teach Sui  about nature magic after seeing just how mych affinity she has for nature magic

This time around as everyone was busy on their own business, the door suddenly creaked open as the Elf hero entered the room and informed her about the time


Name: Elijah

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Job: Archer

Title: Elf Hero

Skill: highly advanced archery skillset

Blessing: Blessing of Precise Accuracy and Luck


"Its time" informed Elijah as she bowwd and respected Ingrid for she is older

Apparently unlike the previous two heroes, the elf hero was so pure and childlike that he actually befriended all of them instead of being disgusted of them

As if trusting them wholly, he actually retold his story as a reincarnated person, he died at the ripe age of 10 due to heart cancer in his past life, after that he suddenly was reincarnated here again as a baby and the only son of the elven Queen, thus making him a royalty

Due to his innocence he wasn't even afraid of Kaido, instead he found him as a fun person as the latter was actually the only person who can contend agaisnt him when they both fought when Kaido was on a rampage

As he happily talked to Ingrid as he thought of her as his older sister, he also begun to talk of his previous hobby of collecting collectable robot figurines in his past life

As they walked, they later arrived deep down below the castle as a huge door appeared at the end of the corridor

"Ingrid onee-san, were here... . .dont worry I'm just here so rest assured that I can cover your back" assured Elijah

"Thank you" thanked Ingrid

"No problem onee-san" replied Elijah

After that he pushed the huge door open as he applied a little bit of mana and showed its interior

Inside of it was a huge dome while at its center was a rooted thick vine plant that is currently entangled comatosed Kaido into a cross position

Seeing him like this made her avhe in pain as she slowly held his face and finally kissed his cheeks

Apparently during this past weeks, she accidentally found out that she was actually in love of Kaido and was enjoying her time together with him, after a truth or dare match with Elijah

With the elf hero's playfulness, she finally managed to ascertain her feeling thus making her more intimate with the now comatose Kaido

"I promise... . . I'll find a way to heal you" she mumbled as she gazed at him

When he was being examined the elf hero soon found out that he was suffering from internal bleeding and injury, thus making it hard for them to heal him due to the massive damage inside him

At that she gently held him as she spends some time staying by his side and retelling her day


[Demon king's castle]

Standing from the platform the Demon king, with all the vassals on the floor kneeling, including the dark knight Hiiragi Asuto

As he glared at them Belial immediately apologized for the failure of supressing the beastman country

"Please your majesty! Have mercy on us" begged Belial as he maintained his blank and eager expression

In reply the Demon king said

"It's fine, I understand your circumstances... . . I truly didn't expect to see that race still in existence, but you won't have a second chance... . .this time its Sirius turn to lead his clan into engaging a battle against the elves"

Hearing this Sirius stood up and saluted with his hand over his chest

"Sirius make me proud"

"I assure you your majesty, I'll bring you the Queen of the elves in chains and offer her blood to a sacrifice" he said while licking his bloody lips

As he said that the Demon king nodded as he dismissed all of them

As they dispersed Hiiragi Asuto blankly stared at the surpreme vampire as he chuckled into a contorted grin as if mocking him

Author's notes:

Alright boys and girls get your seat belts out and buckled up, as we are going for crazy roller coaster of events in this part of the story

If you haven't understand the story and plot after all this and still sees the mc as some righteous hero then perhaps you missed something and I advised you to review, after all from this point onwards the story will only turn more interesting than the previous three volumed arcs, so if you can't follow through then let's train your thought processing skills

On that part lets sit back and enjoy the novel

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