
Chapter 1

The author of a chat announces that they will be taking a break for personal reasons. However, the people in the chat seem disappointed with this decision and start roasting the author for it.

In this world, a calamity hit humanity when the gates and dungeons opened up, releasing demonic beasts of all kinds. But the appearance of hunters, who had awakened abilities, turned this calamity into an opportunity. The hunters would hunt these demonic beasts, which contained divine energy, and harvest divine materials from them. These materials gave new hope to humanity.

The hunters were divided into classes ranging from Triple S to G, and a G-Class ability was no different from a regular human. Once a hunter's class was decided, there was no possibility of it ever changing.

A recruitment poster for hunters is seen by a lady passing by. She had applied for it and is now going through the evaluation documents to see how she did. However, she is not happy with the results.

The video starts with a young woman, Song Miri Nim, receiving the results of her 10th exam. She questions the usefulness of all the training she did for these exams. Just as someone addresses her from behind, she turns around thinking that some boy is asking for her number. However, the guy's phone rings, and he checks to see who it is. Surprisingly, he runs off saying that he has to take the call, leaving Song Miri Nim confused about who he was and what's wrong with him.

The lady on the counter keeps calling her Miri Nim, and we learn that the young woman's name is Song Miri Nim. She is still lost in her thoughts, thinking about what just happened.

Miriam, a young girl, was waiting anxiously to receive her exam results after working hard and undergoing extra training. When her number was called, she was informed that she had been placed in a B-plus class, leaving her disappointed. As she accepted the result, she received an emergency alert about a demonic beast that had appeared in Seoul, which was only inviting A-class or above hunters to deal with it. The beast, known as Thorned Bull, was reportedly destroying everything in its path and causing harm to civilians who could not escape in time.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Miriam was still reeling from her exam results and the belief that it was impossible to break the limits of classes. However, the severity of the situation became clear as she listened to a reporter describe the beast's rampage and the destruction it was causing to the city. The call for hunters to deal with the situation became even more urgent as the reporter revealed that the beast had the power to destroy an entire city.

In the middle of the bustling city, chaos erupts as a massive Thorn bull appears. People panic and run for their lives. Amid the commotion, a little girl falls to the ground. Her father rushes to help her, but before he can, the monstrous beast looms over them, ready to strike. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning hits the Thorn bull, electrocuting it. The source of the lighting is revealed to be a young woman wearing a helmet, who is being surged with electricity.

Despite the lightning strike, the Thorn bull remains undamaged. The woman decides to try again, this time with even more power. The blast of lightning causes a cloud of dust to engulf the area, making it difficult for the woman to see if she has hit the beast. However, as the dust clears, she sees that the Thorn bull is still alive and roaring even louder than before.

The beast swings its massive arm, striking the woman and sending her flying through the air. She lands hard but quickly gets back up

As Miriam Neiman gets up, weakened from the blow she received, she realizes that the A-Class Beast may be too much for her. She overestimated herself and is no match for it. However, rather than pity herself, she sees the family she saved the first time still in danger. The Beast is not too far from where she left it, and she shouts at the family to leave quickly while she can still hold off the Demonic Beast.

The Beast is rampaging and readying itself to attack Miriam, now looking fiercer than before. She hopes to give the family some more time by conjuring her power, but she realizes that it is much weaker than before. It is too late, and the Demonic Beast is already leaping at her with full speed. Miriam sees that death is inevitable.

However, a memory comes to her mind of her mother teaching her how to control her powers and telling her not to think about revenge. We are then taken back to the present, with the bull charging at Miriam. She gets her energy up as if the memory helped motivate her. There is an electricity ball slowly building in her hands, and just before the huge blast of an explosion, she hears a shout in her head.

Miriam screams, and lightning completely engulfs her. The ball that she made releases an uncontrollable look, and with screaming storm throws, she throws the electricity ball at the Beast, creating a huge blast.

