
Chapter 2: Adelliana Ivan Valentine

"Young miss, please eat alot because if you don't, young miss will stay as a baby forever, which is fine by me."

She flinched at what the woman said. She's panicking right now! Wasn't she supposed to become a Villainess?! So why is she in state?

"Uh...auu.." She wanted to speak so badly but all that came out from her mouth is baby noise.

"Ahaha, miss! Are you trying to say something?" The woman clapped her hands excitedly, waiting for her to respond.


That was what she wanted to say out loud but she can't speak!! Gahhh!!! Did she reincarnate as the Villainess when she was a baby?!

The woman pick her up and wipe her mouth with a soft handkerchief. She pat her back and waited for the baby to burp.

She burped and now has returned safely to her cradle. The woman hummed and rock her cradle for her to fall asleep.

The little girl need to give up, she can't stand this sleepiness. The girl soon falls into a deep sleep.

Inside her dream, she saw two people fought. The woman was screaming at the man while the man only gave her a cold glare then leave the room.

Her crying woke the baby up inside the cradle. That woman seem to realized what she has done. She slowly crawled to the cradle and hug the small baby.

"Hush...mommy is here...don't cry, Adele.."


I dropped the bunny inside my hand with shockness. Just how long has it been since I came to this world...? Who is Adele? Who were they? The Villainess' parents?

To be exact, I have arrived in this world 10 days ago. Everyday, there is only one person who would feed me and look after me and that is Margaret.

She would feed me milk and sing me a lullaby. Despite having the fact that I used to be a 16 years old girl, I still falls asleep, listening to a lullaby.

Even if Margaret acted like a mother, I know that she wasn't my mother in this world. However, there is still something that is bothering me.

The Villainess wasn't someone who had a terrible childhood. She wasn't mistreated by anyone either. The one that mistreated other would be her.

So why do I only have Margaret looking after me? I'm pretty sure the Villainess is the daughter of a marquis. They won't lack any servants to look after one baby.

The Villainess was loved by her parents, so why haven't I seen them yet? The only explainable reason I had inside this baby's head is I am not the Villainess.

That's okay, I will still grow up and see how the events unfolded. Everyday, I would drink my milk and exercise so that I could grow up fast.

I'm still curious about my parents but I eventually forgot about them as I continued to live my baby life. So...how fast can I adapt to live here?

As soon as I woke up inside this world, I was seem to fully adapted to this lifestyle. I don't have anything to lose in my first life so I don't really care about it.

Maybe the school will tried their best to contact my parents but it would be useless since I have none.

I didn't even have a smartphone or a regular cheap phone. So I don't miss anything from that world.

"Young miss!! The duchess is back!! Are you excited?!" Margaret opened the door but she spoke so Ioudly. Jesus, stop talking like I could listen or reply to you anyway.

I could only listen to whatever she said with my blank expression. The duchess is back...is she my mother or my boss? Because I doubt my status inside this house now.

I can only assume that I was the daughter of the busy head maid or something.

Because if I was the daughter of this duchess, there would be countless maids looking after me.

A pleasant to hear voice caught my interest. Margaret shut her mouth and bow to the master of that voice.

"Good to see you return safe and sound, Duchess."

"Margaret, how is Adele now?"

"Yes, miss Adelliana is healthy and happy. She has taken her meal without any problem." Margaret continued to report my actions and my growing progression to her.


Does that mean I am the daughter of this duchess...? The face!! I need to see the face!!!!!

I moved around and ended up rolling to the other side of the cradle, causing pain on my shoulder. I shut up and tried my best to hold back tears.

Urgh....why does baby can easily get hurt...?

Fortunately, only tears spilled out. There weren't any loud crying. However, the sound caused by me earlier must have caught the duchess and Margaret's attention.

They stopped talking and all their attention now is on me.

"Oh my goodness, what make you cry like this?! Young miss, are you alright?!" Margaret panicked once she saw the pitiful state of mine.

She picked me up and touch to see where did I get hurt. Because the pain has already disappeared, I didn't react to her touch.

"You didn't get hurt anywhere so why did you cry?"

No, I did get hurt earlier but I just wanted to cry.

"What's wrong?" The duchess asked Margaret with worries filling in her pleasant voice.

"Maybe the young lady is crying for duchess! Why don't you try and hold her?" Margaret said merrily and hands me to the duchess.

"Nonsense. Adelliana is just a baby. She won't remember my face."

Ahhh!!! I can't lift my face because I was held against the duchess' chest!! I want to see her face!!! May I see your face!!??

"Who knows? Maybe she remembered your scene. Lady Adelliana has good memories. She doesn't cry even when I was gone for 4 hours."

Urgh, enough with the chatting, I want to see the face of my mother!!

I tug her cloth for attention and it worked out well. I have successfully gained her attention!!

Woohoo!! Who may you be? I might recognise you from novel lol.


The duchess has platinum blonde hair, accompanied by a pair of a lovely amethyst eyes.

Just like an angel sent by heaven, the duchess gave me a smile that could destroy one empire.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Yeah, there is absolutely something wrong about you. Because...why do you have the face of the Villainess from that novel?

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