
The Kings of Winter

At S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Nick Fury waited anxiously for news about Thor.

On the table in front of him there was a variety of books on Norse mythology - Fury knew well the importance of gathering information about a possible enemy, especially if that enemy calls himself God.

Soon, the communicator rang.

After connecting, Coulson's face also appeared on the screen.

"Coulson, how are things on your end?"

Nick Fury asked bluntly.

"The situation has basically been cleared up, boss - according to Asher, Thor, the Thunder God of Asgard, and Loki, the God of Mischief are indeed on Earth at this time."

Coulson's words still contain disbelief about their identities.

"Loki? Thor's uncle?"

Nick Fury, who was somewhat familiar with Norse mythology due to recent events, questioned.

"No, according to Asher, Loki appears to be Thor's younger brother."


Nick Fury understood immediately - Is this the second prince of Asgard?

"I will bring reinforcements for you tomorrow, you and Barton must take good care of them and not let anything happen while they are on Earth."

Nick Fury quickly instructed Coulson

These are princes of a powerful alien civilization, if something happens to him on Earth, Nick can already imagine the headache that such an incident could cause.

And he has already reported this matter to the Security Council, and the Council also attaches great importance to Thor - this is probably humanity's first contemporary contact with an alien civilization, and nothing less than one present in Earth's myths and legends, the which proves, that we have received visitors from space before.

"Uh... Don't worry, sir."

Coulson's expression was obviously a little strange, and Nick Fury instinctively felt that something was wrong: "Coulson, don't hide anything from me, what's the situation now?" "


After sighing, Coulson walked away a little.

Then Nick Fury saw that behind Coulson, a man whose appearance could not be identified, was lying motionless on the bed, covered in bandages, and above his head was a small figure floating - Nick Fury recognized at a glance that it was Celebi.

On the other side, a group of scientists are constantly chiseling around a large block of ice.

"This... What's the situation?"

Nick Fury asked in a shaky voice.

"Simple Director - When Loki launched an attack to destroy this experimental field, he was stopped by Asher, and then beaten into unconsciousness and given to Celebi for safekeeping."

Your brother Thor was hit, now he's trapped in a big chunk of ice... But he seems to be alive, we're currently trying to figure out a way to thaw him out. "

Coulson briefly reported the situation, and for a moment he saw the director disappear from the screen, and then there was a crashing sound in the background.

A few seconds later Nick Fury reappeared on the screen.

"So... And Asher? Where is he now?"

"Ashr – he appears to be sleeping at the moment."


Then Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., known for never losing control, exploded into swear words for the first time in many years.

At the same time, Asher, who didn't know how he had angered Nick Fury, was struggling with much more important issues.

At this time, he was holding the Box of Ancient Winters, which he had taken from Loki, and that was precisely what he was struggling with.

He knew the origin of this treasure.

The Box of Ancient Winters - It was the most precious treasure of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, one of the Nine Realms.

In the distant past, the Frost Giants tried to use this powerful artifact to turn the Earth into an icy desert, but before they were successful, they were stopped by the Asgard army, led by Odin.

Asgard won the war, and then took the source of the Frost Giant's power, and also took Loki, son of Laufey - King of Jotunheim.

As a result, the box was placed in Odin's treasury, until recently Loki discovered his Jotun origin, leading him to fight with Odin, who ended up falling into the Odin Sleep, making Loki temporary King of Asgard.

So, theoretically, the aterfact should be taken back by Asgard, after Odin wakes up.


Asher couldn't take it!

[Box of Ancient Winters – Special Treasure].

[The host can exchange it for 3000 system points].

There are 3,000 system points, which is a lot.

Which can potentially greatly increase your strength....If a new legendary is drawn.

But the point is....

[It has been detected that this item contains a special energy ''Power of Winter''].

The host can choose to absorb it and store it in system space

[After storage, the host only needs to spend 500 system points to draw an ice attribute Legendary Pokémon with 100% success.]

After the system gave such an alert, Asher was finally convinced.

A guaranteed chance to summon a powerful Legendary, regardless of attribute. It's not something Asher can refuse.

Luckily for him, this way of summoning was much more convenient!

"This thing is just a trophy, after all, and doesn't have the same importance as Mjolnir, which symbolizes Thor's power."

"Considering I saved Thor, and stopped two brothers from killing each other, Odin shouldn't care too much if he gets a small reward, right?"

After thinking about it, Asher gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter - a powerful Legendary is worth the risk!"

"System, absorb the power of winter and store it!"

[Order confirmed, the power of winter is being absorbed...].

With the system's sound, Asher also saw that the blue light in the Box began to rapidly dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye...

And soon....there was another notification...

[Absorption completed].

Asher clearly saw that the blue light in the ancient Box disappeared, along with the cold emanating from the object.

At the same time Asher absorbed the Box's power...

Nine Realms, Jotunheim.


Inside the enormous Ice Castle, Laufey, King of the Frost Giants, let out a roar of pain.

" Curse you! "

Feeling the power of the Ancient Winters Box dissipate, Laufei's enormous roar caused the entire castle to shake.

"Must be Odin – Damn him."

The Giants in the castle felt afraid, they had never seen their King so angry before.


Laufey widened his red eyes, "It's not Odin, that arrogant bastard wouldn't break his word." "

"The breath of power... Disappeared in ''Midgard''."

Saying this, he also directly stood up from his throne.

"Men, let us go to Midgard... Recover what was taken from us."

After hearing Laufei's words, another ice giant below stepped forward: "My King, Midgard is defended by the Sorcerer Supreme, and Asgard's side is also..."

Without letting the poor giant finish speaking, Laufey roared.

In the wars between Jotunheim and Asgard, they were the losing side.

And this defeat was unprecedented.

The Frost Giant race lost more than seventy percent of its population, even after thousands of years it has still not fully recovered.

The Box of Ancient Winters, which was the source of power for the entire race, was taken away, which directly led to a significant reduction in the individual combat effectiveness of the Frost Giants - especially Laufey, who was the King of the Giants, his strength fell by more than ninety percent.

Then Odin offered a deal to exterminate the entire race, Asgard would retreat, but the Frost Giants could never leave Jotunheim.

But Laufey thought about it for a while, his face turned fierce: "Then what?"

"The old bastard is now trapped in Odin's sleep, if we can recover the box, and replenish our power, then he would naturally have the capital to trade for the throne of Asgard."

"As for the Sorcerer Supreme, his protections don't stop the Rainbow Bridge, so we can use the 'passages between realms' to get to Midgard."

Saying this, Laufey was clearly determined.

The Rainbow Bridge is the passage that connects the Nine Realms and has always been controlled by Asgard.

However, as a race native to the Nine Realms, the Frost Giants know that there are some ''secret passages'' that can be used to travel secretly.

But whenever these secret passages are used, there is a chance that they will be discovered by someone as powerful as Odin - But with Odin incapacitated, Laufey allowed himself to take that risk.

Laufey swore to himself, after recovering the Box and reestablishing my power... I will bring back the glory of my people! "

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