In the area, there was talk of a B-Class hunter named Lighting Empress who managed to defeat an A-Class demonic beast. People were thanking her, while others were wondering how a B-Class hunter could defeat an A-Class beast. Even Miri was shocked by this news, unable to believe that Lighting Empress had managed to defeat the infamous horned bull. Miri didn't understand what power Lighting Empress used, but she knew that it surpassed her limit. The Demonic Beast had a huge hole in its body, and the father and daughter that Miri saved earlier approached her to thank her. However, the father strangely called her by her real name, which Miri realized as they were leaving. She thought that the voice she heard in her head saying "Heavenly forefinger" was actually him. Miri wondered who this man was as he was leaving. Later on, we see the guy that Miri saved on a phone call.

the man was casually thinking about how he and his nephew almost died when a Beast almost crushed them. He attributed this near-death experience to his phone and impulsively tossed it off a bridge.

Several days earlier, we see him behind his computer struggling to finish a project that was due the next day. He lacked inspiration and found himself distracted by his phone, which prompted him to organize his unused apps. During this process, he stumbled upon an app called Heavenly Maker, which he didn't remember installing. He initially thought the game was trash but still found it intriguing.

As he played the game, he hit an achievement, and a coin popped out of the screen and hit him on the forehead. Confused, he tried to figure out what happened, and the app informed him that he had crushed the end of Death.

The protagonist of the story receives a Divine Dark Coin as a reward while using a mobile app. The app congratulates him and tells him that he has taken a step towards becoming a great evil Lord seeking tyrannical power. He is surprised by this and thinks that he may have obtained the ability of a hunter. He reflects on how he would have reacted differently if this had happened to him 20 years ago. However, he realizes that the world has changed significantly now and he has a different explanation.

The next day, the protagonist takes an examination to determine his aptitude for an ability. He imagines himself as a superhuman, saving people and being surrounded by women. He is excited to drop his writing job and become a hunter. However, when the lady at the counter tells him that he is a class G, he is disappointed.

The class G hero informs Shin our protagonist that his ability is a material creation one, but she also tells him that he is no different from a regular person. She offers to help him register a license, but after hearing the price, he refuses. He thinks that there are no dungeons available for his class to explore, so it would be a waste of money.

Shin decides to make peace with this situation and goes back to writing. He needs to finish a chapter, and he might get fired if he doesn't do it on time. Meanwhile, at home, he struggles with his work. He has spent the last five hours writing and deleting, without making any progress.

Feeling frustrated, he takes a break and turns on the TV.

There is news that some S-Class Hunter has challenged a special dungeon and emerged victorious, which is a great victory for mankind. Watching this news makes Shin, You Ill-Shin, envious of that kind of life while he is stuck in bed being tortured by uninspiring writing. He decides to give up writing for the night and go to sleep, hoping to continue his novel the next day with a clear mind. However, his alarm starts going off persistently, annoying him to the point where he jumps out of bed to check it. To his surprise, it's a game with a bunch of texts that he doesn't understand. Nonetheless, he starts playing the game with a personal vendetta, pouring out all of his frustration at the game and crushing all the ants in it. The next morning, he wakes up to find coins scattered around him, and upon picking one up, he sees that it now says 100, whereas before it would say one, and these ones are bigger. At that moment, his phone gets a notification from the game.

The protagonist of the story is playing a mobile game called "Hunter's World" and he has just unlocked the Lord's shop. As he unlocks it, the game shows him a treasure troll with the options "yes" or "no". Initially hesitant, the protagonist ultimately clicks "yes" out of curiosity. As he does so, his phone emits a magical light and the scene changes to a gathering of political figures from around the world, as well as the leader of the Hunters Association.

At the meeting, the attendees are excited to hear that someone has unlocked the Hunter shop in Korea. They explain that this is a rare ability that only a small percentage of creation-type Hunters can obtain. The attendees are excited to finally be able to purchase items and skills that are in another league. Two important figures, an S-Class creation-type Hunter named Mr. Kang Wu and an S-Class psychic named Song Min, enter the room and are welcome to take a seat.

At the head of the table sits the president of South Korea, silently waiting for the meeting to begin. As the story ends, one of the attendees is just arriving at the entrance.

During the meeting, Mr. Wu was asked if he could activate the Hunter Shop, which caused excitement among the attendees. He started summoning something from his hand, and with a flashy blast, he opened the shop. The blast was so strong that it pushed people back, and the president stated that it had blinded him, making it impossible for him to see the shop. Others confirmed that they were experiencing the same issue.