
I'll Beat Anyone: A Lookism Fanfic

A Lookism fanfiction, mostly focused on action Discontinued

S_Iwoo · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

I've Grown Impatient, So I'm Taking The Test Head On

Disclaimer: Because the timeline of Lookism is different to real life, if I tried to translate the currency I feel like I'd make a whole mess of it, so the cash in dollars is translated to the Korean currency.

Chapter 3:

The rest of my classes were much quieter than the beginning of school. The kid, I'll name him fallen king, was nowhere to be found.

Of course, I had only hurt him enough to knock him out. (not for lack of trying to harm him)

"You're sitting in my seat." I loomed over a bulky kid in my class, he sat next to a much more lean kid who was identical.

"Cheolsu, greetings." I greeted him while the muscular girl had left her seat to sit in the front of the class. "That was my sister you just booted out." I looked at him menacingly.

"I didn't know our relationship had developed far enough for you to be this chatty with me." He flinched at my response.

Instinctively he tensed, I could tell, and I watched him observe my movements. Honestly, he was the scariest out of my knights.

In fact, he had almost permanently maimed me during our battle.

"Do you think you've gotten good enough at your jiu-jitsu to be my equal?" He looked at me with enough venom to kill a child.

I stared back and looked away. 

"Where did all the other knights go?" I asked. "Well..." 

"Since that kid, they've all skipped, one by one." He then emphasized, "After losing."

I looked at him expectedly, waiting for an answer. 

"Hiro, I mean." He continued, "He's been beating the knights one by one, the semesters been tense with all the fighting going on. He was insane." I stroked my chin while deep in thought. 

"I guess that means you lost as well." He flinched.

"And I guess that means that most of you all haven't gotten much better." I stated mockingly before turning towards the teacher.

It was clear to him our conversation was done.

My win must have been very shocking to him, after all the king I was before I got suspended and started skipping was weaker than that guy. His green hair irked me to no end, who in the world told this Hiro guy to dye his hair like that?

After school ended, the walk home was peaceful. If you counted the 100,000$, then I had made 120,000 in the past year. 

This was not good.

Without a stable job or income, robbing people could get me by financially, but I'd never reach my goal. And the fact of the matter is, most of the money came from Kouji's skills.

I guess it's time to pay him a visit. 

"The reason I've been collecting this..." I whispered.


The second I made noise in his territory I was thrown.

Very hard.

"Argh" I slam right into a wall and I feel myself being pulled up. A firm grasp lays on my shirt and I'm dragged face to face with...

"It's BIG DADDY..." Olly..

With his hand so close I perform a flying armbar, something I had picked up during my many fights. "I'm not that weak little kid I used to be." I glared at him vehemently and I could feel cogs running in my head. A loud whirring sound could be heard and I focused all my power on performing the technique as fast as I could.

Surprisingly, he pushes through the pain and throws me to a nearby wall. In this dark garage I'm shocked to hit the wall earlier than I expect and he knees me in my gut before I can react.

"I hope you're planning to pay for what you did to my arm." He grabs me by my hair and lifts me from the floor so we're facing each other.

"Bastard.." I spit in his face, flipping him over the moment his eyes shut.

He lands directly on his head and pushes off the ground with his hands, kicking me. I blocked the kick but the pain is mind numbing still. 

I'm glad I blocked it, that could've been bad if I hadn't.

"Here comes..."

My hands tremble while he instantly appears in front of me.


I instinctively dodge very low, knowing he was going to strike at me.

Since I'm so low, he has no problem kicking my face in, launching me in the air before he grabs my legs and slams me down.

While on the floor he threatens to crush me, with his foot, but I launch up, countering with my own feet and I push him upward.


"Where's the money I told you to bring?" He's still smiling like a mad man.

"I don't have it you bastard." I struggle to get up before speaking, "I've grown impatient, so I'm taking the test head on."

I flinched instantly, waiting for his outburst of rage but he only smiled wider.

It wasn't any more comforting.

"Audacity score, pass!" His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his nasty unnerving tongue made its way out of his mouth to cover his chapped lips.

"What are you waiting for, he's here to apply for your position, you better not lose?"

From the darkness a long haired man approached me, his cigarette drops out of his mouth and he stomps on it. 

"This brat wants to fight me?"

"You old coot, I think it's time to knock you down a peg."

My body was still trembling from the previous fight so I wasn't confident at being able to move at my full speed for now.

Whoosh! The wind blows past my face as I narrowly avoid a devastating knee. 

I space out my footing to counter but his timing is on point, and I barely dodge a punch sent my way.

"Nimwit, can't even hit a child?" I block his punch with the outside of my arm, pushing it off me and smacking him.

"What a letdown." He states, but I keep my cool, not allowing him to irk me.

I dodge the vicious kick he sent my way but then I trip over something...

"I thought you'd notice my partner after all that big talk."


While I'm falling I take a surprisingly fast punch to the face, and I'm forced to flip on my hands to keep myself from falling.

Both of there fists are at my face in a few seconds, giving me little time to counter. I'm forced to block the burlier mans fist and take the shaggy haired man's punch, but as soon as my head rocks back I'm barraged on all sides.

"You're applying for our position, the complete package includes both of us."

"Cmon, you weren't just applying to be a normal uncle, you should've expected more than just him." Olly adds, grinning at my pain.

I love how the man doesn't mind the obvious diss at his solo skills.

I wipe the blood off my nose, enduring a few more hits before I dodge another onslaught.

A loud whirring I can't displace starts to repeat loudly in my head. "From now on, I'll fight you with my full power, you might die now."

I launch my fist at one but just before that happens I'm punched by the other guy.

The fist pushes past me, barely making contact as I spin my head and body around, kneeing him in the solar plexus. I plan to flip him over but before I can do that he's dragged away by his buddy.

He pulls his buddy back, kicking my face at a speed I couldn't react to in my aikido stance. 

I grab the foot he used to kick me, removing his shoe I throw it at his face, punching his liver with easy access due to his limited vision.

Their movements began to become predictable, the cogs moving just like they should in a machine.

I deflect a kick, slapping it away before rotating and crashing my fist into the nose of his teammate, who was on his way to help him.

"Your movements all on a map, and I'm almost at my destination."

Kwan Park: In the Zone (The Zone Mode)


Executive Uncles.

The man is sent reeling by the punch and I jump on top of him, rotating twice to add much more force into a destructive kick that blows his face up, leaving him out cold on the pavement.

I decisively kick away a punch that I could tell meant a lot to him, that attack must've had a lot of power, because I'm barely able to deflect it with all my technique and power.

"You saw me go toe to toe with your leader, what ever made you think you could go blow to blow with me?"

"Monster..." I hear him shudder as he hesitates, allowing me to strike him with a hook punch strong enough to subdue him.

"What an asshole, calling me names." I look over to Olly, who was now clapping.

"Speaking of asshole..." I charge up the most power my legs can handle.

"I should deal with the one right in front of me!" The cogs were whirring louder than ever, this guy was the strongest opponent I had ever laid my eyes on. 


"Haha, +1 point for extra audacity!" He lunges at me halfheartedly, his speed surpassing mine as he meets me halfway with his only working arm. My eyes widen in shock as...

"But you're no Eli..."

His hand is now an inch away from my head.