

In the imperial year 4521, Keith Vincent Degurechaff, a teacher at the Imperial Academy, navigates the challenges of life with his Maine Coon cat, Princes, and an addiction to a cutting-edge virtual pod. The narrative delves into Keith's poignant past—losing his parents in a war, growing up in foster care, and ultimately finding solace in his privacy and virtual escapades. The story takes a dramatic turn when a sudden system error disrupts the game, signaling an unexpected glitch. As Keith grapples with the unfolding events, a strange solution emerges—transmigration. In a flash of light, Keith loses consciousness, and an eerie message echoes in the game world. The narrative sets the stage for an enthralling journey as Keith faces the challenges of this unforeseen transmigration, blurring the lines between his virtual haven and the new world that he finds himself in.

Emman_Tipdas · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Omniscient Eyes

Om was flying through the skies of heaven and had just finished his task, covering the entirety of Heaven with space dust to obscure it from potential preying eyes when he received a call from Opeter, the right hand of His Holiness and the overseer of all the guardians. 


"Om, if you are done with your task, hurriedly go to the palace, His Holiness have requested for all of us to meet him at the throne room, I have also notified the other Ring Guardians," Opeter said.


"I am done. I'll fly right up to the palace." Om replied. When Om talks, it is a chorus as all of his heads answer in unison.


"That is great, see you then," Opeter said in a warm voice before ending the call.


With that, Om flew towards the palace in haste. When he landed at the throne room, he noticed that he was the last one to arrive amongst the guardians and Galilei was there too. That made him quicken his steps to the foot of the throne before kneeling and bowing like the rest of the guardians. Beside His Holiness was Opter at his right and Sebastian to his left, the Sun Script Maid stood at the corner of the Throne room. 


"Now that all of you are here, I'd like to ask Romon and Galilei to divulge to us what they have found beyond the void," Lucent asked in a moderate voice. "But before that, I'd also like to acknowledge the work that Om has done." With those words, Om's wings started to flutter in joy as he was recognized by His Holiness.


"Yes, your Holiness," Romon said standing up followed by Galilei as the rest of them stayed kneeling. "As Sebastian has said, we have been transported into a different world." He paused letting Galilei follow up on the report.


"There are new stars, nebulas, and what's more, new planets your Holiness," Galilei said sheepishly.


Galilei had never been this close to His Holiness and the experience is both thrilling and frightening. Not because His Holiness is frightening, it is quite the opposite, His Holiness is quite welcoming, like a light cold breeze on a hot day. His nervousness is akin to an employee meeting the CEO of the company and having to make a presentation in front of the shareholders as well. Galilei is in awe as he was seeing the Emperor of Heaven. Galilei was so enchanted by His Holiness's divinity that he couldn't help but stare. A cough from Romon and grunts and glares from the other guardians brought him back from his stupor. 


"I-I am sorry your Holiness if I offended you with my stare," Galilei said hurriedly. 'It is rude to stare at someone for a long time especially to His Holiness. I'm done for; my head would surely roll on the floor.' His thoughts rushing a million miles a second like train. He quivered in fear, but his thoughts were derailed when a chuckle came from Lucent. 


"It is fine Galilei," Lucent said in a soft voice. 


Keith could somewhat understand what Galilei is going through, He has been there before. In the past, He also made that same mistake of looking at the dean of the school far too long when presenting, he could still remember the pressure he was in at that time; how much more pressure he would be in if he was to make the same presentation in front of the school's president for example. He thanks his luck this time that he is the dean in this scenario. He looked at everyone realizing the he had gone quite and Galilei is even more nervous than before. He coughs before continuing. 


"You may continue." Lucent said.


"Thank you for your generosity your Holiness." Galilei said in a sigh of relief. "Among these planets we found that there is one in particular who holds life." With those words everyone including Lucent was intrigue. 


"A planet that holds life other than Fenrir?" Atlas said in awe.


"The possibilities of this new world!" Gabriel said in excitement. 


"Yes, indeed Gabriel," Lucent interjected in the murmurs of the guardians. "Romon, tell me more about this planet."


