
Invited to Asgard

"Son of Oak - I heard about your battle, glorious indeed!"

Seeing Thor's happy face, and hearing the praise, Asher calmed down a little, making sure that these two shouldn't have come to bother him.

However, Asher was also a little surprised, because according to Thor's statement, the battle of Sokovia had spread to more places than just Earth.

"His reputation as a powerful warrior spread throughout the Nine Realms."

Loki, who had been silent the entire time, also chimed in at this time: "You killed Laufey before, and now you've repelled a large-scale invasion - in Vanaheim, there are many witches who want to meet you, whether to ask where you came from. your creatures or to get into your pants."

Thor aside added: "All the warriors of Asgardians, want to fight and feast with you!"


Hearing all this, Asher didn't know what to say for a moment - Could it be that the inhabitants of the Nine Realms were such gossips?

"Are these witches beautiful???... Ahem I mean...Loki, why are you here?"

Asher, realizing his slip-up, quickly changed the subject back to a more important question, namely why Loki is here.

Are Asgard's laws so lenient? Loki usurped the throne, conspired against his own brother with a sworn enemy of Asgard and is still free here, besides we are talking about the God of Mischief, is Odin not afraid of him escaping?

"Don't worry, Loki had his powers sealed by the Allfather, and he was even in Asgard's prison for a while, but was temporarily released, to accompany me to Midgard."

Thor pointed to Loki's arm, where Asher found a strange rune engraved on it, apparently the seal placed by Odin.

"The Allfather was concerned that Thor in all his wisdom would not be able to convey his words without trouble, so he ordered me to accompany him."

Loki, on the other hand, shrugged his shoulders and blatantly disowned his brother, while Asher noticed something important in Loki's words - "King Odin wants something from Earth?"

Asher stopped for a second thinking about the meaning of such words...

For sure...

"That's right, Asher - after the Allfather and the Queen Mother learned of your glorious battle, we came to specially invite you to Asgard for a few days."

As soon as Thor said this, Asher entered a pensive state for a few seconds.

Invited to Asgard for a few days? This isn't a banquet, right? Will it be a Trap?

However, after seeing Thor's sincere expression, Asher was a little relieved - after all, with Thor's emotional intelligence, unless he doesn't know anything, it is almost impossible for him to be able to hide his true purpose, so even With some caution, Asher didn't doubt the invitation too much.

"King Odin wants to meet me?"

"How am I supposed to know what my father thinks?"

Thor shook his head to show that he didn't care about that, but instead looked at Asher with an excited expression: "Asher, it is said that you single-handedly defeated tens of thousands of Chitauri soldiers?" It's amazing, I mean, maybe you can..."

Thor, who had a strong desire to fight, was obviously very interested in Asher's battle exploits, and Loki on the side directly said something more critical: "No, pay attention to Thor's idiocies - but he is right about something, The Allfather Everyone actually asked us to invite him to visit Asgard."

In his words, the "being invited" part seemed particularly obligatory.

Asher can see this instantly.

As the God-King of Asgard, Odin is not used to being refused, another thing to note is that given the Allfather's position, he would have no need to use trickery to achieve any goal.

Since he was named ''guest'', it meant that Odin shouldn't have any malice towards Asher.

"In that case, let's go."

After understanding that there was very little chance of it being a trap, Asher naturally wouldn't refuse Odin's invitation - What kind of place was Asgard? He was actually very curious to find out.

"Asher, are you really going to Asgard?"

At this time, Peggy, who was listening to the side, couldn't help but frown.

Asher is now recognized as one of Earth's strongest superheroes, his departure from Earth is not good news for Peggy.

Especially when she met Mephisto not long ago, Peggy became more sensitive towards the supernatural.

"The Father of Gods invited me to his home, it would be very rude not to go."

"But if something happens to the land while I'm gone, you can come to my store, and then I'll be back as soon as possible."


Asgard, Rainbow Bridge.

Right after being hit by the beam of multicolored energy, Asher felt his vision blur for a moment, and when he recovered he saw a tall, black man wearing golden armor and holding a sword, watching them with shining eyes.

A pair of golden pupils shining with a mysterious light.

"Welcome, Asher Oaks, Guardian of Midgard - oh, and you... Powerful and mysterious creatures."

He smiled and told Asher, and also to Celebi and Victini that they had been brought to Asgard, and were in their favorite places on Asher's shoulders.

"Hello, Heimdall."

Asher returned the greeting, as he naturally knew that this was Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge.

"His Majesty Odin is waiting for you at the Palace, please don't keep him waiting."

As soon as Heimdall finished his words, Thor and Loki led Asher across the bridge directly to the Asgardian Palace.

At the end of the huge bridge, the magnificent city stretched as far as the eye could see.

Although Asher had seen Asgard in the movies, after he actually witnessed this sight, he couldn't help but sigh at the magnificent architecture and beauty of the abode of the gods.

Thor seemed quite qualified as a tour guide, and he pointed out several interesting points as they made their way to the palace entrance.

One of the most interesting points that Asher saw were several winged horses, which ran and flew free on the outskirts of Asgard.

"These are the Pegasus of Asgard, all descendants of my father's war horse ''Sleipnir'', many tried to cross this bridge riding them... But almost no one succeeded, they are proud creatures and difficult to tame... "



The moment Thor proudly presented the Pegasus, Victini and Celebi who were sitting on Asher's shoulder flew towards the Pegasus curiously.

Then, in the next moment, the Pegasus, deeply felt the difference between the classes of life between them and the two small creatures, bowing down in reverence, Celebi and Victini chose the tallest horse and happily rode on its back, and invited Asher to assemble together.

"Uh... Maybe these ones have a better temper."

Thor was stunned for a while, before reluctantly saying this, while Loki at the side displayed a bewildered look.

Moving forward, after a few more minutes of walking, they arrived at the destination of their visit - The Golden Palace of Asgard!

When he entered the gates with Thor and Loki, he found himself in a long corridor which they crossed until they reached what must have been the Great Hall, as in the middle of the room there was a golden throne.

And sitting on that throne, there was an old man with long white hair, an eye patch and holding a spear, he exuded an aura of wisdom and power.

His identity goes without saying-This was the Lord of Asgard, The King of Gods ''Odin''!

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