
Chapter 2

"Going to school outside the palace for the first time and I have to meet such event. Look at what you've done?! I missed the first class, everything ruined! It's because of you!"

I was capture to the fabulously huge palace of Balwria country. I've only see this place on TV, never thought that I would actually be able to come here. Jesus! This mean that he is indeed the prince and I definitely can't get away with it this time.

"Your highness, my lord"

"What's the hell are you saying?"

"Don't people in the palace talk like that?"

"That's too outdated! Don't you learn any royal words growing up?"

"My lord"



"A foolish woman! And you're still choose to be a pickpocket"

" If I have education, I wouldn't be a thief"

"Right! You never study?"

"Just a little bit! Able to write and read, but advance study like words to use with royals, I haven't learn it yet"

"Then, how far is your education? And There's still people who never go to school in my country? I thought the education ministry work really well on this. Are you just lazy to go to school?"

" That's not true, your highness, my lord"

"I can't stand the way you use royal words. Just call me Master. You are pardon for this, hearing you talk like that make me dizzy"

"Yes, Master"

"You're the first and only person that allow to use commoner word with me"

"Master is very kind"

"Then, it's time to be unkind"


"Take this girl to be beheaded"

2 soldiers come in and prepare to drag me away. I struggle with all strength and run straight to hold one leg of that devil prince.

"Your highness, please forgive me! I'm just an illiterate, foolish, not knowing how high the mountain is"

"I like the way you curse yourself! Go die!"

"Ah? If you pardon me, I'm willing to do anything. Please don't kill me, I still have old father to take care of...waah"

"You have a father?"



"No, I have no mother"

"your dad raise you by himself?"


"Then we need to bring your dad to die with you as well, under the case that he raised his child to be a thief! Soldier, go find this girl's dad and beheaded him with her"

"Your highness,....." I hold his leg even tighter " please don't harm my father, we have only the two of us, please don't take my action to punish my dad"

"That means you agree to die?"

"What other choice do I have? Truth is, I wasn't even given any choice from the start" I start crying thinking of how pathetic my life is.


"From birth, I never have a full meal (let's lie for now, generating goodwill) and have low education. For people like me in this country, we can only use our strength, doing hard labor job. But look at me, with my petite figure, what can I do?"

"Look at your chest, you are small" Listen to that prince word! I want to strangle him!

"The only job that suit for a petite and quick thinking woman like myself is pickpocketed. Your highness, I also don't want to work in this line of job, but If I don't, how can I survive?"

" It's just an excuse for a lazy person like yourself"

"My beloved prince, show mercy....."

"Who's your beloved?" I was push backward, fall down to the floor "With this type of speech, I think you're better off beheaded"

"....your highness is a high deity, benevolent, handsome, highly educated, and good from top to bottom. You will be even better if you show more kindness. Please release me! I'm willing be your pet or anything you'd like me to do. I'm willing to do everything, just don't kill me"

"And here I thought you never learn much"

"I learn from watching tv"

"I thought you said you were poor?"

"I watched at the Café. I'm really poor! My god! Please stop finding fault in me....waaah"

"On account that you speak the truth about this prince, that I'm benevolent, handsome, highly educated, and have good personality." -_- I never said that you have good personality. You mental! "I'll forgive you"

" Thank you so much, your highness, my lord, my prince" I hurried to hug his leg again, before using my head to touch his leg like a little puppy. "That mean I can go back now, right?"



"You said you're willing to do anything in exchange for your life, right?"


"Go be one of the pigs in my backyard behind my palace then"


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