In the game, ROTHOF, there was only one planet called Fenrir where the entire game was set, there were talks about a DLC that adds a new planet to explore to but that was ultimately scraped. Keith had only been in two planets in his life time, Terra Ferma where he was born and raise, before he left the planet as a refugee as the Qi had attack them ruthlessly. His second home and where he found his second family was called Helios, located at the inner most part of the Norma Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. So, seeing and the possibility of going to a different planet was exciting for Keith. Thoughts of the memories of his life and families brought a pang of sadness to his heart, he shakes it off though as he thought that this was not the right time to wallow. 


'As expected of Hid Holiness, he doesn't seem to be shock by the news. He must have foreseen this; a mind of a Supreme Being is truly knowing no bounds.' Vlad thought, a similar sentiment was felt by all the beings in the throne room, except for Lucent himself. 


Little did they know that Lucent was far from being calm internally. 'Oh my god! A new planet? And with life as well? Although I have written it down as a possibility, I never truly expect this outcome. What does this mean for the future? Oh, I can't wait to go down there! No, what if it is filled with monsters? Do they have magic or systems? What if there stronger than us? What would I do? Can I even level up in this scenario?' Keith blabbered on internally. 


"Gladly your Holiness, I shall continue," Romon said, bringing everyone to the present. "The planet in question is the fourth planet of a binary star system, there are ten planets; four rocky planets, five gas giants, and one dwarf planet. There is only one planet amongst them that has life, we shall call it 'The New World' for simplicity. The new world has five continents." Romon reported.


"Does it have sentient life?" Om asked.


"Yes, we believe so, Galilei had spotted huge cities in the west and a few smaller ones on the east." Romon replied.


"What is the nature of these sentient creatures?" Adam asked.


"They appear to be human," With that Adam smirked. "But there are other creatures that can be considered at sentient as well, like a village of what it seemed to be lizardmen in the south of one of the human cities we observed." Galilei said in response to Adam.


"So, it is like Fenrir then, multiple sentient creatures that live on a single planet." Lilith said reaching a conclusion. 


"Yes. I believe so," Galilei responded.


"Hmnn… I want to see it for myself. Atlas, Bring me the 'Omniscient Eye'." Lucent commanded.


Lucent is getting pretty good at commanding others; well, it helps that he has experience being a leader both in-game and real life. He was usually tasked with being his student's thesis advisor as well as the leader of his own research team in the Imperial Academy. 


The 'Omniscient Eye' is a large sphere that allows the user to see multiple locations, a rare item drop that you get from killing the boss of the 'Rise of the Dammed Oracle' event on Halloween. Atlas smashed his hands together creating a sonic boom before placing his hands on the ground and a large summoning spell appeared, through the summoning cercle in the ground floats the 'Omniscient Eyes'. The 'Omniscient Eyes' was tasked to Atlas for guarding on the second ring. Romon stood next to the 'Omniscient eyes' and inputted the location of the new world. And there it was, the new world as seen through the sphere. It is easily the size of two earths, with massive expanse of oceans and continents and mountain ranges.


Lucent stood and walked closer to the sphere. He maneuvered his hands to zoom in in one of the continents on the west and the view of the sphere changes, from continent, to clouds, to mountain ranges, to a vast forest. He then navigated it some more, scrolling towards the see, and the they saw a sprawling city in the coast. He zoomed some more and the city turned into a street view with bustling humans going about their day. There were guards, ordinary citizens, stalls, market places, and what seemed to be a place of worship that looks a lot like a church. 


"Wow, magnificent." Adam said in wonder.


"Magnificent?" Lilith scoff. "Look at that place, it has slums." Lilith pointed and the sphere where Lucent coincidently stopped at the slums of this city. "There are homeless people everywhere, disgusting trash all over the streets, it is by far magnificent Adam, Heaven is magnificent, that is a dump." Receiving a similar sentiment from the other guardians making Adam redden in embarrassment.


"Although you are right, it is still a wonder to look at," Gabriel interjected. "We might be able to learn from them and how we got in this situation." 


With those words Lucent nodded in agreement to Gabriel. 


"We shall observe them for now, keep Heaven on high alert for possible attacks and reconnaissance from the new world." Lucent ordered. "We must gather as much as we can before making the next step."


"Yes, Your Holiness!" Everyone bowed and with that, the meting has ended. Galilei and Roman went back to the observatory while the rest guarded their respected rings.