
Chapter 38


As soon as I cut the call my body started shuddering with fear. All those mysterious messages and blank calls crossed my mind making me gulp thickly. What if that person came here to kill me. Sweat beading over my forehead but I decided to be strong at the moment. I look around in search of something to attack with but found none. Eventually I picked up my sleepers, both in either hands and slowly but carefully got up from my bed. I took slow steps towards window biting my lips in fear. My grip on the sleepers tightened. I could feel my legs like jelly couldn't understand how I reached to window without falling even for once. As I peeked down the window, I saw a figure of a person hanging from my window with the support of a rope which I didn't notice until now. After looking closely at the figure I could tell it was a female. I took a deep breath, adjust the hold on sleepers to grab them more efficiently and was about to hit her when she lifted her head. My eyes widened and then I frowned. "Nayeon? What are you doing here!?" I whispered yelled completely shocked at here presence at this time and like....this. "Not now. First help me" "What?" "Give me your hand damn it." I rolled my eyes but obliged. I put the slipper back, grabbed her both of hands and pulled her in through the window. When she finally stood on her legs while panting and rubbing her hands together must be due to pain from hanging there for a long time. My eyes roamed over her body inspecting her wired appearance. She was wearing a black shirt with top two buttons being opened exposing her beauty bones. Under the shirt she was wearing a black, tight and high waisted leather pants complementing her figure. The shirt was tucked in her pants giving her waist a much slimmer appearance. Also there were black knee high heeled boots and finally a leather jacket over her shirt. She had light make up but the mascara in her eyes were making them look sharp giving her a bold appearance. Over all she looked like some kind of spy or some kind of movie character. (Sorry I couldn't put the exact name) but I must say she was looking cool in that. After analyzing her appearance. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow. "Would you kindly enlighten me why you came here? No. First tell me how you came here. There are like tons of guards and cameras everywhere and no one can break through our security system and come this far without getting caught in middle" She looked up at me before rolling her eyes. "I have broke through many security systems before and let me tell you honestly yours is the worst I have ever came across considering the fact you guys are like among top richest family of Korea." "That's not true OK" I spoke feeling offended. "Oh please even a kid can break through it, It's that old fashioned. Take my advice and ask your father to change it as soon as possible or someone will kidnap their beautiful son and they never gonna know at time." She said the last part while smirking and I ignored to answer that but cannot stop a blush appearing over my face. "Whatever. Now will you tell me why you came here or should I call security." "Wait! Geez!" She sighed and then became completely serious making me serious with her too "I came here to tell you something." "What?" "Tomorrow is our engagement." I looked at her blankly for some seconds then widened my eyes. "OMG!!! What are you saying! Is this true? I am gonna engaged tomorrow and have NO IDEA ABOUT IT? Thank you for coming all the way here and telling me. I will never forget your HUGE favor" I said sarcastically and she scoffed while rolling her eyes. "God! I can't understand why my dad chose someone like you for me?" "Excuse me?? You don't know whom you are talking about I am World Wide Handsome you know? No one can be better husband than me" She snorted making me grit my teeth in irritation. Like who the hell is she to broke down in my house just to insult me? "Anyways, I came here to ask you that our engagement is tomorrow but do you really want to do it?" My mind went to Namjoon bringing the cruel reality back to me. "Why" I asked trying as best as possible to not cry in front of her. "Because I know you love someone else." My heart beat stopped, air got stuck in my throat and my eyes widened. How the hell does she know!? Who told her? Or did she hear me talking on phone with Namjoon? Oh god! What shall I do now? What will my dad do if they got to know that she already knows about Namjoon? He will probably kill me. With his own bare hands. Did she come here to make a scene about it? PLEASE NO!!! I am dead. "Hey are you ok? Why you suddenly turned pale?" She asked while putting her hand on my shoulder making me flinch with fear. "Hey relax! I won't do anything I promise" "How do you know?" I asked still not completely trusting her. "I went to club night before yesterday and coincidently I saw your brother there who was telling someone that he is worried about you as you already love someone else but your parents are forcing you for this marriage. Though I couldn't hear your girlfriend's name." I frowned in suspicion "Hey I am telling the truth! If you don't believe me then ask your brother." "OK so you came here just to tell me that I love someone?" I asked a getting little impatient with her. Why doesn't she tell me what exactly she came here for? "No I came here to tell you that I have a boyfriend too and I want to marry him only." My eyes widened in surprise again. "And everything will be better if you tell your parents to cancel this meaningless marriage." I scoffed "Oh you really think I didn't try huh? I asked my dad but he straight away disregarded all my words and gave me a full one hour lecture on how my love is immature and has no value." I spat every word harshly. I didn't want to be rude but the piled up anger and frustration were started coming out of me. She was shocked for a moment but then gave me a sympathetic smile which did no good but worsen my condition. "We are sailing in the same boat my friend. My parents have told me the same thing. Just because he is not rich like them, just because he is just a chef in a restaurant, he doesn't deserve to be part of our family and my life." It was my turn to gave her a sympathetic smile. Now I am feeling bad for my harsh tone. "Nayeon I..." "It's OK" "And I am sorry for coming like this. It's just that I always had the passion for being a spy but being the only heiress of our business I had to bury it. But that doesn't make it gone. I still perform my talent whenever I got the chance." I rolled my eyes but ended up chuckling while shaking my head lightly at her silliness. She smiled too but we both knew behind those smiles was hidden our cruel faith written by our parents. "I just wanted to talk to you. Though I could hack your number in a second but I prefer discussing this matter face to face" I nodded. After that even I don't know when we started talking on random topics to distract our mind from current situation like her school, her friends, my friends. Talking about my friends makes me miss them a lot. Are they missing me now? Will they care about me if I will tell them about all of this? I am sure they will. They may be a bunch of idiots of idiots but they are not heartless.


I am sorry no Taegi or Jikook but I hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day/night :)


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