
The Start of the End...

I grew up with my father, mother, sisters. My father was abusive, he would get after me for the littlest things. Such as fetching an item that he would use to hit me with despite with how quickly I got it.

My mother would not challenge him and spent her days drinking and try to forget the dreadful life we lived. Sure we had money and a nice place to live and everything everyone could want. But we were not happy.

My sisters were not treated as badly and they don't remember Him at all after all these years. They often joke about how they would've fought him but they don't know the terror my mother and I went through and they'll never know.

I am Claire. I was the main target for my father when he was angry or wanted to hit something for fun. I am the oldest sister and the one who helps my mother provide for the family, even though I am not old enough for a job I try to help out with doing bead work for money, cooking meals three times a day and cleaning the apartment, and I would like to tell you our story.